Chapter 4 - Stage Left (part 1)*************
USS Tigermoth-A
20th March 2395
0902hrs EST
The ship rumbled as the first few shots from the Andomredan forces impacted the shields. Smithy watched the main screen as phaser beams lashed out from his vessel to strike several targets. Disruptor pulses from the Klingon taskforce pummeled various Andromedan ships, while photon torpedoes from the Federation fleet exploded and forced those ships to stay in tight.
"Elkins, evasive pattern of your choice. Drelkar, continue firing."
Winchester turned to face the captain. "Sir, I've got more contacts coming out of that dust cloud."
"How many?"
"Unable to get a good reading because of the weapons discharge, but we're looking at at least another fifty....make that another hundred small ships."
Smithy made his way over to Winchester's station. "How can that be? We've picked up no evidence of any wormholes, transwarp networks or anything...." His voice tailed off as a thought occurred. "The dust cloud?"
"It's conceivable that the cloud was formed by the gravitational attraction of a wormhole. It's rare though, and the cloud formed is never as extensive as this."
The ship pitched to starboard suddenly as Elkins threw her into a tight turn. Everyone fought to stay upright. "Sorry sir, needed to find some room."
"Don't worry about it." Smithy willed his knee to keep him standing.
Don't fall down, don't fall down, don't fall down. "If that wormhole has been there long enough, it could have formed this cloud. That means we have the Andromedans knocking on our back door."
"There's still no way to confirm that there is a wormhole in there sir."
Explosions on the main screen pulled Smithy's attention away from the Ops console. A couple of Klingon ships crumbled under fire from Andromedan vessels. "Drelkar, target that group of ships, fire at will." He made his way back to his chair. "Reckon we need to withdraw yet?"
Lisa shook her head. "The Klingons would be upset if we did. Besides, we've hopefully got re-inforcements on the way from Antares."
"Alright. Riggs, signal the Federation fleet. I want all the destroyers, escorts and frigates to come in tight with us, the cruisers can stay out wide to provide fire support."
"Fleet is acknowledging sir."
Antares Command Post
20th March 2395
0915hrs EST
Command Centre
"Admiral, all available ships have now left to join up with the fleet. We have a transwarp capable ship running ahead of them to lay a conduit down, all ships are currently running at stable transwarp speeds."
Harriman finished reading the PADD in his hands. "What percentage of full transwarp speed are they getting?"
"Approximately 55%, it was the only way to stay within acceptable safety margins sir."
"Very well. Is the Tempest ready?"
"Skeleton crew is aboard, just waiting on you and Commander Harrison."
"Very well." He tapped his comm badge. "Commander Harrison, report to the Tempest immediately."
On my way Admiral."
Harriman turned to Lieutenant Eva. "You're in command until I return. I want engineering crews to continue working on the ships here, Utopia Planitia are also working on more. Try and scare up some more crews as well, I don't want to have to start automating these ships as we need them to be combat effective."
"Aye sir."
USS Tempest
20th March 2395
0920hrs EST
"Admiral on the bridge!"
Harriman stepped out of the turbolift and down towards his chair. "As you were. Helm, you have the co-ordinates?"
Ensign Loval glanced back. "Course laid in Admiral. Engine room reports ready for transwarp speed at your discretion."
"Thank you." Harriman glanced at Harrison. "You look nervous Commander."
Harrison's face coloured. "I've never been aboard a transwarp capable vessel before, sir."
"Relax. The days of nacelle implosions are long gone. Helm, engage. Best possible speed."
USS Tigermoth-A
20th March 2395
1140hrs EST
"Shields down to 47%!"
Smithy made his way over to the Engineering console. "Auxilliary power currently being used by....phasers, damn it. Alright....tie in power fom the storage batteries to the shield grid, that should firm them up for a little while." He glanced over at Lisa. "Not going to be enough is it?"
"You're the engineer." Lisa shot a glance over at Winchester. "Are they still coming?"
"Yes ma'am. We've destroyed 83 of them, they've added around 150 more to their numbers. The Klingons have lost 14 ships, 35 have arrived to join the party. We've lost 4 ships, SOD has lost nearly all of theirs."
"Any sign of our re-inforcements?"
"Not yet."
The bridge tilted suddenly under weapons fire, before righting itself almost as violently. Lisa glanced around. "James?"
"Down here."
"Oh no." Lisa rushed to the back of the bridge. "Don't try and get up, just straighten that leg out."
Smithy looked up at her. "Yes ma'am." He winced as he pulled his leg out from underneath himself. "That'll teach me to stand up during a battle."
"Shields firming up now sir!" Drelkar called back. "I'm switching them back over to standard combat power mode."
"Good." Smithy dragged himself upright with a little help from the console next to him. "Reckon I'll go and sit down for a bit."
Despite her worry, Lisa couldn't help but smile. "Probably for the best. Riggs, any word from Antares yet?"
"Just that ships were being sent ma'am."
The ship shuddered under another big hit, one of the science stations erupting in a shower of sparks. Smithy ducked as a bit of debris flew across the bridge. "Someone make sure that station isn't on fire please."
Winchester grabbed an extinguisher off the wall rack near him and directed a stream at the blackened console. "No fire here." His attention returned to his own console as it began beeping. "Sir, new contacts!"
"No, Starfleet!" He stared at his screen closely. "Uh sir, I think you ought to see the lead ship."
Smithy threw him a puzzled look. "On-screen."
Smithy and Lisa stared at it. Lisa spoke first. "I think it's quite pretty."
"Yeah, nice lines. Those nacelles are a little different, I quite like that."
The Tigermoth class USS Tempest flew by the ship she had been built to emulate, phaser beams lancing out from her. Neatly diving to avoid the return fire, she swung around to take up a flanking position with the Tigermoth.
Riggs turned. "Admiral Harriman is hailing, sir."
Harriman's image sprang into focus on the viewscreen. "
What d'you think?"
Smithy grinned. "I like the nacelles, why didn't we get them at the refit?"
They're still fairly experimental. We're not even sure if they're a huge improvement yet, we haven't done any speed trials. Hell, haven't done any trials full stop."
"No time like the present I guess. How many ships did you bring with you?"
50. All we could get ready this quick."
"Hey, better than nothing. Beers are on me when this is over. Turning over command of the fleet to you."
Very well. Continue as you were doing, while we thrash out a plan we've been considering over here. Tempest out."
Smithy closed out the link. "Drelkar, Elkins, you heard the man - continue as we were. Weapons status Drelkar?"
"Phasers heating up, but still within tolerance. Running low on photon torpedo casings, but we have plenty of quantum torpedoes."
"Use a few more then, let's keep the phaser useage back a bit to let them cool. Fire at will."
Not that happy with it, but it'll do for now