I know that there has been an absence of WIP stuff the last few weeks. We helped AV with 2 major texture projects and as of right now we are waiting to begin 3 more.
As of right now AV has the completed mesh for :
The Klingon BB
3 Fed Fighters
As soon as he gets the Maps done for these we will get them textured and ready for MP to hard point .. then of course he can release them as he see fits.
Meshes that are nearly completed (frankly I put them on the back burner while we finished some other stuff) :
1. USS Alabama (almost done .. S/B finished this Weds)
2. USS Iowa ... (S/B done by Friday )
3. USS Mako ... ( had a few more tweaks to the mesh. The mesh has been a joint effort between AV and me). This model I'm especially interested in. The Bass Master ( refit is now WIP) and Mako are obviously based on a Miranda refit of sorts . The Mako is especially important as an "advanced" version of the Miranda. This has always been my "late TNG version" or interpretation of the Miranda. We made a hand carved version (except for the nacelles) ... and that is nearing the final stages of completeion as well.
My intent was for the Bass Master (and refit) the USS Mako and Titan all be a part of the same family ...
Hmmm that reminds me .. I may have to rename my ship now with the release of the "Titan" from Pocket Book. That's something to seriously consider.
Release order:
1. Klingon BB
2. Fed fighters
3. USS Alabama (BB)
4. USS Iowa (BB)
5. Bass Master refit (Advanced Light Cruiser)
6. USS Mako ** (Advanced Cruiser )
7. USS Titan ** ( Probable name change )
** Held for last . New Aztecs will need to be created in order to make these look right.
There are several other items in the works .. but frankly until we get these done ... probably best not to even list them in the WIP.
If any of these strike your fancy above another one .. let me know. I can't guarentee anything (a lot depends upon AV getting the Maps to me as well).
A special note: my thanks to AV for working with me to get the maps done .. and the occasional tech advice on understanding the Wings program. His help has been priceless.