Topic: Bounty Set on Player  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline Skaren

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Bounty Set on Player
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:17:08 am »
As proclaimed by Herr Burt I am now

Master of Orion, Lord of the Flies.

I also set the following bounty on the Dastardly Pirate known as Anne Bonney,  bring me proof of her death and I will grant thee 1000 Gold Latinum,.. (PP I guess in this game?).

Now that I am located on your side of the map mi lady, best be looking over yer shoulder, for I am looking to give ye a tour O Davies Locker,..  I would be glad to set up a time to meet and winner take all !!


I will now begin mobilization of all fleet elements  (my ship) and will summon all captains to be briefed on plans (that is just me).  Afterwards double rations of Grog for all crew mates !!


StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Bounty Set on Player
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2006, 10:09:32 pm »
Your mother wears combat boots and your daddy is door knob!!!!!!!

That makes YOU a shoe string with a lock!!!!!  Errrrr.... something like that.

You want booty?  Come and get it, you scullywag!!!!


No, no, no! It goes like this Annie:

"Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper!  Ah fart in your general direction!  Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"  :spam:

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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