Topic: Best Lyran?  (Read 4607 times)

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Best Lyran?
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2006, 12:48:38 pm »
Actually, I waited and accumlated points, since a CWLP didn't seem available, even though they were out, and finally got tired f waiting, so I grabbed a BCPP.  Bad choice?

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Re: Best Lyran?
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2006, 12:59:04 pm »
Well I suppose you'll be Ok with it..  :P

BCPP is a great ship, it's more of a brute power approach than the other ships I mentioned
(I assumed you wouldn't have enough points for one) but- for all intents and purposes it's the
same as flying a C7 or a BCG/BCF.

It's easily capable of smacking any Ai ship around.

Have fun with it  ;D
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Re: Best Lyran?
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2006, 06:11:57 pm »
The Lyran DW and CW series vessels are among my favourite vessels.  My overall favourite Lyran is the NCAL however.

A few things to remember Clark.  The Lyran vessels for power reasons often need to turn off some of the disruptors and turn down the charge slider for the ESGs.  When turning off disruptors keep in mind that when  you have 3 mounts on the Lyrans the center is typically FX compared to FA for the port and starboard mounts so you turn  off the side mounts first.  Also don't forget to turn down the phaser slider.  Unless you are constantly firing the Ph3 at missiles then reduce the slider to compensate for not needing to charge them.  Similarly move the Ph3 to a different weapon group so you don't inadvertantly fire them when you don't need to and waste power.
I aways keep my ph.3 for defence that is whay I uncheck them off in weapons panel so they won't be locked in with group of 1-4.I didn't mention Advanced as that has the best power but it is not relevent to SFB as to what most play here.

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Re: Best Lyran?
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2006, 08:43:51 pm »
I figured out on my own to turn off disruptors, my battles went better that way.  This was hard for me, though, as when I fly fed, I don't like to turn off my photons, I just prefer to have them that much. 

I find that most (if not all) races can gain advantages at times by turning off some of their weapons.  As Fed the extra power from running with half your photons off can make all the difference at times.  As Romulan using downgraded plasmas can win you the battle. 

I'm beginning to realize, though, Mirak have some very distinct advantages over Lyrans.  I'm a bit worried about when mid speed missiles come out, as at that point, I don't think I will be able to fight and keep ahead of the missiles, especially since fighting with the ESG requires in close fighting.

Most Mirak ships have a key defect.  Too many Ph3 and too few Ph1.  Be patient and you can run them out of missiles while outgunning them in the phasers that can actually strike at midrange (outside ESG range).  At the same time those FX Disruptors can be fired over and over helping to wear them down.  Don't allow them to use those Ph3 at effective range.  You may wish to study their firing arcs carefully, the CS for example can fire 8 of the 10 Ph3 dead ahead along with both Ph1 and both Disruptors.  Stay out of that dead ahead arc at point blank range or your dead.  Other ships have other limits.  Let them concentrate that short range Ph3 forest on you and they win.  Make them waste them at longer ranges and it burns their power supply down and lowers their number of options.  Fight them at range 4 to 15 (while reserving your Ph3 for defensive fire) and you will typically outgun them with your Ph1 and Disruptors.

The ESG has 3 functions. 

Many people think only of function 1 - attack.  It is quite good at that and when used as a Kzinbane Onion synchronized with your other weapons fire it can be used to make a devastating Mizia attack.

The 2nd function is defense specifically from missiles (also sweeps mines and exposes cloaked ships).  This is critical when fighting Mirak as you can sweep their missiles. 

The 3 rd function works better against humans but does work against AI - intimidation.  You can fire an ESG and they have to assume it is full strength and maneuver to avoid it or be willing to take a maximum impact from it.

When fighting Mirak terrain can also be your friend.  Asteroids can be used to break lockon or the missiles can be made to strike the asteroid.  Black holes can accelerate your ship as you dive towards it allowing you to outrun even fast missiles and then the missiles can be persuaded to hit the hole.  Nebulas greatly reduce the effective range of missiles.

If your ship is just a little slow for outrunning the missiles tractor some and let them push you to slightly higher speeds.

Using the top down view is pretty much the best way to see the relative position between you and the missiles tracking you and letting you approach them closely while still avoiding them and letting you make an attack run while the Mirak has to choose fire more missiles and lose lock on for those pursuing or hold their fire and take your punishment.  The top down view is also the best for purposes of setting mines and moving among them (and close passes of asteroids as well).
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Re: Best Lyran?
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2006, 10:51:03 pm »
I like the BCHF with a pair of PFE's.  Those little fighters rock... marines, esg, dizzy's, and a mine.

If online play...

DWLP is a nice ship for that BPV.

BCHP is the bomb tho.  Lots o power to that boat.  Mucho funo.
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