Topic: small comeback  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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small comeback
« on: June 28, 2006, 03:11:15 pm »
first when you see "me/him" at message i put is because Don Karnage is not allow yet to use a computer, well some of you might remember his "justice problem" well its not finish yet, so he got someone to put message for him so i (the one who use the com for him) i might say him/me, he's beside me so he can read the post and i reply or put a message for him, he don't know when its problem will be finish  because everyone seem to have a reason to delay it, each time one side or the other have a reason to put it back, like vacation, no available, new to the file so need time to study it, he find it kinda annoying and good, annoying because its a wast of time for him, good because the more time it take the bether it is cause the judge will look at it and ask how many time did he come to the court and there seem to be a reason to report it to a new date, he/me don't know if the can add new accusation to the cause or not, layer are not very good and can't afford a good lawyer.
