We going to go for a 24 hour hold on the start, or is it going to be possible to get this in the air tonight?
Well, it's the damdest thing. I log on, and I have all the mission failures that everyone else was having. Then I log off and on again, and I get good missions, but the DV doesn't shift. Now I log off and on again, and I get lots of missions and the DV changes
properly (for OrionOrion) in nuetrual/neutral, and neutral/friendly space. Just as always, I even got the DV shift in neutral/neutral even when I ran from an ambush mision.

I didn't get to try neutral/enemy space, as my IP hiccuped.
I did make some minor (and I mean minor) tweaks with cartels vs. Orions, but other than that all I did was reboot my entire LAN.
Not sure about the restart. I want to make damn sure this thing is working as it should before I start it up again. That was quite embaressing to have it go down again so soon, and I'm sure it was very frustrating for all of you too. It can't be very much fun to reserve your Sunday night and then have the stupid admin not be able to get his game running.
I want to run through all the cartels in all the variations of cartel/empire space and make sure they all shift the DV by 5 like they should. That might take a while. I did that a while ago, but obviously something was messing with it toniht. I also want to check for any possible model errors, and probably I'll clean up some R'd out crap experimental ships that really should have already been taken out of the list.
To make it easiest on all of you, I think it is best to have a 24 hour delay. That way you aren't hanging around wasting any more time than I've alreayd made you waste
Again, my apologies. This certainly isn't the way I dreamed of starting and I am very sorry.
-Herr Burt