I believe if you can say a models rocks you ought to be able to say one sucks too. Note, not "you suck" but "it sucks". The first is a personal attack and there's enough of that crap being posted, I try not to add to it. But this is a modding community, not a "a** kissing" community. If you want your *** kissed every time ya post a ship go somewhere else. Every artist in the worl, regardless of the type of art they make, or if they do it for free or millions, puts up with the same stuff as those who make startrek models for games ect. Art is art. That's life. If yea can't deal with it, you can ake a page from your own book, as nobody is forcing you to make it, nor are they forcing you to post a discussion on it, or read any of the responses. If you want to share it then share it and quit whinning. The fans aren't the only people who need to grow up, it's the modelers too.