I like it too, but was the Koshioshi Maru a Klingon Vessel? I know it was Civilian but I thought it was basically a Fed Freighter/Transport. Also, I like the design, but where is the Cargo holds?
the cargo holds on this are those round things at the outsides and the blue glowin boxes and the neutronic fuel carrier version has two smaler boxes at lfet and right which hold the neutronic fuel
the Kobayashi Maru was some kind of covering for spy action of its captain for the federation and it worked mostly in Klingon territory, so the best cover for it would be Klingon insignia and recognition things

Terradyne mind if i add this into the Wolf 359 Mod that should be out around Xmas
no problem if you want it you could use it in this mod(for SFC2 i can send it to you, for SFC3 you must convert it yourself) and which version do you want this or the neutronic fuel carrier version wich is the original design version but the neutronic fuel version will be out later, not much time the next days for conversion work