Topic: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here  (Read 4273 times)

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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2006, 05:08:34 pm »
...  Would have been nice to feel I was seeing something that had appeared in print.  Back to the film.  Special effects, amateurish for the price of this movie.  How can Spiderman get it so right and X-Men so wrong? ...

As a fan of Spiderman growing up I thought the movies were awesome as another medium to bring my favorite character to life.
I would not have enjoyed them as much If I held on to my purest feeling and memories of all the comics I read as a kid or kept saying to myself that's not the way it was in the comic books this sucks.

Umm what happened to the Web shoots, Mary Jane and Harry in high school with Peter? The Goblin with Mary Jane on the bridge come on what happened to Gwen Stacey? Oh yes, I remember Peter failed to save her and it weight on him like a brick outhouse, a major event in his life from the comics to over come, but how is that going sell in a Hollywood where the hero fails to save the girl. Spiderman works because it takes some of the best story lines and modifies them to fit for todays viewers. It holds up for the die hard comic fans as well only if you they are willing to let the newer version (big screen) have a little  artistic licence with the material. Even in first X-men movie  I though how they explained away the Yellow tights Wolverine wore in the comics was great.

I took my two young boys to see X3 and they both loved it. That is their X-men, they both run around the house now with three drinking straws taped to their hands pretending to be Wolverine. I am fairly sure the new Superman will become their Superman while I will continue to cherish my memories of Christoper Reeves as the true Superman;.as my father would probably recall Superman to be Kirk Alyn.

I think it would be far more disappointing if these characters got forgotten in plastic protectors trapped in basements and attics as opposed to coming to life on the big screen to spark the imagination and interest of new fans like my sons. They will have the joy of discovering the differences for themselves as these movies have raised their interest enough to start reading more about them and that in itself is awesome.

I liked the movie. Beast was always my favorite X-man and seeing Kelsey Grammar's version come to life was great.
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Offline RazalYllib

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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2006, 06:26:01 pm »
I too truley enjoyed the movie, despite what others have labeled on other boards as Xman Heresy!!!!

I perceive the Movie Franchise as existing in a separate universe from comic/novel content.
If you just enjoy it for what it is.

The trailer for Ghost Rider looked awesome also.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2006, 10:11:54 pm »
The 'cure' plotline was lifted from the first five issues of the previously mentioned Astonishing X-Men.  I haven't seen the movie's treatment of it, though, and I'm willing to bet it falls below the comic in terms of execution.  I'm actually more interested in seeing how Jean getting all Dark Phoenix on everyone is pulled off.

Hey Carney:  Discrimination and other such has always been a core X-Men theme.  It did start in the 60's after all.

That's what I thought too...but then they have Jamie (I think that's the actual NEW guy that mystique has brought in for Rogue...I'll have to reread) recently.  They got the cure idea from the Astonishing X-men (I thought I liked the after the movie I'm not so sure), but then it was only the idea...the implementation was a horrid twisting of that story, as was their Jean/Phoenix story, and everything else in that movie overall.

I personally like the Rogue/Gambit thing...but didn't have a problem with her and Iceman in the movies nor how they portrayed the relationship between them.  As long as they kept in character with the characters of the comics...but to me, X3 completely lost that edge.  Jean evaporating Scott right after kissing him???  Kitty ignoring Collosus in favor of Iceman??? 

They got the Wolverine part I think from recent events (well in the past two years) where Wolverine ends up killing Jean...but for very different reasons...though he kills her with his claws.

And since they killed off Scott they don't need to explain the comic book after that where the world goes to hell and Beast becomes a meglamaniac (which of course in Xmen style is repaired and the timeline reset shortly after Jean's death instead of the dark future which it became).


Oops, well hopefully there wasn't too much that really gave away too much that somene wouldn't be able to guess happens...except for one of those things that I stated.  Here's an edit to try to rectify it however.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 01:49:56 pm by Dash Jones »
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2006, 09:13:06 am »
<snikers> Spoilers Dash, Spoilers. No Spoiler thread bro.  ;D

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2006, 01:06:46 am »
Well, I saw it and was disappointed.  I think part of it was that it wasn't directed by Singer.  I think Singer did a decent job with an ensemble (although the Spidey movies were better than the X-men movies in my opinion), and X3 seemed like the writing was done over a weekend by a couple of hacks or something.  I found myself rolling my eyes over and over again at some of the dialogue. 

I realize that changes do need to be made at times.  Take X-men 1 where Wolvie and Rogue have the thing.  I felt it was an adaptation of the relationship between Wolvie and Shadowcat or Wolvie and Jubilee (he's got a soft spot for little girls), but since Kitty and Jubilee weren't as popular as character as Rogue, out went Older, comicbook rogue, and in come young movie rogue who seems very crossed with Kitty/Jube elements.  I can handle that I guess.  Sure, it puts a  dimmer on some things, but I guess a Rogue/Gambit relationship could still have happened as age isn't that big a factor in movie relationships, right?  Changes need to be made to fit the most popular elements/storylines in.  Heck, when they made X1 were they sure that they were going to have an X2?  Not really, so it was kind of a one whot at that point, so they were really throwing it all out there I think.  Changes can be good.  Heck, I didn't mind in Spidey when he grows the web organically instead of creating a launcher and web fluid.

Positives about the movie.  I actually liked Kelsey Grammer as the Beast.  I'm also a Vinnie Jones fan, man I hope that was digital augmentation and he's not juicin'.  I really do.

I think one of the big pitfalls that comic movies fall into, especially ones with large casts is just that. They try and cram too many characters into it.  They think they have to be bigger than the last, so the only way to do that is add more heroes and more villains, and you end up with too many to for any meaningful attachments to and then everything just goes to pot.  Heck, I think the movie was subpar to average for just being a duke em up type movie even.  Still, I did find a few moments of enjoyment (none of which included Halle Berry.  Acadamy Award my big white backside.  She was barely a B actress before, and she's barely a B actress after, and although I didn't see Monster's Ball, I find it highly unlikely she figured out a way to act for one film and then went back to her old habits).

Overall, I was disappointed though, and would have loved to see what the film would have been had Bryan Singer not been chased off the franchise into the arms of Superman (I don't know about the look of the new Supes.  At first I was cool with it, but with time he's kind of wearing on me and looking weaker.  Maybe it's all the marketing I've seen him on, I'd almost rather have mr. Smallville at this point, who I liked actually).  Like I said, although I think Raimi did better with Spidey on giving everyone a meaningful arc, and emotions, I thought Singer did a decent job with the first two movies.  Maybe if they make an X4, they'll stay away from the "cure mutant" storylines that have been the basis of the first three.  If they aren't going to get into some emotions and just have a bang-em up movie, why not go for something different and save some of those storylines for when you are ready to get into some real acting and plot?  Anyway, I think it's a renter, or if you like to see effects movies in the theater, it's a dollar theatre film, imo.  I certainly wouldn't waist 8 bucks on it again.  I didn't see after the credits either, by the way, as everyone in my group got up to leave the very second the credits started to roll.

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Re: Let me warn you, XMEN III Sucks - no spoilers here
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2006, 01:47:57 am »
I think Kelsey Grammar as Beast was a wonderful took me two scenes to realize where I knew that voice...

Angel is still my fav though...
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