The 8 cartels struggle to learn the secrets of the game.
The real struggle is can the various Cartels work to put their individual pieces O Eight,.. together as one.
I already work with others of you to solve the greater mystery of the game.
Anyone who has an interest in further sharing info can reach me on subspace channel PM.
I have a solid reputation already, of putting other Cartels that have worked with me,. above my own needs.
That is at least one solid reputation I stand by, and thar aren't many others

Escape the closed "ME" box and consider the possibilities, I would be willing to trade info with all interested parties.
It is more than me against you, ... it is also us against the devilish mind of,.. Herr Burt.
Even if you have nothing to add,.. your new view may trip something usefull to us all.