Topic: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)  (Read 4587 times)

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Offline Herr Burt

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It's been a long fight, and now the Underworld is divided between two remaining cartels.   It was a close race between Prime and Wyldefire, with Prime's round 1 win giving them the buffer to hold on to the number two spot.

Who shall prevail?   The ruthless underworld businessmen, or the otherworldly religious fanatics?  Only one gets to be Jabba.  The other gets to wear the leash and the stainless steel bikini.

The combinations were as follows:

1) BeastRiders
2) Prime Industries
3) Wyldefire Compact
4) Camboro Cartel

Camboro becomes part of BeastRiders
Wyldefire becoms part of Prime Industries

The new shiplist can be found here:

This is not a patch!   It's just a shiplist.   Put it in your Assets/Specs folder and your MetaAssests folder, replacing the shiplists that are already there.  (If we are lucky, Bonk will make another patch installer for us.  Failing that, I'll throw one together tomorrow.    After I've slept.)

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Soreyes

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 05:43:24 am »
Well were screwed ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Bonk

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 06:03:57 am »
Economic War phase three NSIS installer update here:

It requires that the phase one NSIS installer was used, but does not require the phase 2 update. Just let me know if that is not clear.

I was unable to test a login on it as the server was not up when I checked. I'll take another look soon.

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 07:23:14 am »
Bonk -- intaller worked find -- no trouble logging on to server

Tony Soprano

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 07:42:31 am »
Bonk -- intaller worked find -- no trouble logging on to server

Tony Soprano

Thanks for lettting me know, I hadn't had a chance to check if the server was back up yet.

Offline Skaren

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 08:00:31 am »
Holy crap!  My old Wyldfire Cartel is on my side again !!

Dax,..  your plan was perfect to come in the number two spot and pick up the better of the two teams.  A brilliant move and I feel that your/our Clan is now in good position to earn it's rightfull overall win !!

Dfly, welcome aboard, my old friend and all those who I sorta got to know earlier.

Oh sh*t I better really look over my shoulder now !    :)

Master of the defunct/absorbed Orion Cartel

PS I think you Wyldfire Cartel folks will get a kick reading over Primes message board!  Maybe my bounty will go up now      :rofl:

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 08:12:26 am by FSD Skaren »

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Offline ShadowLord

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2006, 08:59:37 am »
Hey Skaren

Does that mean that SINCE they (your old FSD buddies)are now on our side you will show up and fly for Tobin?

Wyldfire is back on your side? When were they ever on your side or were you  just operating a cartel to add points to their total?
Tobins plan to come in second? WTF is that about -- ? Tobins never had a plan to come in second or else we wouldn't have come in first for round 1 would we?


Offline Soreyes

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2006, 09:16:15 am »
Lets see Check list for the coming Battles

1. Nip  Lots and lots of Nip
2. Scotch  Lots and lots of Scotch
3. Make sure that Engine Doubling works!!!!!!!!   For use in "MOMMY DRIVE"  ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Skaren

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2006, 10:09:37 am »
Shadow Lord,.. this is my first Dyna experience besides a week on KCW at its close.  I originally declined a RM spot from Herr Burt because I had no experience in the game and signed up for Dfly's Wyldfire Cartel.  When I originally signed into the game for the first time I was so excited I missed the pick your clan option and ended up in the default spot of Orion Cartel.  Yes insert chuckles here  ----->

After thinking about I decided to just go with it and help out Herr Burt cause he wanted all cartel slots filled so I ran as Orion.

Because it was
1- First time playing
2- The only member of my clan
3- Had only 5 days till the folding was to occur.

Yes I decided to help out my original clan of WyldeFire.  Dfly has always been very gracious to me and has helped me to learn to fly better and get up to speed with the various aspects of this game.  His good nature and the other members of WyldeFire earned my loyalty and respect.

Dfly and I put up a facade of anger towards each other on the forums but behind the scenes we were in bed together :o  To the point where I even located my trade spots inside his Cartel.  I knew I would not last long in the game and I wanted to help out those who had helped me out.

As a RM of my Cartel I feel I can do what I wish.  This was a game of backstabbs and be as bad as you can game.  The rules were "Just Guidelines".  So who are you to tell me how to run in this game, or criticize my alliances?  Herr Burt was fully aware of what we were up to and even complimented us on our roll playing and underhanded nature AND how it added to the campaign!  Your the only one so far that seems to have an issue with who I allied with,..      ps and why ?

As far as the Tobin,.. Planned to come in second comment.  It was just a stupid comment on the fact that we didn't come in first place and like ,... oh ya we planned it that way.  I certainly had no clue it would anger anyone to the point it did.  I guess if it was that bad then by goodness sake I am sorry.  Tobin my apologies for putting words in your mouth.  It was just a "sour grapes" comment that I didn't think much about.  Tobin never said that nor did we discuss it.

Lastly, again this is my first Dyna experience and if you folks as a group really want more people playing and sticking around, some of you should consider toning down the WTF routine to newbies.  For Christ sake this a game, it's not like real life or anything! 

I hope ShadowLord at some point in the future we can better understand each other, but for now you seem to be on a really different planet than myself.

Enjoy your gaming,

Master of Orion, Lord of Flies,   or,.,..
"FSD"_Skaren ,...  and proud to say so !

StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2006, 10:34:15 am »
time to move forward folks, we have some pillaging and plundering to do... 8)
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2006, 12:32:09 pm »
As tobin wishes ---

BTW hoensty has it's own rewards - in my case -- it appears to be a negative Karma for posting.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 01:33:23 pm by ShadowLord »

Offline Hexx

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2006, 12:39:54 pm »
As tobin wishes ---

BTW hoensty has it's own rewards - in my case -- it appears to be a negative krama for posting.

I wouldn't worry about it

Besides I've found out that any time I want to raise my karma I just stop posting for a few days...

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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2006, 01:05:35 pm »
will we ever get to find out the numbers? Like how close we really were?
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2006, 01:32:21 pm »
will we ever get to find out the numbers? Like how close we really were?

Yes.  I would have done that today, but I left my sheet with the numbers at home.   :o

I'll post it tonight.

-Herr Burt

Happy Warmongering!

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2006, 05:21:34 pm »
I hope ShadowLord at some point in the future we can better understand each other, but for now you seem to be on a really different planet than myself.

Enjoy your gaming,

Master of Orion, Lord of Flies,   or,.,..
"FSD"_Skaren ,...  and proud to say so !

 my friend Skaren  :)   .....i do not think you will have to wait long,for you and duck to understand each is quite simply one of the most honourable  players in the game today,and whatever caused this rift/prob   had to be just misunderstanding or a bad day by u and duck..because of this,i think you will both become fast friends very shortly.his only real problem is,he's comes from T.O. and that/those bozo's DON'T THINK ANYTHING EXISTS OUTSIDE OF T.O.!!!  other than that,he's a him if he is your wingman     keep your T-BOMBS close    :)

Offline Dfly

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2006, 06:46:02 pm »
Shadow Lord,.. this is my first Dyna experience besides a week on KCW at its close.  I originally declined a RM spot from Herr Burt because I had no experience in the game and signed up for Dfly's Wyldfire Cartel.  When I originally signed into the game for the first time I was so excited I missed the pick your clan option and ended up in the default spot of Orion Cartel.  Yes insert chuckles here  ----->

After thinking about I decided to just go with it and help out Herr Burt cause he wanted all cartel slots filled so I ran as Orion.

Because it was
1- First time playing
2- The only member of my clan
3- Had only 5 days till the folding was to occur.

Yes I decided to help out my original clan of WyldeFire.  Dfly has always been very gracious to me and has helped me to learn to fly better and get up to speed with the various aspects of this game.  His good nature and the other members of WyldeFire earned my loyalty and respect.

Dfly and I put up a facade of anger towards each other on the forums but behind the scenes we were in bed together :o  To the point where I even located my trade spots inside his Cartel.  I knew I would not last long in the game and I wanted to help out those who had helped me out.

As a RM of my Cartel I feel I can do what I wish.  This was a game of backstabbs and be as bad as you can game.  The rules were "Just Guidelines".  So who are you to tell me how to run in this game, or criticize my alliances?  Herr Burt was fully aware of what we were up to and even complimented us on our roll playing and underhanded nature AND how it added to the campaign!  Your the only one so far that seems to have an issue with who I allied with,..      ps and why ?

As far as the Tobin,.. Planned to come in second comment.  It was just a stupid comment on the fact that we didn't come in first place and like ,... oh ya we planned it that way.  I certainly had no clue it would anger anyone to the point it did.  I guess if it was that bad then by goodness sake I am sorry.  Tobin my apologies for putting words in your mouth.  It was just a "sour grapes" comment that I didn't think much about.  Tobin never said that nor did we discuss it.

Lastly, again this is my first Dyna experience and if you folks as a group really want more people playing and sticking around, some of you should consider toning down the WTF routine to newbies.  For Christ sake this a game, it's not like real life or anything! 

I hope ShadowLord at some point in the future we can better understand each other, but for now you seem to be on a really different planet than myself.

Enjoy your gaming,

Master of Orion, Lord of Flies,   or,.,..
"FSD"_Skaren ,...  and proud to say so !

Skaren, i know you, and I have known Duck(Shadowlord) a lot longer.  I think you guys actually took too much to heart.  I know it was not meant to hurt or aim at you Skaren, but just a quirky comment.  Please feel no animosity towards Duck as he is most honorable, and one of my most respected Opponents(even though he loses to me more than he wins ;) ).  You will come to realize most of us(with a rare exception) mean no harm.  I have found over the years that words typed very often seem much more menacing than what they were typed to be.  read it, think of it as someone actually not trying to agravate someone, but rather someone just commenting. 

Offline Hexx

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2006, 07:13:06 pm »
Don't listen to them

Duck is evil

I think he almost beat me once in PVP.
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2006, 07:28:48 pm »
Has something changed with the download? I played for over an hour this afternoon, but now I cant get on as I am missing some files.
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2006, 07:30:23 pm »
Tobin, the file you are missing is the test file, that is because Herr Burt is testing it, and only he has the test file.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: **Econ War Phase 3: Five Days of the Vulture! (new shiplist)
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2006, 03:09:33 am »
As tobin wishes ---

BTW hoensty has it's own rewards - in my case -- it appears to be a negative Karma for posting.

Now Now I gave you one back ;D

Now Just wait until the Fast Drones come out ;D   I feel almost like a Kat again... Have D6D will travel ;D

[img width=600 height=150]