Topic: Dominion Wars Problems  (Read 2513 times)

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Dominion Wars Problems
« on: June 10, 2004, 12:23:41 pm »
I keep getting this when I go to play it  ...

Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Build 528
SFC3.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module SFC3.exe at 001B:006AE501

EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=0012E990  EDX=00000000  ESI=0012E990
EDI=00000000  EBP=0012EB78  ESP=0012E5D8  EIP=006AE501  FLG=00090246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000

001B:006AE501 (0x00010004 0x00A4F208 0x00000000 0x00000000) SFC3.exe
001B:00495AE8 (0x004793BF 0x00A4F208 0x00A4D7F8 0x00479312) SFC3.exe
001B:00479346 (0x00A4F208 0x0094D154 0x00478A5B 0x0094D154) SFC3.exe
001B:004792F6 (0x77D44D2D 0x0170F170 0x00000000 0x0012FE24) SFC3.exe
001B:00479180 (0x00A4D7F8 0x00000000 0x00405A75 0x0170F170) SFC3.exe
001B:00479160 (0x0099DE00 0x0040739C 0x77D447C8 0x00631EC5) SFC3.exe
001B:004059D6 (0x00400000 0x001423A4 0x00000001 0x00000000) SFC3.exe
001B:006329B3 (0x00000000 0x00000001 0x7FFDF000 0xF1100CF4) SFC3.exe
001B:77E7EB69 (0x007B9829 0x00000000 0x78746341 0x00000020) kernel32.dll, CreateProcessInternalW()+4471 byte(s)

...I downloaded it from, but it doesnt work.  I installed the same mod on a friends computer, and it works fine, I had fun blasting away Cardassians with a Galaxy X, but I cant do that at my house    Could there be somthing wrong with my computers set up?  


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Re: Dominion Wars Problems
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2004, 02:48:26 pm »
There is a new version out DW v4.6 - for the download.

If you are using Windows XP - then right click, properties, compatability options - disable visual themes. - Try that.

Other than that, I suggest you check your Graphic's settings, and make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU DID NOT INSTALL THE DIRECT X 9 FIX. It's absolutely imperative you do not do this. I can't tell you the number of people who make that mistake.

The latest release is much smaller, and on Build 531 by the way, plus a new version is due out in July.


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Re: Dominion Wars Problems
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2004, 09:27:53 pm »
I'm sorry to say that I did put the Patch in, but I did that before I added the mod, unless that doesn?t make a difference.  How exactly does it affect it?  I noticed on my friends game that in the Campaigns, you would start off with a shuttle that couldn?t do anything, and the ship you buy is destroyed in one hit by an enemy ship.  I thought that might be it.  Anyways, I'll try what you said too do, I?m sure it will work now...


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Re: Dominion Wars Problems
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2004, 08:05:25 am »
The Build 500 & Build 531 Patches CONTAIN the DX9 Fix - installing both corrupts the game, you won't be able to play any version of the mod.

The starting ship is an anti-cheating device. An old cheat was to sell off the parts of your ship for the pp, then destroy your ship, and get it back in full. This is because disrepute is disabled.

You can get a straight Stock - Build 531 Patch from, then you can install DomWars.

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Re: Dominion Wars Problems
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 08:22:22 pm »
  Hey searched and searched for the answer to this problem none of these suggestions worked.Then i remembered that an antivirus will corrupt the install sometimes..uninstalled, disabled antivirus,reinstalled,patched,dom wars patch..voila it worked ..whew.Dont forget to follow the above advice also about not installing the Dx patch and turning off the visual themes