Topic: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman  (Read 4373 times)

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Offline wulf111

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Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:25:24 pm »
a severe tragedy struck my main computer during a storm a couple of days ago the gods of bad luck had decided to take my main drive for their collection. Thus all my models are LOST. This is a tragic thing indeed because i was nearly ready to release a couple of my own ships and now have to start over from scratch on them. 

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 04:13:42 pm »
I am very sorry to hear that.  While replacing the drive is an expense, I am sure that aspect pales in comparison to the hours of work and the priceless art which may now be lost forever. Chin up though, my friend, I am confident that those models worth revisiting will flow from your mouse with an even stronger presence as a new impassioned back-story motivates your workmanship, for this tragedy smote only the art and not the artisan.

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2006, 04:58:51 pm »
a severe tragedy struck my main computer during a storm a couple of days ago the gods of bad luck had decided to take my main drive for their collection. Thus all my models are LOST. This is a tragic thing indeed because i was nearly ready to release a couple of my own ships and now have to start over from scratch on them. 

bad news indeed...

But look at the bright side, when you restart them, they will certainly come out a lot better. My old/new Ahelion and Dementia are a proof of that ;D

I'm actually thinking of that HDD crash of mine that had nearly all of my models lost more as a blessing than a tragedy really.

I basicly just redid old ideas with some new inspiration :)
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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2006, 09:01:45 pm »
Oh noes! wow, that really sux big time. What about a data recovery expert? Have you talked to one yet? That stuff im sure is worth money to you to get back. I know I'd pay at least a cpl hundred for the stuff on my drive.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 12:07:59 am »
Hey Wulf, if company can dilute the misery, my HDD died a week ago.  All the "important" stuff is backed up, but a few months worth of model downloads have vanished and my SFC installations.  I REALLY don't feel like manually modding them like I used to (no time!).  I also really want to reinstall the SFCs, but that may wait a couple of weeks... at least.

Reinstalling everything... stinks.

At least I was smart enough to have backed up earlier model downloads.  I hope you become better after this crash.

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 08:05:12 am »
My condolences. I had a similar situation a year ago. Disk Drives + Memory banks + Motherboard and Sound card were damaged beyond repair because of the storm which passed nearby my place. What was interesting about the fact that PC was not plugged in exept the LAN Card which is being plugged into the Routing device.
The electric shock came from the telephone line damaging the Router and my Lan Card as well as almost entire computer. Only my graphics card survived (thanks god it was the most expensive piece in my PC ;) )

What I want to say is that everything is possible and storms are being unpredictable. :P
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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2006, 11:05:30 pm »
if the drive is operable, buy a new one, add an OS and slave the old one in place. There might be some programs avail on the net that can even help scan the drive for lost files.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2006, 12:07:05 am »
Nah, there appears to have been some mechanical failure.  You don't even hear it anymore, and the diagnostic software from the manufacturer says, "Unknown Error".  This tells me the seeking mechanism with the read/write heads has failed, a.k.a. kiss the contents goodbye (no, I'm not willing to pay for professional recovery; I've really only lost my SFC installations and a few months of model downloads).

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2006, 03:50:06 am »
if the drive is operable, buy a new one, add an OS and slave the old one in place. There might be some programs avail on the net that can even help scan the drive for lost files.

Yes there are programs like Tiramitsu which recovers the files from the badblocks/damaged clusters on the drive.
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Offline wulf111

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2006, 07:00:09 am »
thanks for the words of encouragement all it is greatly apreciated i have tried a few recovery programs but the hard drive is truely dead it wont even dectect in the bios but there is some good news a lot of my latest works (including my USS-Fury) were found on my laptop i must have copied them over to it at some point YAAA!!! not a total loss but my latest work which was a non-trek carrier is completly gone. i should be back up and running in a few days i just need to get some software from a friend and i will be back in business :) 

Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face.

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2006, 12:14:09 am »
thanks for the words of encouragement all it is greatly apreciated i have tried a few recovery programs but the hard drive is truely dead it wont even dectect in the bios but there is some good news a lot of my latest works (including my USS-Fury) were found on my laptop i must have copied them over to it at some point YAAA!!! not a total loss but my latest work which was a non-trek carrier is completly gone. i should be back up and running in a few days i just need to get some software from a friend and i will be back in business :)

Wulf there are some strange situations when the heads of the drive work as clamps. Try to take the disk out of your PC and shake it abit. Seriously I was working in a IT service so I have a little experience in such matters :)
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Offline wulf111

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2006, 06:52:30 am »
Sapharite i have that situation before as well, i am a break-fix tech for a large company, i took a close look at the hard drive and there is a scorch mark on the PCB board right near the main buffer chip so i think this one is totally hosed due to a power surge funny thing is that it didnt affect any other component in my computer *shrugs* guess the old maxtor couldnt handle the jolt but the western digital could LOL 

Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face.


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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2006, 07:45:42 am »
About a year and a half ago I had a lightning strike, lost my X-box, DVD Player, VCR, and thumb drive. My TV had no problem and the weirdest thing is, my computer was plugged in, and took the shock all the way to the thumb drive. Killed the thumb drive but nothing else. A few weeks later my bios got flashed, not sure if that was related or not. I got a new X-box, DVD Player, and VCR; I never buy those extra warernties, but I did happen to on those three items, and I am glad I did.

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2006, 12:22:37 am »
It might be only a problem with the tapes connected to the drive which somehow made a power surge. Wulf if it is only a problem with the chip there is a possibility to change the entire drives electronic board and save the data written on the disk. If only the electronic part is affected the heads and dishes should be in good condition :)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Offline E_Look

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2006, 12:44:45 am »
About a year and a half ago I had a lightning strike, lost my X-box, DVD Player, VCR, and thumb drive. My TV had no problem and the weirdest thing is, my computer was plugged in, and took the shock all the way to the thumb drive. Killed the thumb drive but nothing else. A few weeks later my bios got flashed, not sure if that was related or not. I got a new X-box, DVD Player, and VCR; I never buy those extra warernties, but I did happen to on those three items, and I am glad I did.

I've REALLY been "gettin' it".  You all saw my kvetch about my HDD crash; well now my FDD works only if you push the floppy disk in deliberately hard.

Then last evening, I was about to get into my car to get home, so I use the remote transmitter to disarm the alarm, open the door, slide in, stick the key in the ignition... and nothing.  I hear a slightly prolonged soft buzz, but no solenoid clicks.  Then I try again and it's really "dead" silence this time.  A colleague tried to give me a jump.  That didn't work either, and neither do the lights, power accessories, not even the radio nor clock.

I go away thinking it's the alarm system having an open in the circuit, killing the ignition, but it doesn't explain the lights, etc.

I leave it and get a ride home, fuss and fume over it all night, get a ride in, and start looking over the car, getting advice.  So we go find the battery, which is installed under the back seat, NOT under the hood, of all things.  All the cabling and connections in both places look clean and snug.  Neither one of us has any clue what really could be wrong.  The eye on the battery was green, too.

As we finally and disgustedly agree that I should call for a tow to the service station, I decided to uncap the positive terminal just to see if there as any corrosion, just 'cuz I was nosy.  I try to pop off the red plastic cap and the WHOLE POSITIVE TERMINAL POST just falls off into my hand.  We look at each other and said, "I'll bet THIS is the problem!"  No kidding.

But this battery cost over a C-note.  I'm still kind of freaked at the cost of it; I picked one up the other night for someone else's car for less than $50.

Now the guy at the dealer (really one of the only places to get this stupid battery) tells me I'm past even my extended warranty and batteries are covered only under the whole car's warranty and to add insult to injury, there is no $5 or $10 back for the old bad battery ("You oughtta be glad I'm taking it off your hands!").  Creep.

* * *

You know what I noticed?  It's the same awful feeling you get all night, all day until it's fixed whether it's your computer or your car.  (I guess it might be because some people can play CDs in either.)    :P


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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2006, 07:03:56 pm »
I think you get that feeling for anything that you have put alot of time and money into. Man, you must have some sort or rare car, battery under the back seat, dealer is the only one who can replace the battery. Good thing it wasn't your flux capacitor.

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2006, 04:56:11 pm »
Or the inertial dampers.  The phaser coil discharge might then give enough recoil to ruin my gas mileage.

Oh yeah, the battery- it's on cars made in the last five or six years or so.  I've only seen one knockoff brand online and who knows who really manufactured it; it could be the same folks for all anyone knows.  It was about $20 cheaper, though.  I went to the dealer hoping for some kind of warranty replacement, as I fell still that it's a manufacturing defect.  Who's EVER heard of terminal posts falling off??

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2006, 08:59:38 pm »
OT a bit I know...but what kind of car is it? And I've seen a few side post terminals pull out of the battery.

Wulf, post the model of that drive...I might have one like it in my spare parts bin we can borrow the logic circuit off of and recover your data.
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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2006, 10:43:27 pm »
Buick LeSabre; 2001,

and the battery is kind of hard to find outside of GM dealers.

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Re: Tragedy strikes the Wulfman
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2006, 10:54:22 pm »
Buick LeSabre; 2001,

and the battery is kind of hard to find outside of GM dealers.
Let me take a looksee at work tomorrow...think we've had a couple folks call us for one of those...
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