Topic: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!  (Read 9161 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2006, 06:08:26 pm »

Most Welcome, most deserved.  I'm curious, is this "backstory" for an upcoming campaign you're brewing? 

Well we haven't had a "Hell" server in a while, and anything that made you fly Gorn would certainly qualify..

Great Story!
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2006, 01:50:30 am »
Heh, without folks like Grazz and Scippy around, where would we all get our Trek fiction fix? ;D

Likkerpig's tales of the dungeon?


Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2006, 01:52:34 am »

Most Welcome, most deserved.  I'm curious, is this "backstory" for an upcoming campaign you're brewing? 

Well we haven't had a "Hell" server in a while, and anything that made you fly Gorn would certainly qualify..

From a Gorn perspective anything that made Hexx fly Gorn would be "Hell"   :P

Great Story!

Thanks Hexx I've enjoyed your stories as well  :thumbsup:

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2006, 11:04:52 am »
Heh, without folks like Grazz and Scippy around, where would we all get our Trek fiction fix? ;D

Likkerpig's tales of the dungeon?


<shivers> Don't even go there :P

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2006, 08:13:02 pm »
There's always the fan fiction forum on these boards, you know. I even have a story there, titled When the Going Gets Tough. It's only 5 chapters in so far, but I think I've done fairly well. Admittedly it's set in the TNG era, specifically post Dominion War. But I wanted to do a Starfleet Corps of Engineers story and I needed that time period.

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Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2006, 12:16:26 am »
Dr. Nyet waited for her husband at the city-block sized spaceport where the BRH Gaijin’s Folly was scheduled to make its aerodynamic landing.   Hundreds of search lights scanned the night skies for the ship and an enormous crowd lined the Royal Mile back to the ancient fortress of the Gorn capital.   Fireworks were posed to bring more illumination than the sun could ever have hoped to produce.  S’Treleg’s sense of theater was flawless, and she had to give him grudging admiration.

She herself was her own work of art.  She had posed and preened a full two hours before her full length to render her look the most effective for the occasion.  The dress uniform of her House, rather than her rank, was her final decision; the one with the short skirt and bared midriff, usually reserved for court occasions when the Praetor might attend..  All her house emblems had been removed and replaced with smaller versions inside the orange triangle of the Confederation.  Tiny diamonds selected for brilliance rather than value filled her hair, which was done up leaving her neck and shoulders bare.

The uniform was intended to bare a good deal of smooth flesh, and at the Romulan court this would have suited the event.  At the Court of Ghdar it did not.  Instead, she wore a sheer, snakeskin print body stocking under it all.  She had discovered her husband’s collection of Victoria Secret catalogs, from before their marriage, hidden in a place he foolishly thought safe.  Each issue he’d kept featured some human woman or other in just such a stocking.   She knew he liked the look.  She completed the outfit in heels with straps that wrapped half the length of her calves.

Odd as it seemed, it was actually fun to dress for her reptilian husband in the moments when she was proud of him.    Those times had proven to be rare; the Gorn were so naïve when it came to security and the use of power that living among them was like living among children.   Today, however, was different.   She had never been more proud of S’Cipio.  His campaign against The Syndicate was something truly to behold.  At last, he was acting in a manner a Romulan could understand; in a manner that deserved duty and respect.  Executing their crews and sending their officers to suffocate or carry their tale home was a stroke of genious.

The Gorn sense of *home* had been surprising.  She had to admit that the Confederation was putting itself back together much faster than the Empire, with its Byzantine squabbles, could ever hope to do.    For years we sought to exterminate these creatures as beasts she reflected.  Perhaps the Emperor should have sought to master them instead.  They could prove useful when properly led.

As expected, while waiting for the Gaijin’s Folly she found that her attire was capable of impressing more than her husband.  The hate filled whispers of “Romulan!” and “Murderer!” she had grown used to hearing behind her back were not there.   Men, she concluded, they are the same no matter the species.  She had heard that some human women professed to find this truism exasperating.  Dr. Nyet merely found it useful.  Every tool was useful.

As the Gaijin’s Folly finally broke through the clouds (artificially placed by S’Treleg, no doubt) it was instantly bathed in the swarming search lights.  The gleaming black stealth hull soaked up an impossible amount of the light and left the crowd with an immediate impression:  beneath the heavy black clouds, with the search lights forming the only illumination, all the energy in Ghdar appeared to be passing through the crowd and into the ship; into the Lord Admiral S’Cipio.  Soon reality followed perception and the crowd was roaring, throwing all it’s essence up into their leader along with the light.

S’Treleg, thought Dr Nyet, that was brilliant!  You should wear pointed ears!

As the ship touched down and the cargo ramp dropped, the orchestra struck up what they called the Confederation’s Anthem.    (She called the cacophony of hisses and shrieks pure boredom, but she kept her smile on.)  Flanked by elite members of the King’s Fleet Guard, she advanced to meet her husband and stretch up to kiss him on the snout.  She saw his eyes widen at her appearance, then saw his brow ridge crease in alarm.

“You like?” she asked.

His hiss said, yes, but his words showed worry.   No society was more conservative than the Gorn, and no members of it more so than the military.  “Dearessst, the crowd……”

“Impropriety is as important as propriety, when properly timed,” she cooed instructively.  “It reminds the people who is in charge.”  To S’Cipio, her oddly clipped Romulan accent  always seemed to evoke the image of a school teacher speaking to fresh young hatchlings.  It was an unsettling feeling, and her straining upwards to pat him patiently on the head didn’t help matters any.

Dr. Nyet laughed at his discomfiture, as she always did, then took him by the arm as they began to walk the Royal Mile back to the ancient fortress.  Her bright smile and his parted jaws, both signs of great joy to their species, brought deafening hisses and barks of approval from the crowd.    Their arms grew tired of waving.  They leaned into each other’s ears and spoke briefly in Romulan when they wanted to talk.  This protected them from being overheard, and appeared as the whisperings of sweet nothings to the crowd.

“Agave?” questioned S’Cipio, looking for his remaining partner on the Tri-Bruce commission.  It didn’t seem right that he wasn’t here.

“At the fortress,” she replied.   “I didn’t invite him for the walk.   This is your moment.”  She could see that S’Cipio worried over this.   Another complication she was going to have to overcome.

“Look at the crowd,” she continued, pointing out a group of young Gorn who were staring at her with eyes and jaws extra wide.

“They’re gawking at you!”

“They're staring at me walking with you.  They gawk at me, they want to be you.  You can use this.”

“It’s not right for them to stare at my wife like that.   What should I do?”

“Execute one of them in the morning; that one in the back with his crest scales dyed red.”  She waved at the indicated Gorn.  He waved back, eyes and jaws wider than ever.  “That will remind the people that they aren’t you.  Bring the rest of his friends into your inner circle.   In a few days they will be readdy to willingly give their life for you.”

“I can’t do that!” hissed S’Cipio in alarm.   His Gornish smile slipped for a moment, but he covered that with a sudden flourish of the gouged Tanaka sword.   The crowd went wild.

Dr. Nyet sighed as they passed through the Royal Entrance of the fortress.   “Of course not,” she murmured.    “Such a wasted opportunity.  But we’ll keep working on it.  One of you Gorn will learn something one day.  You need more loyal retainers.”

“That I do,” he whispered as the 30 foot tall Ghdarian Oak doors swung silent shut behind them.    He bent his head to whisper solely in her ear.   “The assassination plot is real.”

He was a surprised to see that she showed very little reaction.   Had she paused slightly, or was that his imagination?

“Of course it is, “ she said simply.    “We will talk of this later.  Right now I will leave you to your duty.   I know you will want to meet with Agave.”   She kissed his snout again, then patted him on his lowered head.   Her voice returned to normal volume and to the Gorn tongue.  “I’ll be off.   I have my own errands to attend to.”


Agave stood within an ancient murder hole where he could watch the couple as they had entered the fortress.  “Your own errands to attend to,” he muttered.   “I’ll jussst bet you do.”  He had received S’Cipio’s coded message about the tampering with his files.   He had checked them himself, and instantly knew that the list of suspects was short.  He had not been comforted by what he had seen and heard during this ceremony.

Agave had already checked the list of foreign nationals currently serving a rotation at the Gorn capital.   The alliance with the Federation was strong again, and he had a large list to choose from.  But only one would do.  He placed a call to Keltset, the Gorn minister of Black Security.

“Keltset, I want you to request to have the human Captain, Leroy, assigned to your department.   We’ve a very special mission involving the Lord Admiral S’Cipio’s wife.”


"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2006, 06:15:29 pm »
   LeRoy was thoroughly enjoying his leave of absence from Starfleet. Once the major Alpha Quadrant
powers had settled their differences—for the time being—Captain Abe LeRoy was at last able to take
advantage of the vacation time that he had accumulated during the General War years. LeRoy had
bittersweet feelings toward his impending return to duty. While he relished the sensation of
standing on the bridge of his ship and the rush of battle, he didn’t exactly look forward to the
mundane, bureaucratic routines inherent to a career as a Starfleet officer. These thoughts
eventually gave way to the spectacular view of the Appalachian Mountains at sunset that LeRoy was
drinking in from his ridge top campsite. The sweet scent of cool mountain air mingled with campfire
smoke was almost intoxicating. Just as the sun disappeared behind the mountains, Captain LeRoy’s
euphoria was shattered by the muffled chirping of his communicator. LeRoy grudgingly heaved
himself up from his lounge chair and plodded to his tent. Upon retrieving the impatiently tweeting
communicator, LeRoy exhibited a roguish grin as he briefly considered chucking the annoying device
into the valley below. Knowing that resistance was futile, however, he flipped the communicator
open with an adept flick of his wrist.

   “LeRoy here.”

   “Hey, Abe!” chimed his executive officer mischievously. “Ready to come back to the grind?”

   “Number One, please refresh my memory. What’s the penalty for goin’ AWOL?”
   “Uhm, let’s see here— courts-martial, possible dishonorable discharge, a stint at the New Zealand
penal colony— Need I go on?”
   "No, Number One, that’ll be quite sufficient,” LeRoy sighed. “One to beam up— and don’t forget
my stuff.”
   “Aye, Captain. Transporter room one is standing by.”
   Captain LeRoy paused to behold the vista one more time.

   Weeks of primitive camping in the mountains of North Carolina had rendered LeRoy’s appearance somewhat shaggy. After a much-needed appointment with the ships’ fussy Bolian barber, LeRoy purposefully marched onto the bridge of the U.S.S. Foxtrot, once again robed in a neatly pressed Starfleet uniform as opposed to the flannel shirt and blue jeans he was sporting earlier. All of the bridge personnel promptly stood at attention upon his entrance.

   “Captain on deck!” announced the XO.

   “As you were, everybody. Number One, what do you have to report?”

   “There’s a priority one call for you from Starfleet Command, Sir.”

   This communication struck the captain as rather odd. He wondered why he was being so urgently summoned right after returning to duty. This situation already smacked of something other than the routine or mundane.

   “Pipe it into my ready room. Number One, you have the conn.”

   Captain LeRoy immediately strode into his ready room and accessed the beeping terminal on his desk. The friendly face of Rear Admiral Kimberly Rolling greeted him from the monitor.

   “Well, howdy there, Kim! Long time no see,” exclaimed LeRoy.
   “It’s good to see you again, Leroy. How was leave?”

   “Too short.”

   “Heh, I bet.”

   “Kim, I’d love to indulge you with a slide show from my vacation, but I gather that this ain’t any social call.”

   “You gather correctly, Captain. Recently, Starfleet Command received a communiqué from the Gorn Foreign Relations Bureau that asked for you by name.”

   LeRoy rolled his eyes.

   “Is it Kroma again?” he asked perfunctorily.

   “Actually, during your absence, Kroma BaSyl took a leave of absence of her own, leaving the reigns of the Gorn Confederation in the hands of Agave and Lord High Admiral S’Cipio. The Confederate Ministry of Internal Security particularly requests your presence on Gah’dar at the earliest possible date.”

   “Any idea why they would ask for me in specific?”

   “No, the communiqué merely explains that they are short-handed on internal security personnel and require assistance from the Federation. What the Gorn aren’t letting on, though, is that, according to Starfleet Intelligence, there have been multiple attempts on Admiral S’Cipio’s life. This coincides with a recent increase of Syndicate activity within the Confederation. I believe the assassination attempts, the Syndicate, and this request for your assistance are all interrelated. However, we still can't hazard a guess as to why they would single you out instead of submitting a general request. That’s why I want you to report to Gah’dar ASAP and get to the bottom of this. The stability of the entire quadrant could be at stake.”

   “Aye aye, Rear Admiral. We’ll shove off for Gah’dar immediately. LeRoy out.”

   LeRoy swiftly closed the communication and made his way to the bridge.

   “Helm, set course for Gah'dar—maximum warp.”

   “Sir, what’s on your mind?” probed the first officer.

   “We’ll discuss it over supper tonight in the captain’s mess, Number One. Engage!”

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2006, 08:15:12 pm »
   “Number One, please refresh my memory. What’s the penalty for goin’ AWOL?”
   “Uhm, let’s see here— courts-martial, possible dishonorable discharge, a stint at the New Zealand
penal colony—

Painting the clubhouse......

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2006, 10:48:34 pm »
   “Number One, please refresh my memory. What’s the penalty for goin’ AWOL?”
   “Uhm, let’s see here— courts-martial, possible dishonorable discharge, a stint at the New Zealand
penal colony—

Painting the clubhouse......


Glad to see Agave is getting an experienced painter, I hate to return to Gdhar before you got all those pink buildings from the Kroma era scrapped and repainted  ;D

Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2006, 03:51:31 am »
The first part of the journey is over   

Grazz'Tzz still  wasn't sure if it was the easiest or most difficult part. He had risked pushing  Lord Tanaka to the edge, to get his Gorn crew.  Next he had risked the yakuza lords displeasure by adding the Romulans.  Finally he had one of those Romulans retrieve information that Lord Tanaka would instantly kill him to protect had he known it was on Grazzz'Tzz's ship.

Now Grazz'Tzz found himself  escorted by a Tanaka squadron.  Supposedly they were to aid his journey through the perilous Hinderlands, but he always had the feeling that the weapons of the Tanaka cruisers were trained on him and that it wasn't enemies that they were guarding against.

Does he know?

Grazz'Tzz quickly dispelled that notion, his continued existence being proof enough of that. 

Does Lord Tanaka think me so foolish as to try to bolt for some hideyhole in the Hinderlands?

Grazz'Tzz pondered, had he tried to avoid his mission, he might avoid detection for a few weeks by doing just that, but it wouldn't be long before one of the thousands of eyes out here that Lord Tanaka employed to have spotted him.  If he had a pirate vessel perhaps he could remain hidden longer, but a Gorn Heavy Cruiser just stood out. 

Does he think I'll run to Wyldefire? 

Grazz'Tzz  had heard rumors and parts of yakuza conversations indicating that the Wyldefire cartel was made up of independents who fiercely supported each other against outside foes.  They had thwarted Syndicate plans for expansion for quite a while, definately a sore spot for Lord Tanaka and the other bosses.  The yakuza were revolted by such a lack of heirarchy seeing it as a dangerous example.  In Tanaka space few indepedents were tolerated and those kept on a very short leash.  Grazz'Tzz had been alowed to remain due to the fact that he was a Gorn and there weren't many Gorn in the Syndicate Operation despite the fact that most of its operations were in Gorn space.  Gorn just didn't believe in attacking or stealing from other Gorn or as a general rule. 

Grazz'Tzz had been almost unique, his exile had made him willing to cross lines most Gorn would never come close enough to see.  Yet, even Grazz'Tzz had his limits.  He had refused to re-enter official Gorn territory from which he had been exiled, and he refused to attack any civilian Gorn ships that were in the Hinderlands.  What he could do was to help attack any Romulans, ISC, or other races, often playing the role of a disabled Gorn freighter captain to lure them in for a pirate attack.  Additionally he had shared Gorn tactics about combatting Romulan and ISC ships which had aided the Syndicate greatly in those confrontations.   He had also aided Lord Tanaka in ransoming captive Gorn back to the Confederacy, advising him on which agencies to contact to make the best profits.  He taken a particular pleasure in doing that as he helped the Gorn return safely home and had hit S'Cipio where it always hurt him the most, in the purse. 

Yes, that must be it, they think I may run to Wyldefire.......tempting.....tempting......


Peter McVries stood on the bridge of the Sapho watching the Tanaka squadron approach on his viewscreen,  the Odyssey in the front and the four battle raiders trailing.  He was still quire distant from the ships but he had been expecting them, even if they hadn't been expecting him.

"Are you recieving the signal?" he asked he communications officer?

"It is coming in on the specified frequency Captain-san....Sir!r", answered the young oriental, correcting himself and going pale.

"Vey good" , answered Peter choosing to ignore the lapse for now.  McVries was half Japanese and a bastard son of Lord Tanaka faultlessly loyal to his father, a father who had never formally acknowledged him despite it being rather common knowledge within the Syndicate.  McVries, therefore refused to take any Japanese title of respect, even the trivial adding of -san to his name.  Peter Tanaka would have -san added, Peter McVries would not allow it. 

McVries noticed the color returning to the oriental's face, thinking of how enjoyable disciplining him would be, a wicked smile starting to twist on his face as he turned away.

My personal pleasures must wait, the officer is needed now....,  he thought,  I must not let my passion interfere with my reason. That is not good.

Watching the escort ships detacth from the Odyssey as the Gorn border approached, the Sapho began a graceful turn to take up their escort duty, only this time the Odyssey didn't realise it was not alone, but accompanied by the most infamous ship in the Syndicate, Lord Tanaka's enforcer.  The Sapho was built for battle not for raiding, weapons bristled from amost every inch of her hull. 

If I were to uncloak it would likely given them quite a scare, but I'm here to watch the Odyssey, not destroy least not yet....... , thought McVries

Suddenly on the viewscreen the Odyssey began to fade out, shimmering a few seconds, then disappearing entirely as she went under her own cloak.

"Signal still holding strong...Sir!", announced the communications officer.

McVries smiled, The beacon placed on the Oddyssey's hull was doing its job, sending out a signal on an unusual frequency, a frequency that the Odyssey communications panel had been adjusted not to detect by the Tanaka technicians.  Any other ship would be unlikely to detect the disguised signal, but McVries knew what to look for.

Soon Grazz'Tzz will cross the Gorn border or make his run for Wyldefire, confident his previous escort can't to track him under cloak......soon things may get interesting....

Realizing he would need to remain alert at this critical juncture, McVries pulled out a hypo from his belt and inserted the two drug cartrdges, one of Trellium and the other of Ketracel, a mixture that would be deadly to most humans, but he had slowly built up a tolerance after learning from the  pirate chemist Dubroff that the two substances could theorhetically be combined to achieve both greater physical strength, endurance, and  clarity and quickness of thought.  The chemist had warned against certain side-effects such as insomnia and wished to study them further before annoucing his findings to the Syndicate.   The combination  had not been produced by the cartel comercially however, due to a labfire that had taken the scientists life and destroyed his notes.

Yes, this drug is for me and me alone, smiled McVries as the drug entered his bloodstream, It was almost a shame to kill Dubroff, who knows what else he may have devised had I allowed him to live.

So which path will you take "Hatamoto Grazz'Tzz"......the path my father decreed or the path to hell.....I'll happily escort you on either one......

(to be continued)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2006, 04:44:45 am by Grazz'Tzz »

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2006, 12:21:26 am »
S’Cipio had to take the stairs down 32 flights while carrying a full case of  Milwaukee’s Best, Light to get to the Tri-Bruce meeting hall.  The ancient Gorn fortress that served as their capital was always having electrical trouble.  Most of the wiring had been installed long before his father was born, and today the elevators were not working.  At least I’m going downstairs, reflected S’Cipio.   He truly hoped the elevators were restored before it was time to return to the surface.

The trip wouldn’t have been that unpleasant, except for the very fat Gorn in front of him who was painfully slow.  S’Cipio thought he recognized the figure as a courtier who regularly begged money for an industrial concern, but it was hard to tell from behind.  In the narrow stairwell there was no room to get around him, even in the landings.  S’Cipio kept hoping that the Gorn would exit the stairs at each level, but the portly Gorn kept descending, at the same waddling pace, level after level.  After the first dozen flights the Lord Admiral began to despair getting to the meeting hall early.   After the second dozen he began to consider calling off the meeting altogether.  Had one of the topics of conversation not been an assassination plot against his own life, he was sure he would have done so.  Someone has been eating too many chocodilles, he thought to himself.   Then he sucked his own gut in, painfully conscious of how many times his wife had said that to him.

It was frustrating, but still, it had to be admitted that the fat Gorn was moving as fast as he could, so S’Cipio decided to suffer in silence.  So much of the universe seemed designed to make one suffer in silence.  It was only the uncouth that voiced their complaints.

At the bottom of the stairs the hallways were packed with Gorn and aliens, and S’Cipio’s hopes for a speedy (for a Gorn) sprint to the meeting hall were dashed as the portly Gorn courtier turned towards the meeting hall and continued to hinder the Lord Admiral’s progress.  In fact the hindrance grew greater, as without the assistance of gravity the courtier’s speed was even slower.  The only way to pass him in the crowded hallway was to plow into someone heading in the other direction and, again, that would be uncouth for a Lord Admiral.  S’Cipio let out a yawn, hoping the Gorn in front of him would take the hint and step into a doorway to let him pass, but the courtier seemed to take offense and slowed even further.

Warlock would have used a pistol to clear a path, thought S’Cipio, and for once he thought the Warleader’s insane reliance on violence may have be a good idea.

The final insult was added when the portly courtier stopped just in front of the Tri-Bruce meeting hall.   Oh!  This was insufferable!  There was still fifteen minutes before the meeting, enough time to stash the Milwaukee’s Best, Light in the fridge and hide his prized single malts before Agave arrived, and now he couldn’t get into the room!

He began to finally say something rude, when he realized the courtier was speaking to the secretary within.   “I am Sssenator Lethrag,” he announced in rolling tones, “and I have an appointment with Lord S’Cipio.”  He then took a half step back, making sure that S’Cipio couldn’t get past.  By making the announcement he’d let the Gorn behind him know his position, and now he was letting the irritating Gorn know his place.

S’Cipio caught the fork of his tongue between his teeth, preventing himself from expressing the rude suggestion that had formed there.  He also noticed the senator’s omission of his rank from his title.   The former civilian government hated being reminded that they were now ruled by the military. So, a former senator, not a courtier, thought S’Cipio,  one of the few to survive Warlock’s purge. Well, I may have mistaken his identity, but he has also mistaken mine. 

“The Lord Admiral S’Cipio isss right behind you,”  he stated, with only a hint of stress on his rank. 

The senator immediately collapsed in upon himself, and his scent changed to what could only be described as signifying mortified.  “I…. I am sssorry, Lord Admiral, I did not recognize you.”

“Please,” responded S’Cipio, giving the former senator a friendly pat on the shoulder.  “Think nothing of it.  And let usss not sstand on court ceremony here on thisss grand day of celebration for our people.”  S’Cipio dropped his lower jaw and displayed the rows of teeth that formed a Gorn smile.  “Just call me Admiral.”

The senator tried, unsuccessfully, to hide the fires behind his eyes that blazed at that suggestion.  But still, it had the appearance of a polite offer, so he had no choice but to accept.

“Admiral, may I come in and ssspeak with you for a moment?”

“I don’t actually remember a ssscheduled meeting with you today.”

“In truth, it wasss for lassst week.   And the week before that.   And the week before that.  You keep cancelling.”

S’Cipio nodded.  Yes, it was true.  The return of the Gorn government to civilian control was his fondest dream.  He was always scheduling a meeting to start the process, but things kept happening that he needed to take care of before that meeting took place.

The problem with the Senate was that each representative eventually developed a sense of *home* for the province they served, rather than for the Confederation as a whole.  Even under a strong king, food, work, and comfortable living for his own *home* province was the primary concern of a senator.  It was inevitable, but it made rapid reaction to threats impossible.  The result had always been a military that was under funded and had too few ships.  Rebuilding the navy for the next war was unthinkable under a senate.  More importantly, the senate would never have been able to carry out his current crusade against the Syndicate. 

The meetings always got cancelled as S’Cipio decided they were “too soon”.  Still, sooner or later he was going to have to meet with a senator to explain why it was “too soon”, and right now this one was humiliated and off balance.  Now was as good a time as any.

“Very well, Senator Lethrag, please come in.”

They entered, and sat at two of the three sides of the Tri-Bruce table.   S’Cipio noted that Senator Lethrag sat at Warlock’s empty seat.  Is that a message? he wondered.  Is the man that impudent?

Senator Lethrag decided to fight his embarrassment by jumping straight to his point.  “You have mentioned many times, Admiral, that you wish to return Gorn government to its rightful civilian hands.”  S’Cipio nodded, and the senator continued.  “The war is over.  Isss there any excuse you can give as to why power hasss  not already been transssferred back to the senate?”

Oh!  This Gorn is impudent! thought S’Cipio  He seeks to immediately recover from his embarrassment by putting me on the defensive.

“I do not believe now is the correct time,” began S’Cipio.  “The war is over, yes, but there is much rebuilding to be done before the Confederation is secure.”

“But rebuilding isss the very reason you offered to transssfering control!” argued Senator Lethrag, and he was right.  S’Cipio wished absently that he could have chewed his tongue off before making such an ignorant statement.  Agave and Kroma had both laughed at him afterwards.  “Many of the provincesss do need repair, essspecially those on the border, like mine.  They mussst have a representative in the senate to ensssure they receive the resssourcesss they need.”

Ah yes, S’Cipio could see it now.   A thousand work contracts each on a thousand planets, with no ships to enforce order over them.  Graft and corruption would take over each of these projects.   Most would never get finished, but the Syndicate would get rich.

“Many of the senators, Admiral,” continued Lethrag, “ do not believe you intend to return power at all.”

The accusation stung, and S’Cipio lost control of his tongue.  “Many?  Surely you mean only a few.   There are not ‘many’ of you left.”  He immediately wished he could take the remark back.  Lethrag stood angrily, but S’Cipio raised his hand in a gesture of apology that also asked the senator to stay.  He slid a tray of chocodilles across the table, another offer of apology, as he tried to continue.

“Such a massssive project needsss strong central guidance” he explained, “and the diverse senate cannot provide that.  I think it best that the Tri-Bruce commission remain in power until the rebuilding is complete and piracy is eliminated.  Once progress is well underway, perhaps we can begin the return to normal government.  Slowly, of courssse, and with an eye towardsss keeping the rebuilding moving.  Firssst we would need to ssselect a new king, to ensure continued central guidance.   Then he could empower a new senate asss he….”

Lethrag’s eyes blazed again.  “And who would thisss new king be?”  he demanded.  “The royal family was wiped out.”

“We would have to have a caucus of the noble familiesss….”

“And I am sssure your family would be represented.”

S’Cipio hadn’t thought of it that way, but in truth his family would mean that he would be a candidate.  This was not going well at all.

Lethrag stood again.  “Lord Admiral S’Cipio, I think I have met with the wrong member of the Tri-Bruce commission.  Perhaps I should take my concernssss, and even my backing, to Agave.”

“It would do you no good, senator.  There are only two membersss on the Tri-Bruce commission thessse daysss.  We would both have to agree to change the government, and I will not agree.”

“Then perhaps I will take my cassse to the people!”

This was meant as a threat, but on today of all days it was empty.   “I have jussst come from the people, Senator.  Perhapsss you saw my walk of the Royal Mile on Tri-D?  They seem happy enough with me at the moment.”

The senator gave a loud hiss, like a broken samovar, and did his best to waddle angrily from the room.

That one will require watching thought S’Cipio.  Then he remembered the attempts on his life, and the unauthorized tracking of his movements via the External Security accounts.   Only a very few Gorn would be in position to break into such accounts….. Very close watching indeed.

Perhaps the entire surviving senate needed watching.  He checked the time.   Where on Ghdar was Agave?

« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 12:34:37 am by GDA-S'Cipio »
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2006, 01:16:03 am »
Peter McVries injected himself once more, deciding that when the drugs effects began to dissipate in another four hours he was going to have to turn in and get some sleep.  He had been awake for nearly 4 days anticipating a decisive move by the Odyssey, but it had refused to do so.  The modified Gorn heavy Cruiser had neither crossed into Gorn space, nor had it turned toward the Wyldefyre cartels territory, it had simply remained under cloak and slowly skirted the boarder.

Why am I so impatient, I have all the time in the world...It must be the drug....yes soon I must rest

McVries knew that his impatience was made worse by the drug, It allowed his brain an exceptional clarity and speed of thought, but when there was nothing to do and no change in the situation to consider,  it left his brain beating aginst his skull.  he needed some diversion to occupy him.

His bridge crew could sense his aggitation, and they were always thankful when their shift was up and they could leave his presence.  He was NOT a loved commander, he WAS a feared one.  Most of the non-Japanese who had served under him did their best to find new assignments at the first possible chance.  The Japanese likely wanted to but would not, they went where Lord Tanaka commanded them to go without complaint, and were always held to higher standards than the others by the yakuza lord. 

They do perform quite satisfactory...., McVries admitted to himself, .....and their dedication is total and their loyalty is as well

That was one of the things that rankled McVries, their loyaly was indeed total but not to him, all were sworn to Lord Tanaka to whom they pledged their servicce, the only ones who would follow him rather than Lord Tanaka were the non-Japanese, and that was an instinct of self preservation rather than loyalty, and should he rebel they would follow just so long as it served to save their miserable hides.  Lord Tanaka's men however would fall upon their swords at his command, even if it were just his whim that they do so.  McVries wished he could command such respect, but no half Japanese had ever done so and all of McVries' status had derrived through his father.  McVres had thus remained as loyal as any Japanese to Tanaka, but unlike the full blooded Japanese he had resented every single second of it.

No....that is not accurate, above all i must remain honest with myself

McVries mind wandered back to his youth, years ago after learning who his biological father was after his mother's husband had died, he had tried his best to to prove himself to his father, be a Tanaka, to be Japanese.  He had mastered the language, the customs the ceremonies and was more Japanese than most Japanese.  He had recieved praise from his father that had been like a beam of sunshine on his heart, he had been given swords and honors, and commands.   Yet it had not been enough, he was still a gaijin, an outsider.

Why would your pride not accept me father?

Again he asked the question that had haunted him ever since he realized he would not be made a Tanaka by his father.  It was at that moment that the resentment had started, that the hate had built, and his plan materialized.  Lord Tanaka would not make him a Tanaka, at least not by his own will, but Peter McVries would make himself Peter Tanaka, and force his father aside and rule the clan with an iron fist.

Then they will pay.....every last one of those Japanese bastards will pay dearly.......and they will thank me for making them suffer and kowtow before me in total fealty, dread, and respect and many will fall upon their swords on my command and those who aren't commanded to do so........they will wish they had been

"The Odyssey is coming out of cloak Captain-san!" the communications officer announced suddenly, breaking McVries thoughts.

McVries smiled a very wicked smile, not so much at the Odyssey finally doing something different, as at the communications officer who had once again used " -san"  with his title, the second time he had done so.  There would be no third time.


Grazz'Tzz knew the time had come to commit.  Reluctantly he put down his tumbler after emptying its contents, not his favored Islay this time but Saurian brandy..... somehow it had seemed appropriate.  Making his way to the bridge he quickly glanced at the Gorn Marine stationed outside his quarters as he passed by.  The Gorn stood stiffly at attention and looked more like a statue than a living being.  It had been a long time since Grazz'Tzz had been among so many Gorn and he couldn't help thinking how lethargic they seemed.  The years among the diverse population of the Hinderlands had left their mark and Grazz'Tzz found himself missing their animated personalities.  He had always been a bit impatient for a Gorn, and living among aliens had only enhanced that trait.  The patience of the Gorn also reminded him of the Tanaka Clan, and those were not fond memories.  Yet, there was another feeling that he got when among the Gorn, an even stronger one, almost instinctual...... one that screamed within his brain a single word......


Striding onto the bridge Grazz'Tzz surveyed the command crew who all snapped to attention except for Parsons the human and the reptillian Jersax.  Jersax was incapable of standing fully erect due to his anatomy Grazz'Tzz knew, Parsons was a free spirit who had always been a rebel or pirate and would bow to no man unless it meant saving his hide, this Grazz'Tzz also knew.  He could trust Parsons only as long as he could supply adventure and wealth, but the helmsman had no real loyalties, but he also had no secret motives, with Parsons everything was straight up like it or not.   Grazz'Tzz smiled inwardly,  Parsons was just being being Parsons, the first human that he ever really liked.

"At Ease", Grazz'Tzz ordered

The crew settled back into there duty stations awaiting their captains command, Parsons reached in a pocket and began rolling a cigarette, outlawed in many parts of the alpha quadrant due to the effects on health of most species and therefore all the more enjoyable for the rebellious human.  Still he was sensible enough not to have lit the cigarette amongst the unfamiliar Gorn until his tolerant captain arrived on the bridge.

"So where to Cap'n G. ?" , he asked casually.

"Home", replied Grazz'Tzz,  "We are going Home.  Make course to Gorn Borderstation 3, Warp factor 3."

"Sure thing Cap'n G." answered Parsons "Heading back to yer Mammy and Pappy, Warp 3."

"Perhaps Mr. Parsons, but most Gorn never know their "Mammy" or their "Pappy" we are rased by the community" Grazz'Tzz reminded his helmsman.

"You know wha that means, eh Cap'n?", Parsons asked mischief dancing as usual in his eyes.

Grazz'Tzz turned to Parsons with a blank expression knowing he was about to be the target of a human joke.

After a slight delay Pasons smiled, "It means yer all a bunch od Bastards!"

The rest of the Gorn on the bridge remained expressionless not understanding the human's joke but Grazz'Tzz burst out laughing.

"Once we get to Ghdar and you meet my old friends Mr. Parsons, you will realize just how true that is."

Offline Barack Beard

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2006, 01:17:23 am »
Figured I'd get back to this thread.

You hear that Scippy? Agave? LeRoy?

 Wakey, Wakey? its roleplay time.   ;D

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2006, 10:50:02 am »
Figured I'd get back to this thread.

You hear that Scippy? Agave? LeRoy?

 Wakey, Wakey? its roleplay time.   ;D

Message recevied and acknowledged.   I've been meaning to get back to this thread anyway.   You and Scipio have certainly prompted me enough to do so.
One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2006, 01:01:47 pm »
Figured I'd get back to this thread.

You hear that Scippy? Agave? LeRoy?

 Wakey, Wakey? its roleplay time.   ;D

Cool!  It'll be great to get back to this.

I've got two posts worked out in my head, but I'm about to leave town.  If you don't see anything for four days, don't think I've abandoned you.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2006, 04:49:07 pm »
Agave the Intoxicated, King of the Gorn....kinda has a ring to it   ;D


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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2006, 01:35:19 pm »
Agave the Intoxicated, King of the Gorn....kinda has a ring to it   ;D


<Agave doing his best impression of King Julien's rave dancing with his huge Gorn frame>

"I like to drink it, drink it,
 I like to drink it, drink it,
 I like to drink it, drink it,
 I like to................what?..........DRINK IT!!!"

One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2006, 08:28:47 pm »

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2006, 12:32:56 am »
Agave drank the cheap beer and couldn’t find the hidden single malt, but that was little consolation to S’Cipio.  The meeting was mostly a waste.   The problem with a two member triumvirate, thought S’Cipio, is that neither side can make the other *do* anything.

When the two Gorn leaders agreed, government ran smoothly.  The Confederation had thus benefited from a faster post-war recovery than any other Great Power.  Today, however, the two had reached a point of disagreement and there was no tie-breaking vote.  Deadlock ensued.  With Gorn patience and stubbornness in full play, deadlock on G’hdar could last decades.

At issue was the best way to proceed given the disturbing news of betrayal.  Agave wanted to limit their actions so that each move could be carefully monitored.  Continued anti-piracy military operations, such as the ones they had been running, moved too many things around and gave the target too many options.  Agave wanted to keep S’Cipio close at hand and carefully guarded.  He wanted to conduct full “audits” of all governmental computer activity and slowly lay out traps for their traitor to snare himself on.  He suspected Romulans, but pointedly avoided mentioning Dr. Nyet often enough to make S’Cipio nervous.

This was a conservative and very sensible strategy, but S’Cipio could not bear the thought of slowing his crusade against the Syndicate.  His withdrawing to the capital, S’Cipio argued, would be almost as big a victory for the Tanaka clan as his being killed.  Besides, he suspected a disgruntled ex-Senator to be the traitor, and staying in the capital in that case would actually increase his danger.

S’Cipio controlled the fleet.  Agave controlled the finances that kept it supplied.  Deadlock.  Both Gorn were almost relieved to learn that an alien riot was taking place outside the ancient Capital Fortress.  Neither complained when the other expressed a desire to go and see the disturbance for himself.

As he left the fortress, S’Cipio could see that several other nobles and former senators were also gathering to see the spectacle.  This does not bode well.

“What isss the caussse of this, Keltset?” inquired S’Cipio from the minister of Black Security as he entered the parade grounds outside.  At a distance, beyond a formation of impassive Guardians Errant, he could see large numbers of aliens waving placards filled with their scrawlings and chanting nonsense in their oddly-clipped squeaky languages.  They seemed angry, but none had yet been brave enough to press forward in the face of the Guardians Errant.  Few intelligent beings would.

The war had brought a great deal of exchange between the normally withdrawn Confederation and the other allied powers, especially when large fleets of allied ships had been needed to help drive the ISC back out of Gorn space.  Large communities had moved in to support these fleets and had found the new post-war opportunities on G’hdar to be to their liking.  What they had not liked was the strong sense of *home* imprinted on every Gorn mind, and the lesson this imprinting had made clear to their few predecessors:  When you move to G’hdar, prepare to become Gorn.

Now these tight-nit communities of aliens were beginning to press for concessions that were simply outside the realm of possibility from a Gorn society.

“It’ssss the alien rightsss movement,” stated Keltset with obvious distaste.  “They are increasssing their demandsss for multi-lingual government servicesss  and for represssentation.”  Keltset then dropped his lower jaw in the manner that showed Gorn derisive amusement.  S’Cipio and Agave shared his amusement for a moment, but that ended abruptly when an alien in the crowd stepped forward and approached the Guardians Errant.  All three Gorn nobles were then further shocked when the guards gave him a nod and waved him through.

It was Agave who recognized him first.  “Captain Leroy!” he shouted in greeting as he sprinted (for a Gorn) forward to meet the advancing human.  “It’sss good to see you again!”

“Reporting as ordered, Sir,” Leroy drawled while saluting Agave.  He then turned to give a second salute to the approaching S’Cipio, whose sense of personal dignity had required him to approach in a much more stately manner.  “Good morning, Lord Admiral.”

S’Cipio returned the salute.  “A pleasssant surprissse to see you, Captain.  I had not realizssed that you were on G’hdar.”

“I’ve been serving a General Staff rotation here for a month, Sir,” replied the human, “but I must admit I have only just arrived on-planet.  I took the opportunity of enjoying some leave in the Appalachians before leaving home.”

“A wissse move,” interrupted Agave, trying to stop this conversation before it gave too much of his plans away.  Then he pointed back at the angry crowd with the waving placards.   “Tell me, Leroy, what do those signs say?”

Captain Leroy looked back over his shoulder, then replied, “They seem to think the empty chair on the Tri-Bruce Comision should be a rotating position for the various alien enclaves.”

S’Cipio and Agave managed to keep their composure, but several of the elite Kings Fleet Guard flanking them let out loud hisses of laughter.  The crowd reacted to this by interrupting their chanting and falling back in fear.  This was not a good idea, for the parade grounds gave way rather quickly to a carefully preserved stretch of predator-infested swamp – an historic tourist attraction for the carefully prepared --  and some of the aliens were beginning to get close enough to it to be in danger.  S’Cipio sometimes forgot how many innocuous Gorn mannerisms seemed hostile in the eyes of aliens.  He stepped forward to say a few words and reassure them.

Because he was staring at exactly the right spot, S’Cipio saw the flash.  He even had enough time to wonder what it was before the impact in his chest drove him flat onto his back.  It was several seconds after he hit the ground that he finally heard a loud ‘bang!’ and Leroy screamed, “sniper!”   The word struck him as funny and he started to laugh.

He tried to get up, but found that he could not.  A puff of dirt erupted beside him and a second later he heard another ‘bang!’  Lifting his head let him see both a large pool of blood pouring from his chest and Keltset scrambling towards him on all fours at prodigious speed.  Both sights seemed funny.  Keltset looked like a human’s pet monkey he’d once seen, and the amount of blood pooling around him was just ridiculous.  He laughed harder.

The laughter was filled with a strange hissing noise that wasn’t normal and which he didn’t like at all.  Suddenly things didn’t seem so funny.  S’Cipio clamped his hands over his mouth to cut off the laughter and stop the awful sound, but found that the hissing continued – even with his mouth shut – each time he took a breath.  The very act of breathing was getting harder.   Maybe if I stop breathing the hissing will stop too he thought absurdly.

Keltset was on him in a flash and threw him over one shoulder without effort.  “You’re a monky, Keltset,” babbled S’Cipio, knowing he wasn’t making sense, but the scrambling Gorn assured him that he was indeed a monkey.  Quickly the Minister of Black Security was racing back to the Capital Fortress with the Lord Admiral bouncing over his shoulder.  Two more eruptions of dirt followed closely in his heels.

They’re shooting at me! realized S’Cipio,  No one else, just me.  The very personal nature of the attack felt rude.  He said as much, and realized again he was babbling, but heard Leroy agree as the human raced along beside them.  “But we’ll learn them manners!” pledged the human.  “You just rest easy and leave that to us.”

His inverted position brought with it a sudden sense of drowning, and made breathing even harder.  His nostrils contracted with inbred reptilian reflexes to keep out the nonexistent water, and made breathing yet harder still.

I’m going to pass out, realized S’Cipio, but first I have to tell them.

He knew he had to tell them something, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.  From his rapidly moving inverted position he could see the retreating form of Agave directing the elite King’s Fleet Guard and the Guardians Errant.  They were filling the jungle with weapons fire and using tri-corders to try and locate the attacker.

That’s not right right he thought as blackness settled over him.  They won’t find any energy signatures  But how to tell them?

“It’s Kirk with his hollow log!” he managed at last.

“He’s raving,” said the voice of Leroy from somewhere very far away.

Figures thought S’Cipio cynically as drifted to oblivion.  I finally make sense and they finally start ignore me. 

« Last Edit: October 07, 2006, 12:37:51 am by GDA-S'Cipio »
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: The Return of Grazz'Tzz: Full Scale War!
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2006, 12:58:32 am »
Was wondering when you were going to get back to this thread... Mmm good RP always a treat.