Thank you all for your patience (or lack thereof!). I had quite a few things to take care of before I could get back to making a final tally.
This was my favorite kind of finish, in that I had no idea who the final winner was going to be once all the shooting was over. I really thought it could go either way and I truly hated to call anyone a winner or a loser. Still, this is a game, someone has to win, and you guys deserve to know who it is.
So, after tallying all the points, the winner is........
Round 1
Map Points (Running Total)
Day Orion Korgath Prime Tiger Beast Syndicate Wylde Camboro
Tue 577 680 668 700 754 380 836 562
Wed 517 643 765 700 1,000 426 896 687
Thr 517 633 777 680 1,116 432 1,014 874
Fri 497 632 1,066 669 1,156 522 779 1,099
Sat 467 637 1,085 622 1,197 522 740 1,199
Sun 462 637 777 606 1,377 522 943 1,209
M(8AM) 456 630 701 600 1,405 452 1,129 1,210
MAP 3,493 4,492 5,839 4,577 8,005 3,256 6,337 6,840
PVP 0 3,150 31,610 0 0 0 10,848 3,618
CurPP 1,381 14,479 37,586.8 1,774 64,656 7,154 43,003 33,068
TOTAL 4,874 22,121 74,279.8 6,351 72,661 10,410 60,188 43,526
RANK 8 5 1 7 2 6 3 4
Orion Cartel => Prime Industries
Tigerheart Cartel => BeastRaiders
The Syndicate => Wyldefire Compact
House Korgath => Camboro Cartel
Round 2
Map Points (Running Total)
Day Prime Beast Wylde Camboro
Carryover 5,839 8,005 6,337 6,840
SubCartel 3,493 4,577 3,256 4,492
Tues 1,140 2,020 1,621 1,840
Wed 1,175 1,959 1,631 1,860
Thur 1,050 1,947 1,668 1,930
Fri 1,185 1,770 1,978 2,003
Sat 920 2,062 2,031 1,880
Sun 972 2,245 2,189 1,484
Mon 972 2,421 2,271 1,287
Tue(8AM) 931 2,536 2,331 1,426
MAP 17,677 29,542 25,313 25,042
PVP 36,024 8,802 6,390 12,570
CurPP 24,697.4 57,979.8 28,137.4 20,018.4
TOTAL 96,075.4 125,865.8 85,153.4 82,672.4
RANK 2 1 3 4
Camboro Cartel => The Beast Raiders
Wyldefire Compact => Prime Industries
Round 3
Map Points (Running Total)
Day Prime Beast
Carryover 17,677 29,542
SubCartel 25,313 25,042
Thurs 3,246 3,926
Fri 3,148 4,148
Sat 3,124 4,178
Sun 3,481 4,124
Mon(end) 3,349 4,255
MAP 59,338 75,215
PVP 90,202.5 51,670.5
CurPP 28,644.2 39,895
TOTAL 178,184.7 166,780.5
RANK 1 2
And Prime Industries Takes the Win!!!!!!!
Congratulatons to all the pirates who flew for Prime during any portion of the campaign!