Topic: The Call  (Read 1009 times)

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Offline deadmansix

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The Call
« on: May 26, 2006, 09:23:19 am »

I was in my quarters dreaming of Bow legged women plucking out the fur of one plotting bushy tailed rodent one at a time ( would keel haul the rat but he is one damn fine officer but I will never tell him that) when the hail came in and disturbed my pleasant dream.

" WHAT DO YOU WANT !!!"says I
 "sorry do disturb you Captn but there is this strange messag coming in for ye, and the bloke says he wont talk to none but yourself" the com officer said (she is just to damn cherry,cute but cheery)
 "OK put it through" says I and a few seconds latter I says "Speak tis you that hailed me"
 the voice says "got an offer for ya for the right price"
  "Really" says I "and what might that be ?"
 the voice says"its well worth your while to come and find out as I dint want to put it over the air"
 "so you want me to stop what I am doing and go to you for somthin ya want me to pay for with me known nothing of it" says I
  "yea" says voice
  "how do I know it is not a trap" says I
  "send your first mate to check it out first" says voice
  " right" says I all the time thinking "like I am going to send that bushy tailed scheming rodent he would help set the trap"
  "well I ant got all day" says voice
  "OK will send Bonny to check it out but if its a trap I will have ya for lunch" says I
  " will contact ya when she is satisfied it not a trap, out" says voice
  "Com" says I "get ahold of Anne Bonny and tell her to get to this place before her damn Parrot died"
   what a strange way to start a day and with no Grog to boot

Offline deadmansix

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Re: The Call
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2006, 11:09:09 pm »

  well that is intresting thinks I "Helm to those cordants and get there yesterday" says I
  "First get in here you bushy tailed traitorous rodent" says I
  "yes sir you over bearing greedy bastage" says First
  "OK this is what I want you to do" says I
   "why is it always what you want" says first
   "because I am the boss,now quit whining would ya" says I
    "now when we get to the meeting place I want ya to stand by with a boarding party to cover my back side" says I
  "thats a lot of back side to cover,don't think we got enough men to do that"mutters First
  "what was that?"says I
  "nothing just going over who's going to be on the team" says First
  "good thinking" says I
  "approaching cordnets" calls down the helm
  "get ready First, oh one more thing don't think about not coming to my rescue if I need ya already got ya taken care of if I don't make it back alive and well" says I smiling
 the First leave grumbling something about one day I will get mine. Good officer the bushy tailed rat but to greedy for his own good.

Offline X-Dfly

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Re: The Call
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2006, 08:21:15 pm »
RP on:

Hey Dead thingy, t’is me, the Operator.  Bout time you actually stepped aboard my ship.  Keep an Eye on me, and 2 Eyes on my mates.  You ready to actually hear my proposal?”

DeadParrot:”  You dragged me half way across the known Universes, now tell me WTF you are up to, or STFU and get lost”

Operator:” I am defecting to your team.  I need not a ship, but wingmen to help me KILL my former wings. What can you do for me? It will cost you only 50,000.”

DeadParrot: “WHAT? You want me to pay you that kind of gold so you can defect? You out out of your tree?”

Operator: “Actually that is a very good deal as you will get an extra operative, and have Mini-me, TobinDax, Tony, and others killed by me and my wings. And I can take over space areas, and give you  their trade routes as well, and other intel only privy to those at the top .  I guarantee that the information given will be worth  5 times what you pay.”

DeadParrot:” Alright then.  I will give you a wingman or 2, now go show what you can do, and I WANT THOSE TRADEROUTES AND THE TORTUGAS.  BTW, I will only pay  25,000.”

Operator: “Make it 40,000 and the wingmen and you  got a deal.  I will send you the coordinates to the information requested in a few hours.”

DeadParrot:”  Agreed, and you better or there will be heads rolling, and they will all be on YOUR SHIP.”

Operator:” Not to worry, Heads have never Rolled on my ship.”