Topic: New footage of Legacy  (Read 2124 times)

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New footage of Legacy
« on: June 08, 2006, 11:41:25 am »
From 3D Gamers

It's the raw gameplay footage (which the trailer was extracted from) that's the new stuff; the second video.  That Sovereign is in desparate need of a makeover...and what's up with that jet engine sound for all the ships?

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 01:00:04 pm »
I keep trying to get it, but it seems to always have its servers full.  Until I get it, I can't comment, other than that I'm interested in seeing the video.

Although if you're right, then at least it beats the BC stock ships, right?  In any case, I hope the PC version is moddable... P81's work is good, albeit outdated for a game like Legacy, although so far I seem to be proven wrong on that aside from the Sovereign-class model (according to the glimpse of it I got from the last Legacy video or two).

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Offline Overmind

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 05:24:01 pm »
From what I heared, the game will have only Fed and Klingon campaigns and no Borg as race.
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2006, 06:24:36 pm »
Although if you're right, then at least it beats the BC stock ships, right?  In any case, I hope the PC version is moddable... P81's work is good, albeit outdated for a game like Legacy, although so far I seem to be proven wrong on that aside from the Sovereign-class model (according to the glimpse of it I got from the last Legacy video or two).

Were it not for that and the ugly Deep Space Nine model, I'd be content with leaving it all stock, perhaps even getting the 360 version to show it off in high definition.  But, looks like that unless Mad Doc decides to change around some art assets before they go gold, I'll be grabbing the PC mods.

Oh, and Overmind; you're mistaking this game for Tactical Assault.

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 12:25:31 am »
Now that I've seen the video, it didn't look bad for a demo.

I liked the graphics, the gameplay seems like the way the Dominion War battle in "Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9], sans the fast fighters and fighter-esque manuvering from small starships like Klingon BoPs and the Defiant.

Although about the Sovereign-class in its flyby shot and in other shots with the Constitution-class, What does it say about the theory about your thoughts about the possibility that Legacy has quick-and-dirty registry number textures you talked about?  It seems like its possible since in the last video that we saw the Sovereign-class it had a registry number on, this one didn't.  Same with the refitted CAs (I think I'll dub the Constitution-class that for now...) even on the same video, when we saw the Enterprise-A (If I read that registry number right and it looked like it was done well this time around) and another scene with no registry markings... It could be possible, but then it could also be something we've seen since SFA and KA where you had ships with the same or no registry markings (and you got certain made ones in SFA if you typed in your name as this or that ship name in multiplayer mode).  I hope it's the former, something tells me I might enjoy typing up "U.S.S. Galaxy" and under it "NCC-70637" and playing around.

Of course, provided I upgrade my computer and get the game when it comes out as I keep saying to myself that I should (with the former at least.

Anyhow, it looks like it's an alright game that I might just get provided what I already stated above.  And it seems an oldie-but-goodie "ginzu" (Klingon Academy term) effect makes a nice comback in Legacy's graphics as evidenced in a couple of scenes (that scene with the K'T'inga adrift and breaking apart reminds me of KA's preview trailer that screamed to me back in 1999/2000 that I should get KA).

The cruicial factor, gameplay, seems to be pretty decent.  Again, it screams "Contemporary Trek" in how it looks at that demo video, sans the fast fighters/BoPs/Defiant/Hidekis/Jem'Hedar Bugs/etc.  It seems pretty similar enough to KA and BC to get me interested as much as how Tactical Assault might convince me to get it along with "New Super Mario Bros." and a Nintendo DS due to it being similar to SFC.

Although I would have to agree with you, graphics-wise, at least about the Sovereign-class and the pre-refited CA.  And all those living beings on those fast-rotating planets.  Their days with the constant sunrises and sunsets done minutes at a time...

And as for them sounding like aircraft... Aren't space shuttle engines ear-deafening?  Didn't the Big E's refitted engines sounded like rockets as it boosted from slow speeds to Warp 0.5 in ST: TMP? *shrug* I know, we're used to the near-quiet rumbling ambience of the ships as they pass by (aside from TOS in many cases when it was quiet aside from Phasers/Photons)...

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2006, 10:26:25 am »
I think the trailer and the demo shown at E3 are different versions of the game, which explains the registries seen in the ShakyCam video.

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New footage of Legacy
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2006, 08:01:06 pm »
Whoops!  Got my forums mixed up.

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