I don't care if someone else thought of the title first, it's a good title.
And completley original if you didn't know that someone else thought of it first.
Anyway.. apparently a while back in a hallucinogenic haze I cam up with (or copied.. really can't remember) a brilliant
server concept consisting of the Gorn/Rom/Kzin/Lyran and Hydran fighting over the territory formerly known as the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire.
Now this was good.. but sobriety has shown me that to create a server with different, interesting and somewhat plausible VC's for 5 + races is work.
As work is of course something I get paid to pretend I do, it doesn't really apply here.
After finally sitting down and watching a film I've had for some time (can't remember the name atm) I thought
"Hey that's a big wormhole! Wouldn't it be funny if all those stupid plasma chuckers got sucked into one?"
and then
"How can I punish people for chucking plasma on a server?"
And it came to me.
What if instead of the stupid Darwin, an ISC ship had got caught in a temporal thingy and hurled forward then backward in time
This ISC ship could have reported that the silly little "Pacification" would get stopped cold at the Lyran border (SFB Factoid! Look it up!)
and then the ISC would get theri collective Heiny's stomped but good by the Andros.
Sooo the ISC head honchos decided to become a little more agressive.
Realizing that historically the Gorn and Romulans have merely been cannon fodder for the Alliance and Coaltion respectively they decided to use them for their intended role.
The Andros hit the galaxy, only to find a very strong Galactic East, and turn their attention towards the Federation and Klingons
(who are all busy disarming at this time)
Then there's lots of fighting, people making long winded speeches about how they can destroy the Andros with a simple pictoral illusion, because obviously even though they can travel between galaxies they're stupid. Then more speechifying on how even if they can do this to save Earth is it right to hurt another species to do so? Then basically more fighting.More whining. Repeat ad nauseam for seven years and..
On the Eastern side of the map sits the ISC and their two protectorate states.
On the Western side of the map sit the Kzin Hegemony, Lyran Empire, and the Hydran.. whatever it is.
In the middle sits alot of open territory .
No Feds
No Klinks
Plasma Chuckers vs Lyrans & Fodder for control of the known universe.
And yes- I wasn't going to but I'll allow a few gasps of admiration and envy
-Don't say I never do anything for you