As I prepare to start a new job and become financially stable for once, I find myself looking into new toys to upgrade my computer stuffs. it's a quickly growing list, mostly mac related at the moment, though I will most likely add some stuff for my dell as time gets on.
There are two things I'm thinking of in particular:
1. an external hard drive. The 60 gig drives in my iBook and dell inspiron have done well, but I have a desire to have a drive that is somewhat portable to store my growing music collection and to house files for DVD and photo projects. I liked the smart disk firelite firewire hard drives, but was wondering if anyone had other suggestions.
2. An Uninterupted power supply. I have no idea what to get, brand or feature-wise. I was looking on and saw quite a few options, butI'm not even sure what I'm looking for. Any advice?