Weather: Partly Cloudy
GOOD NEWS! Today, AcePylut-San is proud to announce to the Emperor that Operation Frower Brossom was a complete success. Troops of the 84th Naval Garrison, transported in 4 high speed destroyers, were able to sneak into Gili-Gili bay and capture this highry desirable port for the Son of Heaven. Randing unopposed in the earry morning, the invasion commander quickry subdued the resident natives. They quickry proved their royarty to the Imperiar Japanese, by fingering a rocal coastwatcher.
In other news, the first aircraft set down upon the newly constructed airfield at Lunga Point, Guadacanar.
Surprisingry, the Arries have decided to send dayright raids against Lae, and over the rast few days, many weak Arried aircraft have been sent crashing down to the firery pits of doom.
Our proud aircraft carriers have refueled and re-armed after the Battle for Espiritu Santo. Morale runs high among the Imperial Japanese Navy aviators, as they imbibe massive quantities of rice wine, celebrating their victory over the weak and cowardly american carriers.
Operation Wither Vine continues as pranned.
Ground combat at Gili Gili
Japanese Shock attack
Attacking force 790 troops, 6 guns, 0 vehicles
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles
Japanese assault odds: 36 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Gili Gili base !!!
One can now see bases that are under Japanese control. The allies on New Guinea are being surrounded, and soon are in danger of being cut off. Recon aircraft flying out of Shortland Island drop flyers to the allied forces at Port Moresby. Flyers say "Surrender and save yourself. You will be fed and watered. Do not continue to fight for a dead country. the USA will be destroyed shortly."

Here is a pic of the detail screen all bases have. As I've just captured Gili Gili, and haven't done anything with it yet, I can post it here.

Counterclockwise, from top left, one can see the name of the base, and command structure the units belong to. In this instance, it's the 8th Army HQ.
Travelling counterclockwise, we can see all damage at the base. There is port (no damage) airfield, and airfield service. If airfield gets above 50, you can't run offensive missions, but you can still do CAP (getting damage above 50 is known as "shutting down the base"). Below that is the current amount of supplies at the base ( a typical transport can carry 2000-3000 supplies, depending on the ship), and the amount required. I also have '1' fuel at the base, no idea where that came from.
Continuing, there are a couple things I want to points out: Avaition support and avaition support required. Av support req'd is always the "number of aircraft" at that base, in flyable condition. Av support is the combined amount of Aviation Support (via ground "aviation" base-support units). As you can see, I have no av support at the base, as I didn't include an aviation support in my invasion force. However, that doesn't matter for the moment, as if you look clockwise from the top left, you'll see three items: Port Capacity, Airfield Capacity, and Fortifications. GG starts with a level 3 port. The number in paranthesis is how much you can increase theport, before it starts taking twice as long to increase it another level. Regardless, you can never raise a port or airfield level more than 3 levels above the number in paranthesis. Fortifications can be raised to level 9 at all bases. Level 9 fortifications is like Omaha beach fortifications. Levle 0 is, er, take cover behind that bush kinda fortifications.
One can see all the troops, planes, and ships at the base, or click on the icon for a view of the squadrons. Right now, as I've just captured it, and don't have a runway, yet, or any base forces to support my units, there is nothing there.
for planes... F=Fighters, RB/NF = Fighter Bombers or Night Fighters, DB = Dive Bombers, LB = Land based bombers, RE = Recon aircraft (very important to scope out various bases before attacking), TR = Transports, PA = patrol (naval search), FP = Float Planes, FF = float fighters, TB = torp bombers.
for ships... CV = carriers, BB = Battleships, CA = Cruisers, CL = Light Cruisers, DD = Destroyers (justlike SFC Space Navy Command), AP = troop transports, AO = Fuel ships, SS = subs, DM = Mine Warfare ships, PT = PT boats, AG = Barge Transports, AU I forgot, AV = seaplane tenders.
AV's are pretty sweet, becasue they have "inherent aviation support", and ifyou park them at a base, they will add their aviation support (usually around 20 Av support) to the base. So you don't really need a base force tohave aircraft, if you have enough AV's.
Since I do'nt have any Engineering units at Gili Gili, yet, nothing will be built. So, once I get anEng unit at GG, I will modifymy build to build my base up. Sicne I already have a level 3 port there, I'll probably build up the airfield to level 2 (so I can do offensive missions), then build up fortifications a bit, then who knows, depends on how the war is going at that point