Topic: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod  (Read 5263 times)

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Offline GFL Offkey

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Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:07:07 pm »
Heres a question for ya all.
I am making a highres mod for sfc3 Legions at war. The question is how can I get it to use my 3d maps instead of the standard star map it uses. Any help would be greatly appreciated. here is a pic of one map where planets and moons rotate around each other.

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 04:10:49 pm »
Wow, that's cool. I may have to dust off my copy of SFC3

Offline S31-Riptide

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 07:42:40 am »
Hey Offkey,  for 5 bucks I'll tell ya.....

you need to go into your sfc3/assets/models/space folder... there are about 30 space models... starting at  space00.mod right on up through... all you have to do is take your model that you want to use and replace the space00.mod, then space01.mod  etc... 

Bit of advice, test one at a time, as it is fairly random which space model gets pulled up.  You can test it in single player campaign mode or single player skirmish mode. 

The sizing is a little hard to work out, but not too bad. 

Hope this helps!

Offline GFL Offkey

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 12:00:54 am »
Well riptide I have figured it out but you cant replace or overwite the models or it wont work you have to fool the system. Here is a sample ingame shot

so in 6 months I hope to be done.
Also would like to request that Legions at War be added to the mod list. As ours is the only mod dyna that can run indefinately with out the issues the others have such as crashing battlelock cdkey lock ect. and ours has run for 8 months or 13 stardate years if you prefer that way. And the balance is awesome and ai deadly. Had a borg ai bb tractor me and push me into a blackhole once very cool.

Offline S31-Riptide

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 07:56:06 am »
I've replaced 1/3 of my space models without having to fool the game.... you can also change what models are called out for your space models in your server kit.   Heck you could put a planet or ship model in there if you wanted too. I've been doing it for more then a year now... the first models where in Sedition... these are some of my older ones... I have new and improved on the way.

Offline GFL Offkey

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2006, 11:35:15 pm »
very cool. but it seems when I replace them it doesnt help any notes I need?

Offline S31-Riptide

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2006, 11:43:58 am »
I replaced the space**.mod file with my own with there own textures.  Just go into Sfc3/Assets/Models/Space  that is where all your space models are... then just open one up and edit it.  That is probably the easiest way to do it.  you could (if you really wanted to) rename... say the Defiant.mod file to space01.mod and save it in there, and then (with a 1 in 30ish shot) have the defiant as you space model lol.  Fallen Warrior has played off this idea, with his interesting twist to it... I'll let him explain his methodical madness... as I'm not good at explaining mine lol

Offline GFL Offkey

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Re: Starfleet Command III High Res Mod
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2006, 09:09:08 pm »
Qestion do you have to use the broken geosphere and put screens with in it or can yu start with a blank slate. I tried using just an environment and that didnt work unless Im doing something wrong