Topic: Can you help me? (Gorn DS9)  (Read 1470 times)

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Can you help me? (Gorn DS9)
« on: June 01, 2006, 09:53:26 pm »
OK, this is a real long shot, but I figure I'll try.  I remember a long time ago (maybe 3 years ago) there was a thread (can't remember if it was on Taldren forums, or about a planned design for a Gorn ship on DS9 (possible as a Dominion ally, I can't remember correctly).  There was a scan from the magazine article that discussed it and someone tried to make a model of it (not sure if they ever finished it).  While the thread is probably long gone, I was wondering if anyone here remembers what I'm talking about and can maybe help me out with at least finding a scan of the magazine article.

If you can help me out, you guys are awsome ;D (if not, its ok, since it was so long ago).
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Re: Can you help me? (Gorn DS9)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 02:16:37 pm »
OK, this is a real long shot, but I figure I'll try.  I remember a long time ago (maybe 3 years ago) there was a thread (can't remember if it was on Taldren forums, or about a planned design for a Gorn ship on DS9 (possible as a Dominion ally, I can't remember correctly).  There was a scan from the magazine article that discussed it and someone tried to make a model of it (not sure if they ever finished it).  While the thread is probably long gone, I was wondering if anyone here remembers what I'm talking about and can maybe help me out with at least finding a scan of the magazine article.

If you can help me out, you guys are awsome ;D (if not, its ok, since it was so long ago).

Try here ...............

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Re: Can you help me? (Gorn DS9)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 04:20:32 pm »
You want my precious. Yesssssss hehehe Should Golem give you his precious!! nono Yess Yess Give him the precious! Noo no  Don't give it to him He wants it for his own!! Golems precious !!

 LOL ok you can have this Gorn i was the one who made a model of it but it got lost in a PC melt Down, Its the only  Real TNG  gorn of its kind. I was going to make it someday if i had some free time.

only thing i ask is If you make this Model please do it justice its one of my babys  ;D

Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Can you help me? (Gorn DS9)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 05:16:22 pm »
Thanks, you're awsome. ;D

Sadly, I'm not a model maker, so I can't make it (would be awsome if someone did, though).

I remembered seeing this before, but its hard to find.  So thanks for all your help :)
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