Topic: Looking for help in assigning hard points.  (Read 1690 times)

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Offline Unknown Warrior

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Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« on: May 28, 2006, 06:05:31 pm »
I need to assign hard points to some SFC-OP ships and I would like to know how to complete the task, is there something out there that I can use to help me?

Oh yes, get ready there might be something coming this.

Offline Unknown Warrior

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2006, 03:35:57 pm »
It seems that several people have viewed this posting, but no reply. I just need information on how to enter hard points and damage points. Therefore I assume that the modelers out there don't know or don't want to share the information.  This whole result, or lack of, make me have second thoughts about realeasing ships.

In the next few days there will be pics of the new ships, posted on our new site and forum.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 03:47:06 pm by Unknown Warrior »

Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2006, 04:11:14 pm »
What program are you building the model in/assigning the Hardpoints in?

I, Mudd.

Offline Unknown Warrior

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2006, 04:47:31 pm »
3DS max

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2006, 05:50:12 pm »
Shoujld be the same as Milkshape use the joints areas to place them and assign them Hardpoint 1-21, and the same for Dps. The best way to see how it is done is look to another ship that has them so you can see it as a finished product. Either way it is simple enough to add them but not in a way you are thinking.

SFC 1 and 2 ships need to have a corsponding UI that you will map to it. This determaines the numbers you will assign to your hardpoints and locations. There is no easy way to explain this, you have to know the UIs' or have shipedit to view them. Once you pick the UI you want to hardpoint it according to that UI.

atached is a UI below this is what I use if I am adding HPs to a ship little sketch to show where things go.
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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2006, 09:10:33 pm »
The easiest simplest way to hardpoint a ship for SFC:OP for 3dsmax I have found would be to import one of the stock Taldren models into your authoring file. Make sure it's of the appropriate class, i.e Frigate, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, etc, for the type of ship you're building. Move it above your model immedietly after importing it, while it's still highlighted, then delete the model and LODs, which will leave the dummy objects for hardpoints, damage points, etc. Then just move the individual dummies to where you want them.

As for any extra dummy objects, I place them near the other dummies I'm really focusing on to properly hardpoint the ship. That way, no matter where a player plugs this ship in, whether a CA or a CAD+, for example, the weapons seem to come from somewhat logical areas, instead of the center of the ship.

Hope that helps, Unknown Warrior. 'Works for me.

I, Mudd.

Offline Unknown Warrior

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2006, 06:21:32 am »
Hard points are listed as hardpoint, but what of damage points how are they listed on 3ds max.

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2006, 02:40:53 pm »
Damage1, etc I think.
Lets put it this way once you remove the mesh and LODs' if they are in that model, all you have left are spheres. those spheres are the HPs' and DPs' so it the Hardpoints (HPs) are labelled as such then what is left over if you ignore or delete these is the damage points.
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Looking for help in assigning hard points.
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2006, 06:42:20 pm »
Nah ...

In 3dsmax, dummy object look like little named cubes.

The Dummy objects are labled A thru F with a numerical designation (A1, A2, A3 ... B1, B2, etc) and the Harpoints are labeled hardpoint1, hardpoint3, etc.

I'm pretty sure the A,B,C,D & E series are damage points leaving the F series as the tractor beam points. Never really thought about it though, and but I'm sure I've seen documentation about this before in an old modeling tutorial ... either the old pdf that came with SFC3 tools or a real old document written by Wicked Zombie (modding or modeling 101?)

I, Mudd.