Topic: Another old player returns  (Read 1635 times)

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Offline SpookyRuben

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Another old player returns
« on: June 25, 2006, 12:44:08 pm »
Hi all,

Been a long time since I played either EAW or OP. A couple of weeks ago I brushed the dust off my old games and got them fired up on my machine. Some good memories revisited. I recognise a few names here on the boards, as for my self I flew Klink and Rom back on the D2. My first server I played as Rom with Cleaven and the SPQR guys as Sir Badness. Then it was off to RT3 as klink under the handle LEXX, where I flew wing for Direwolf in order to keep our DN safe from the never ending attacks of the venerable KOTH Fluf. After that SFC3 came along and I poked around for a fair bit on the Assim/Lite as SpookyRuben fighting a never ending battle to keep a handful of planets out of the hands of other empires. EE you still around?

Anyway, I finally got my ass in gear and got set up for some D2 action last night on the Forge with a friend of mine, flying Rom (I prefer Klink btw, but it looked like the roms could do with a boost to the headcount). I think I got all the pieces working, and out of 20 or so missions only had one drop in a mission. Seems that the server kit is a lot more stable than I remember.

Just a couple things I wanted to check up on before to much time goes by. Are there any special rules I need to know for flying on the forge, such as certain ranks needed for having a personal fleet, do fighters and PF's still turn away from the map edge, etc...

If I'm not mistaken the Coalition on the Forge is Klink, Rom, ISC, and Lyran (I think I read that somewhere recently).

Well that's enough typing for me, just thought I'd say "Hi again".



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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 12:49:08 pm »
Other than rules of decorum...the forge is pretty much fly what you brung...fleets, heavy iron....etc...

Oh and welcome back.. ;D

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 01:36:36 pm »
Good to see you back, sir! Basicly, the rule is "Be Nice"  ;D
There are some "regular" D2 rules that should be observered, like not logging off and on to avoid missions, not alting out just because you got killed vs a live player, etc.

It requires Firesoul's OP+4 and The Forge scripts pack.
The webmap is here.
(Firefox extension to aid in viewing map info here.)
Dave's test missions are still in and we'll update/add/remove them as necessary.

The premise of the server is still the same, a simple persistent server on OP+4 for new players to train on and for old players to get their daily fix. The map for this run is a bit smaller, but still is supposed to be a new resource rich sector of space to be exploited by the empires and cartels who have found themselves transported there. Again, victory will be assigned to the side with the most economic points at the end of this four month run. (2273-2303, 4 days per game year, 5 minute turns)

The webmap and associated pages still work the same and assume that your Dynaverse gamespy login e-mail address is identical to your forums account e-mail address. The transfers page is still up to faciliate playing multiple races on one account.

The webmap will continue to evolve and additional features will be added. The Forge is also intended as a testbed for new Dynaverse technolgies. I have another project on the go at the moment, to be announced soon, at which point I will resume work on improvements and additions to the webmap.

Crim said it...if you can afford it, you can fly it.  ;)

Also, let's get you 2 into the Coalition forums.  ;)
If you don't yet have access to the Forge Coalition forums here:
and you'd like to be added,
 (make sure you're registered here:
then use the "Usergroups" option to request access to the "forgec" group.
It'll be quickly granted. 
Lot's of good info about missions and tips, voice comms info, etc.  ;D
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 03:38:44 pm »
Look how kreug takes a seed and waters and gives it sunlight... I bet you'd do good owning a flowershop, krueg, not that many of your KBF boys would buy any, or maybe they would... haha. But you keep getting waxed by my hand in battle, you might want to rethink your day job as a klink and give the flower business a go round. hahahahaha

On a serious note, where/who is the alliance recruiter(s)? We have a server or two coming...

Edit: Oh and wb SpookyRuben. Glad to see us alliance folk have another target. ;)

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 05:04:46 pm »
Look how kreug takes a seed and waters and gives it sunlight... I bet you'd do good owning a flowershop, krueg, not that many of your KBF boys would buy any, or maybe they would... haha. But you keep getting waxed by my hand in battle, you might want to rethink your day job as a klink and give the flower business a go round. hahahahaha

On a serious note, where/who is the alliance recruiter(s)? We have a server or two coming...

Edit: Oh and wb SpookyRuben. Glad to see us alliance folk have another target. ;)

It comes from raising 4 kids, Dizzy...
Teach them, show them and unleash them on the world... ;D
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 05:33:58 pm »
lol, I got negative karma from that?! Bring it whores!

Ya, I know... I have 3.  ;D

But seriously, the alliance needs to get it together. Hey Krueg... U run the alliance this time. Have someone else in the KBF fill your shoes?

Offline Dfly

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2006, 06:22:06 pm »
lol, I got negative karma from that?! Bring it whores!

Ya, I know... I have 3.  ;D

But seriously, the alliance needs to get it together. Hey Krueg... U run the alliance this time. Have someone else in the KBF fill your shoes?

I am really surprised you got a neg for that.  I actually liked it.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2006, 08:30:09 pm »
I've decided it's high time I get a Fed CVA on a SG server, so whoever runs the alliance has to be someone who'll give me one.
Kruegy's out.
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Another old player returns
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2006, 06:05:26 am »
Ack! Next thing Hexx will ask for is a fighter exchange program!