Are you kidding? Not only have I seen the Holy Grail of Balance, I saved a copy to my hard drive in case it ever fell off the net. One thing I never understood though: the initials 'HS' on the ship that I --- err, I mean the Black Dreadnought -- was fighting... what do they mean?
As for a new CK script, well, I dunno. I think I forget how SFC works :-)
Coincidentally, last weekend I was hanging out with Ken Yeast and Mike Todorovic, whose names you might recognize from the credits. You'll be happy to know they're doing just fine, still in the business and working on some exciting stuff. Josh (Jinxx) is also doing fine, he's in board & card games now. I'm not sure about anyone else from the SFC team; I lost contact with most of them and I have no idea what they're up to. As for myself, I've been Director of Gameplay Programming at Shiny since a couple weeks after Taldren folded (the first time). It keeps me pretty busy, which is another reason I don't exactly drool over the idea of writing code in my off hours. But hey, never say never.
I hear there's some gaming afoot. I might just have to peek in one of these days.