Topic: Help with server  (Read 9337 times)

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Offline S31Kronos

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Help with server
« on: June 30, 2006, 07:30:34 am »
Hi folks.  I've been hosting Sfc3 campaigns now for almost 2 years.  Our fleet has decided to give OP a try and I'm having some issues with getting the server kit to fire up.  I've gotten the newest version from this website, fired it up, and it's giving me the firewall message.  I run my server behind a D-link DGL-4300 router, and the server is in the DMZ.  It has worked with sfc3, battlefield 2, freelancer, pretty much every game out there.  For some reason, it's not liking Dynaverse 2.  I've taken the server out of the DMZ, and tried to open the required ports manually, but no luck.

Anyone out there have some input for me?

Thanx in advance,

« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 07:44:10 am by S31Kronos »

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2006, 07:46:22 am »
I just found one topic that said something about upnp being disabled.  It's enabled in my router, but I've been able to connect client-side with no issues...

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2006, 09:05:47 am »
You need to update the \Assets\ServerProfiles\_CentralSwitchPlusAllServers\

[WONDirectoryServer/Addresses] section to read:


As we are running the directory servers since Taldren shut down.

Also, if running behind a router you'll need to add a CentralSwitchAddress line to the gf. And forward these ports to the box running the server: 15101-15300, 27100 and 6999 (but if your server is in the DMZ you will not need to - do not use port forwarding and the DMZ simultaneously)

Once you have the serverkit setup in a particular folder you'll need to run a "Serverplatform.exe -install" from the command line. To register the performance monitor. (will also tell you to add a CentralSwitchAddress if it detects a LAN IP address) Then run the kit from that location.

In you'll want to edit it to point to our chat server as does not work properly with the kit (as gamespy does not allow enough channels per client and will periodically kick it for "botting").

For example here is the from The Forge:
Code: [Select]

SingleThreaded = 0
CreateCentralSwitch = 1
CampaignFile = "Campaign 1.mct"
SinglePlayer = 0

Listen = 1
CentralSwitchPort = 27100

ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Release"
//ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Beta"
//ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Dev"


Database = 1
ClockServer = 1
DataServer = 1
EconomyServer = 1
ShipServer = 1
MapServer = 1
MissionMatcherServer = 1
NewsServer = 1
ChatServer = 1
CharacterServer = 1
NotifyServer = 1
MessengerServer = 1
SecurityServer = 1
InfoServer = 1

Just edit the CentralSwitchAddress line to reflect your public domain or WAN IP address.

and the from The Forge:
Code: [Select]
Name = "Chat"



VerboseName="SFC Primary Chat Server"
NumChannelsPerNick = 10

You can also run the server on port 28100 if desired (two servers on one box), just edit the and adjust the port forwarding to match, but port 27100 seems to work best.

To run two servers on one box you'll want to change the name of the _CentralSwitchPlusAllServers for each to something unique to match the settings used in the processsentinel so that the windows have different names.

You cannot launch the serverkit from the command line (the security routines will fail) you must either lauch it by double clicking the exe or using the processsentinel. Search for instructions to use the process sentintel... or I can explain it if you cannot find the info, but it is usually best not to use it until you have things finalised.

You'll probably want to request access to our D2 server admins forum here:,163342509.0.html
where you'll find more details and can ask any further questions you might have.

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 09:15:12 am »
My goodness, ask and you shall receive lol.  Riptide said you were helpful, and he's almost never wrong.  Thank you so much sir!!!!! ;)

Offline Bonk

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 09:19:08 am »
You're most welcome. Its always nice to see someone interested in running another server.  :)  Just ask if you have any more questions or get stuck again... there's no way you'd know lots of this stuff without asking. There are no dumb questions. I'm still full of them! ;)

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2006, 11:00:09 am »
I should be gtg.  It's amazing how closely OP and SFC3's server kits work.  Our little test server is up and running.  Now, I just have to tweak the walkrates, gamespeed (7 sucks  8)) and get the boys on.  Thanx again, Bonk!!!! ;D

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2006, 11:01:07 am »
Oh, and play around with mysql, cause it never did work right with SFC3

Offline Bonk

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2006, 11:18:21 am »
Glad to hear you got it going!  ;D

I'll add you to the Dyna admins membergroup so you can see those forums (done!) - I have a MySQL server setup walktorugh there, though its a bit dated and needs some work.

The MySQL serverkit bascially works on OP, but still shows some issues under heavy load. (THe Forge is running on MySQL) We have been running tests to pin the issue down and try and fix it in the code. I gotta get back on that soon....

Offline S31Kronos

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Re: Help with server
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2006, 11:44:42 am »
So it has the same problem as it did with sfc3 only on a lesser scale then.  Well, my server is currently running on a 3.0 ghz p4 prescott, so if you folks need a machine to test, just let me know.... And, thanx for the admin forum, now I can pester Riptide there too hehe!!!!