We all love playing SFC but just playing battle after battle gets boring. The ideal of a campaign solves that. It creates a set and setting to each battle. It puts a historical perspective to each battle, and the sum total of your battles becomes the end point.
I played a bit of KCW and although there may have been a story line intro, that was it. The game, at least to me, was little more than Hexx flipping

and mostly AI battles. Agreed I was not in it from the get go
In your Pirate campaign,.. it is an evolving storyline, one that continues to be engaging as time goes on. That gives it longevity, and continuing interest, at least to me.
I did not think it possible to do in a Dynaverse, at least till now, I did not hear much/any of them in the past.
In some ways this Dynaverse campaign is closer to the types of SFC campaigns I have run for my crew over the years. The storyline is what makes the game, good players add to that through role playing on forums and such. The combination of a good set and setting and fun players makes for a kick ass campaign that produces many fun, interesting and exciting battles.
I have seen in this game that the battles are just part of it, my back door deals/trades/etc carried outside of the game, there was an aspect of roll playing. I am used to that in campaigns and missed it in Dynaverse, you seem to have created opportunity for this. That seed you planted has grown and with the additions of bounties and the like, you now have a garden of roll playing growing.
Your taking the storyline aspects of campaigns styles like I run (human run, sorely missing in Dyna) and meshing them with the mechanical resolution phases of Dynaverse (computer driven). I sorta see this as a hybrid campaign of sorts. I predict that in the future there will be other/better engines for campaign resolution than Dyna. William Schramms is an example of a other type of engine for campaign turn resolution and I even work slowly on my own. I imagine others are also.
I commend you on your interesting campaign setting, evolving storyline, and excellence at running the game.
Something tells me this type of Dynaverse campaign is much more trying on the ref. I know little about Dyna, but I do not think Dynaverse likes evolving changing parameters. It is good to have you wrassling it into your vision, no matter how many times it crashes or is down.
Thank you for your hard work !