Treed Bears Draw Crowds in Northern Maine
CARIBOU, Maine (AP) -- A 500-pound black bear and her three cubs climbed down from a pine tree on Tuesday after attracting hundreds of curiosity seekers wanting to see the sight of four bears in a backyard tree in a residential neighborhood.
The mother bear and her triplets, which were born this winter and weigh about 20 pounds apiece, were foraging in the neighborhood late last week before making their way up an 80-foot tree in a backyard on Sunday.
The mother and two of the cubs made off on Monday night,
but the third cub was scared back up the tree by a cat before it could make a clean escape, said Mark Latti, spokesman for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Early Tuesday afternoon, the third cub climbed from the tree and was last seen running toward an area in the wild where the mother bear had been recently seen, Latti said.
Before the animals scurried off, the unusual sight of four bears in a tree drew hundreds of people to the neighborhood. They craned their necks as they drove by and stopped on side streets for a better view.
Caribou police Sgt. Paul Vincent said officers spent Monday clearing crowds and blocking some streets in an effort to make the bears feel safe enough to climb down the tree and venture back into the wild.
"Everyone wants to take a picture or get a picture with the bears," Vincent said.
The bears first took shelter in a tree early Sunday morning when they were eating at a neighborhood bird feeder and something spooked them, said Ed Christie, a warden with the Maine Warden Service.
The bears stayed in that tree until late Sunday night when they made their way to another bird feeder in a yard about a quarter-mile away.
Looks like "Jack the cat" must have been on the scene again