Topic: Border Wars notes  (Read 937 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Border Wars notes
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:14:51 pm »
Yes this is for Katfight, in an effort to spin yet another series of servers I though I'd call them Border Wars
Essentially a series of servers ,each dealing with one border during the general war. This should keep races fighting races they were designed to fight.

(Or you could look at it that this is a post to give me an excuse to stop work on the Kat map for a bit, either way)

Rules and ideas (read: unsupported theories)
- No "line" ships. No One ever flies them. No one ever uses them. They take up space in the yards and in the lists for no
  apparent purpose. Some will be kept if A) people fly them and B) if they happene to be out a significant number of years before the leader
  versions.Their YLA's will be adjusted for when the Leader versions come out.

- Deepstriking As of this moment in time, hex DV values in some terrain hexes will be counted for VP points (ie a 100 DV hex is worth
  2x a 50DV hex of the same type). Deepstrikes will of course be necessary to reduce the enemy hexes DV. Alternatively you could simply wipe   
  them off the map. Either way (the latter is actually easier for me as I don't have to add anything up).
  Deepstrikes will have a few rules associated with them. (JOY!) They can't be done in anything smaller than a CL.
  or bigger than a CA. (save the DNL's of course).
  And they can effect...

- Allies In addition to the idea of account limited Specialty ships, there will be account limited allies. So yes if you're flying Kzin and for
  some reason feel you miss photons, there will be a few ships for you to play with. As with the specialty ones, once they're gone they're gone.
  They will also have a few fixed bases on the map. Try not to have them explode.

- Specialty ships As mentioned several times specialty ships will all belong to accounts created beforehand. They will not be available in
  the yards. There will be a finite number of all the cheese ships. This will largely based on SFB numbers, fudged where I (or anyone who can
  make a good case) decides the SFB numbers are stupid.
  These will include drone bombardment ships,carriers,maulers,fast cruisers, unique ships, some conjectural ships, and anything that shoots plasma.

- Heavy Metal These ships (BCH's/DN's/BB's?) will be available in the yards to everyone. The only limits on them will be a maximum number
  on at one time. This number will likely start off small and will increase over the course of the server. (And of course as players accumlate pp)
  There may be a restriction that if you lose one you can't buy another. Haven't really thought about it yet. I like it but may be missing a
  downside. (ie what if it happens to me)

- Fighters All carriers (unless I miss them) will have their SFB numbers of fighters. The deck crews will be slashed by about 50%.
   This should (I'm informed) more or less balance out, but gives the carriers a bit more of an alpha capability, while reducing the number
   of times the carrier can haul in and repair that last fighter up to full strength.

For those of you about to protest, I've got the week off so assuming I find the time (how is it my week offs seem to have far more for me to do then when I'm at work I'm not sure) Katfight (or maybe Op Cav, still have that kicking around somewhere..) will be ready by the 17th, when we'll be able to kick it off I don't know, but hopefully *soon*
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Border Wars notes
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 12:53:04 am »
I've done shiplist trimming in the past for several reasons. One was to insure the yards run smoother. Another was to increase the chances that PvP ships show more. However, like every tweak there is a downside. The more you trim, the more chance the database will be injected with an error beacuse of it not finding an appropriate bpv ship to generate. Also, with fewer ships, the more chance you will face the same ships in battle, less chance you will see variety in AI missions.