Topic: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?  (Read 1494 times)

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Offline Herr Burt

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Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:02:17 pm »

I'm trying to get the last bits of work done on Econ War, but I find I am unable to create a new character.  I see the server and start to log on, but it counts out during the character creation process and then the game kicks me back to desktop.

I's supsect my own system; but it was working perfectly last night around 2 AM.  Anyone esle having trouble?

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Dfly

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 02:08:53 pm »
I just tried to get on but it tells me i am missing the Sever-testing-something file.   

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2006, 02:12:39 pm »
I just tried to get on but it tells me i am missing the Sever-testing-something file.   

Yeah, you won't have any of the download files for the Econ War server.   (And I don't have the installer ready to go yet.)  I was mostly wondering if people could create new characters on other servers, or if the problem was just mine.

-Herr Burt
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2006, 02:15:38 pm »
did you remember to use a second ID from here?  BTW, someone, I tried about 10 days ago to create a second ID here but I never received the email to activate the account.  Should I just try again?

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2006, 02:19:19 pm »
did you remember to use a second ID from here?  BTW, someone, I tried about 10 days ago to create a second ID here but I never received the email to activate the account.  Should I just try again?

You mean a new ID within the login screen?   Yeah, I've got a handful of those.   (One for each race)  You shouldn't need an e-mail.   When you hit create new ID and get the message "success!" then you should be good to go.

Maybe I should see if I can create a new character on one of the other servers up, but I hate to install it all and then unintall it for more playtest work.    Uggghhh....  The work never ends.   ;)

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Bonk

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2006, 02:52:49 pm »
did you remember to use a second ID from here?

That only applies to The Forge if you want to use the webyards and such with the character, but should be pretty much obsolete with the transfers page working now.

BTW, someone, I tried about 10 days ago to create a second ID here but I never received the email to activate the account.  Should I just try again?

Mail servers were down at that point. They are working again now. What account was it? I can activate it for you as I'm not sure if you can request another activation e-mail... though perhaps you can... try logging in on the account and see if it gives you a link to resent the activation e-mail. Let me know if you cant and I'll activate it for you (though I may have already as I went through and activated all accounts registered while the e-mail servers were blocked).

Herr burt, I'll try creating a second account on The Forge and let you know... I need a practice pirate account anyway. Arrrr!  ;D

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2006, 02:56:05 pm »


Huuuuuuuuu-rah!   I was setting into a dead panic for a moment there.  However, it seems that the problem exists only for the Tiger Heart cartel.   Judging from the error messages, I'm thinking it is a shiplist error with their starting ship.   (Either that, or the server wants to take no chances that Hexx might ever actually log on.)

I can create new accounts with all the other cartels and can do the work I need to do using them.  Oh, and I'll get around to fixing the TigerHeart eventually.  (Hexx, e-mail me for the bribery address.)

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Bonk

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2006, 03:01:57 pm »
Just created a second account on The Forge no problems using a valid gamespy account created with the GSA interface (not using the "change the case of one letter of the e-mail" bug - which may have unknown implications).

Offline Bonk

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Re: Anyone Having Trouble with the D2 today?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2006, 03:04:53 pm »


Huuuuuuuuu-rah!   I was setting into a dead panic for a moment there.  However, it seems that the problem exists only for the Tiger Heart cartel.   Judging from the error messages, I'm thinking it is a shiplist error with their starting ship.   (Either that, or the server wants to take no chances that Hexx might ever actually log on.)

I can create new accounts with all the other cartels and can do the work I need to do using them.  Oh, and I'll get around to fixing the TigerHeart eventually.  (Hexx, e-mail me for the bribery address.)

-Herr Burt

I highly reccomend not disabling AI production and running your server through all game years the server will run to ensure that starting ships are available for AI creation or new human characters in all game years. (i.e. ensure that there is always a ship available in the starting ship bpv range specified in and accounting for empire deltas)

Let me know if you'd like me to dig up the metamap settings... DH has them too. (Goes back to Castrin's observations of yonks ago...)

EDIT: here's The Forge's current AI creation settings:
Code: [Select]
// This section handles the creation of AI ships

TargetPopulationToEconomicRatio =0.0025 // (0.0025) This is the ratio of AI ships to current economy of an empire

OrionPopulationRatio =0.1 // (0.1) This is the population ratio for orion pirates.

MonsterPopulationRatio =0.005 // (0.025) This is the poplation ratio of Monsters.

StandardAIBPV =100 //Default AI BPV

MaxAIEcoBonusBPV =2.0 // Higher number will make bigger AI ships for losing empires

MinFuzzAIBPV =0.3 //Minimum random AI bpv level 0.3 = 30% less

MaxFuzzAIBPV =3.0 //Maximum random AI bpv level 2.0 = twice base

ChanceForTwoShips =0.2 //This is the chance for 2 ships for an AI

ChanceForThreeShips =0.05 //This is the chance for 3 ships for an AI

AttemptsToCreateAIInHomeHex =1 //Maximum AI to create in 1 turn

MaxAIsToCreatePerTurn =1 //How many AIs to try to create before giving up

MaxAIsToKillPerTurn =10 //Maximum AIs to be killed in 1 turn before ending phase

AITurnOverRate =1 //

MaxBattlesPerTurn =1 //Maximum number AI battles in a turn before ending phase

CreateAIFrequency =1 // How many AIs to create a second, untill goal level reached

KillAIFrequency =10 // How many AIs to kill a second, untill goal level reached

InitalAILevel =100 // How many AI's to create before game starts

MaxAIsPerEmpire =1 // ( -1 ) Create a fixed number of AIs per empire. -1 means not to use a fixed number.

You can crank up the AI kill rates to achieve a bit of a "self cleaning" effect. (100 instead of 10  for MaxAIsToKillPerTurn  and KillAIFrequency - I think DH did this for the last SG server... the machine must be fast enouch to handle the cpu load though)

Never run the turn clock faster than the time periods specified here (1 second - or MaxAIsToKillPerTurn/KillAIFrequency if the two are not equal), for obvious reasons. Give it at least a few seconds to do its work.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 03:20:13 pm by Bonk »