Topic: Osiris Class LC Released  (Read 4391 times)

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Offline AlchemistiD

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Osiris Class LC Released
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:45:55 pm »
The Osiris-Class Light Cruiser was launched in 2385 to replace the venerable Miranda Class, and the Sabre-class.  Even moreso as Deep-Space probe ships designed to fill out Starfleet's presence in the Gamma Quadrant.  These craft are built to handle just about any situation.  Despite their relatively small size, Osiris-Class postings are sought after because of the pure exploration these ships were designed for.

Initially versitile craft, a number of design defects existed with the original five ships.  These defects were eliminated with the second group.  The first group underwent significant refits to bring them to the newer ship's specs.  These ships noteworthy capabilities include the following as of 2395.

Starship separation:  Initially, the saucer sections of these craft were designed to serve as life-boats in case of a catastrophe in the stardrive section.  As of the second group and the 2395 refit however, both the primary and stardrive sections were made fully functional.  The improved stardrive even deploys forward and aft phaser banks mounted on her engine support pylons, one refit designer's nod to the Defiant-Class.  The massive impulse engine in aft of the saucer was converted to a shuttlebay as well after the fitting of two seperate engines on the saucer, by a rather amused Starfleet Corps. of Engineers (the empty space the Impulse engine once occupied carried a tiny electrical charge).
Multiphasic Adaptive, Temporal, and Psychic (barrier) shielding:  In response to the frequency of starships travelling through time, the scientists at Starfleet R&D have researched ways of shielding ships from events, energies, or anomalies that may cause or facilitate time travel.  The Barrier shielding was pioneered by the USS Enterprise-E when the ship had no choice but to hide within the Galactic Barrier from the gaseous entities known as the Calamarain.  The neural gel-packs channel the psychic energy of the Barrier into the shields.
Secondary-Craft:  The Osiris-Class lacks a captain's yacht, but each carries one prototype Los-Angeles Class Runabout, as well as type 14 shuttlecraft, and a Delta Flyer.

Model by Kreeargh
Textures by Reddragon
Hardpoints by Models Please,

Offline E_Look

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Re: Osiris Class LC Released
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 09:22:46 pm »
Nice looking design, but a small craft with a double neck?  I guess it's meant for it to withstand punishment!

Offline Rhaz

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Re: Osiris Class LC Released
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 08:13:32 am »
Very nice.  The engines even look heavy duty.  I can't wait to try her out in combat!