The easiest simplest way to hardpoint a ship for SFC:OP for 3dsmax I have found would be to import one of the stock Taldren models into your authoring file. Make sure it's of the appropriate class, i.e Frigate, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, etc, for the type of ship you're building. Move it above your model immedietly after importing it, while it's still highlighted, then delete the model and LODs, which will leave the dummy objects for hardpoints, damage points, etc. Then just move the individual dummies to where you want them.
As for any extra dummy objects, I place them near the other dummies I'm really focusing on to properly hardpoint the ship. That way, no matter where a player plugs this ship in, whether a CA or a CAD+, for example, the weapons seem to come from somewhat logical areas, instead of the center of the ship.
Hope that helps, Unknown Warrior. 'Works for me.
I, Mudd.