Topic: Anybody seen FATWA?  (Read 1020 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Anybody seen FATWA?
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:30:31 am »
It's pretty interesting, on one side you have poor people who have nothing, and on the other you have people who are monied, irresponsible, and decadent.

It shows just how much hurt and anger can come out when you kill some poor person's son or daughter, and what lengths they will go to to avenge their deaths.

The highlight of the movie, IMHO?

One of the characters is talking to his buddy "See that man over there, he does not live like us. We in America are taught to live for ourselves. Those people on the other hand, live and die for God."

The ending is killer, it rings of truths spoken before that in today's times I'm afraid we have forgotten as a people, and as nations sharing planet Earth.