Thank you one and all.
My birthaday was particularly special this year, as I had house guests from England to help celebrate with me.
Mog and his best friend Karl were visiting from England and we hooked up with Agave and Doc Psycho and Docs lovely wife Tammy.
After mog Karl and I arrived we sucked down a few beers, then Agave arrived and he and doc presented me with a bottle of Cao Ila Islay singlemalt for the second straight year

Agave also brought a bottle of Absinthe which Doc had presented him after Doc's european raod trip. Doc had given me one of the same previously and we had gotten so trashed on New Year's Eve that Doc's wife wouldn't talk to him for 2 weeks after that occasion.
Anyhow, we had arrived a Doc's newly expanded house/mansion at 4 pm and by 7 pm I had imbided several beers, a few single malts, some absinthe, some 'nip moggy had brought from his stay with Capt. Jeff and C-los, and were well on our way. We hung out and had a most excellect dinner that Doc grilled the featur lamb of which was superb. After more beverages we made our way out to the flying saucer for some choice beer, a really really bad strip joint Doc was curios about, then a better stip joint we all insisted on to erase the bad taste left on our eyes from the previous place. Then back to Doc's back porch for more beer, absinthe, cigars, party favors ala Moggy, and conversation which didn't end till sunrise.
A very nice birthday indeed. But Chuut has come to expect exceptional birthdays as his is on the best possible day of the year. When you have July 3rd as your birthday you frinds have no excuses about having to work the next morning and can add to the debauchery. With friends as good as mine, however, I doubt they would ever need any excuse. I've always known I'm an extremely lucky man becasue I count my wealth in friendships rather than in currency and my friends are as good as gold, nay better than gold. And that includes all of you here. Thank you for your most kind comments.