It is not misinformation, it is in their TOS, it is in the STGU TOS, it would not be there if some where sown the road that if they wanted to do something they could and be covered.
If it is not meant to be in there, it wouldnt be in there in black and white to begin with, KBF dont believe everything your told from a company that wants you to pay to download downloads you need for a game, that is if you dont want to wait in line for an hour.
Point blank they are in it for the money, and modelers are not, they do it for the fun and enjoyment, if IGN or Gamespy think they can turn it into money, you will be seeing the quoted text above and a "we do post our TOS on our site you should of read them" reply to your anger. that's your posistion...Chuck is a liar...he want's to rip everyone off...
Utter BS...
The very same TOS
YOU posted spells it out clearly...but appearantly you didnt want to read only took someones word for it...
I reference this statement in the TOS that YOU provided...
"When you submit a game FAQ, text guide,
walkthrough or image, it is considered your original and copyrighted work and you are licensing the content to IGN
Entertainment for publication. We may modify the format and display of the work, but not the content"
I read the TOS too....I can only assume that you are mis-reading it or dont clearly understand's pretty damn simple as far as agreements go...
They (like most websites) have every right to control content posted to said website, move it, alter it's format, delete it, or post it on their front page.....that DOES NOT mean that they can STEAL works posted on said websites and use them to generate revenue...
You'd have a such a clear case for legal redress that they would most likely settle out of court...
And for the record...NO that again....NO ONE..... can hold copywrite to ANY ship, image,, render, or story, that is in ANY WAY a derivative work of Paramount (Star Trek)...
Hello? get that?
That sweet Connie or D7?....if it's publiclly posted for DL....and Paramount wants to use it in a game...guess what...they CAN....because they ALLREADY OWN the intellectually property that work is based on..
That's why they are called "derivative works"....
Mods, models, renders, script, fiction...hell even a crayon drawing....they ALLREADY OWN the EULA....
Have they ever done such a thing? to my knowledge....but that doesnt mean they dont have the legal right to do so...
Paramount has an "unwritten" policy...they will not hammer you so long as: such works are FREE to the general public, such works REQUIRE the onership of a licensed game for use, such works respect the intellectual property owners ....
What that also or GSA cannot legally take and use property based on Paramounts ownership rights (trek universe ships)...unless it falls under "fair use" in the first place...
You're worried about terms of service agreements?...did you read your End User License Agreement?
The EULA is quite clear on who owns it..then complain about website terms of service...
Just because Paramount "looks the other way" concerning trek fiction, images, meshes, and scripts...doesnt mean they still dont hold OWNERSHIP of anything produced based on THEIR intellectual property..
You have no proof that IGN, STGU, or GSA has EVER taken posted items and used them for any purpose other than inform.
If you it...I'd like to see least something other than "the sky is falling"....
If not.. drop's only sowing seeds of discontent for the express purpose of furthering other fansite/ on fansite attacks that we will NOT participate in....
Is that clear enough?