Topic: STG & TrekOnline: Exclusive interview on StarTrek Legacy  (Read 1140 times)

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STG & TrekOnline: Exclusive interview on StarTrek Legacy
« on: June 27, 2006, 02:15:31 am »
Greetings everyone,

I Acidrain of Moderator and Reporter for both and caught up with the Bethesda & Maddoc Team and asked a bunch of real good questions that we have not seen asked in any interview yet.

Acidrain Q. Game Engine, what can you tell us about what type of Engine this will be. Currently there isn’t much info as it relates to that very question. We know that it is a real-time tactical game, which will focus on a strategy element based around the ability to defend and attack multiple targets in a system but what does all that mean?

Bethesda/Maddoc A. The game engine being used is Mad Doc’s very own, built from the ground up to support full 3D, drool-inducing environments. In an effort to better explain the gameplay that our engine can afford, here is a brief visual:

There is a battle raging around you. You pan the camera around to look above you and see your Galaxy class engaged with 3 huge Klingon battleships -- shields on the brink of collapse, in a desperate fight to keep the aggressors at bay. Thinking fast, you switch to direct control of your Defiant class, de-cloak, and move in to engage an outlying battleship to attempt to draw fire. Switching to a high level strategic view, you then issue a command to your 2 Sovereign class battleships, telling them to warp in directly on top of the Klingon force. While you are deftly piloting the defiant (using it’s natural maneuverability to survive) the Sovereigns have arrived and are relentlessly pummeling the Klingon force. You see that the closest Neg’Var’s shields have collapsed, so you rake the stern with pulse phaser fire. While pulling up and out of the fray, you let loose 2 upgraded photon torpedoes, knocking a hole in the side of the ship. The hull vents plasma and fire where your well-aimed shots land. Chunks and debris from the ship fill the space around you as the other ships in your task force mop up the remaining Klingons unlucky enough to have been trapped in your grip.

Acidrain Q. The in game environment as it relates to the Universe as a whole, is it endless in way of being open in the view of being able to warp to another system to get to that enemies territory and capturing there bases? Example of Open Universe, Freelancer and Eve-Online?

Bethesda/Maddoc A. A large focus in the development of Legacy has been creating a strong storyline. The player will be taking part in an epic, sweeping story that will span all the eras of Trek canon. To this end, we have built the game environment and mission structure to progress linearly.

Read the Entire Interview...................


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