I haven't been killed by AI yet either... as usual with Herr Burt's servers you just have to think a little more (why I like them).
What are your suggestions for what they should be reduced to? What numbers of spare parts on the ships, and what number in the shiplist to make that happen?
Damage Control column.
A Damage Control value of 2 corresponds to a 10 spares maximum.
My usual implementation of DieHard's spares formula is to copy the Damage Control column to the first column in a new workbook in excel, in the next column I use this formula: =IF(A3="","",IF(ROUNDUP(0.5*A3,0)-1>2,ROUNDUP(0.5*A3,0)-1,2)) and copy it down the list, then I copy the second column and paste it to the third column as values, then copy that column into the destination shiplist overwriting the existing Damage Control column.
This will provide all ships a minimum of 10 spares, leave currently blank entries blank and reduce the damage control of larger ships according to ROUNDUP(0.5*DC,0)-1.
See the attached worksheet which does this for the current EW
client side shiplist. (third column is the one to use to overwrite the values in the shiplist) If you use this to overwrite the serverside damage control column, be sure to delete the number of rows from the top that correspond to the number of donors removed first.
This only needs to be done serverside, but I usually do it for both on my custom servers so I can use the same shiplist serverside and clientside (using the appropriate donation scheme) However, for The Forge and UAW I have only done it serverside so that the clientside lists out in the wild can be used to login. (the server stores this info in the damage blob for each ship serverside - so it does not matter what the client list says... I'm not 100% about
mission AI though... I think it is generated from the serverside list too)
Sound about right DH?
Clear as mud HB?

EDIT: though I think perhaps the adjustment should be a little less radical for pirates, considering the cocaine rule... I've been finding lots of spares pretty handy... however, there's lots of spares floating about on the AI ships free for the plunderin! Arrrr!