Chapter 2 - Build Up (part 3)************
IKV Mortum Hesta
19th March 2395
2200hrs EST
Thulinuk paced up and down the command centre of his ship, pausing to glance at console screens. Reams of data were streaming in from every sensor on the Vampire class ship, and a crew that was used to full-scale battle was facing the unfamiliar task of operating like the crew of a scout vessel. He stopped at Sheehan's Tactical console. "Are you certain you saw something?"
"I'm sure. Kamal, upper right quadrant. Magnify. Now, direct sensor scans just to the side of that disturbance."
"Yes, commander."
Thulinuk frowned. "Just to the side?"
"I don't want them thinking we've got a lock."
"Ah. Clever."
Sheehan worked in silence for a few seconds. "Alright, got an outline. Something around 250 metres long is sat out there. It's directing scans out by the look of this background radiation."
"Communications. Tie in the translator for Andromedan linguacode. Broadcast this on known Andromedan frequencies."
"Ready sir."
Thulinuk sat in his chair. "This is the Klingon ship IKV Mortum Hesta. You are in Klingon space. Withdraw immediately."
He waited a beat. Then two. Nothing. Then an alarm.
Sheehan turned. "Neutron surge. I think you got their attention."
The screen image rippled, and an Andromedan ship emerged from under cloak. Thulinuk glanced at Sheehan. "Shield status?"
"Up. Weapons ready for cold start. They have their shields and weapons charged. And we have more ships decloaking. Reading five in the same configuration as this one."
"Our fleet status?"
"Kolg'ata and her escort ships are moving to intercept. One minute."
"Helm, prepare for erratic maneuvering. Sheehan."
"They aren't pre-.....wait, reading power surge."
"Charge weapons. Helm, now!"
The screen switched out to the view directly in front of the ship as the lead Andromedan vessel fired. All the shots sailed past as the ship dived out of the way. Thulinuk bared his teeth. "Disruptors to full! Target that ship and fire!" Huge bolts of green disruptor energy slammed into the Andromedan ship as he watched.
"Here comes the Kolg'ata. More Andromedan ships are arriving!"
"Communications! Send situation report on Allied channels, including transpace link!"
Thulinuk stared at the screen. "Torpedoes! Maximum spread!"
USS Tigermoth-A
2210hrs EST
Smithy sat back and reflected. He didn't like what he saw. The PADD he held contained the latest update from the mothball yards regarding the status of the ships they were trying to get ready.
We can't help defend the quadrant with these numbers.Something else was troubling him, and he didn't know what. He hadn't had any pre-cognitive vision, but he could sense that something was coming and he knew he wasn't going to like it. "Riggs, any comm. chatter on the TacFleet frequencies?"
"Negative sir. Wait, getting something." She listened intently for a few seconds. "It's the Klingons sir. Multiple Andromedan ships attacking patrol group A."
"Helm, maximum transwarp." Smithy jumped to his feet, willing his knee to keep him upright. "Notify all vessels in the area to make their way over there at once. Signal battlestations to all decks, senior officers to the bridge. Or at least, as senior as we have these days."
IKV Mortum Hesta
2225hrs EST
Sheehan slammed a fist on his control panel. "Aft torpedo tube is off-line. Thermal cut-off tripped."
"Engineering, get the aft launcher back on-line." Thulinuk gripped the sides of his chair as several hits landed against his ship. "Shield status?"
"64%. Not sure how much longer we can keep re-inforcing them, storage batteries are draining."
"The fleet?"
Sheehan half-turned. "We've lost several escorts and two Vor'Cha cruisers. More Andromedan vessels are coming in."
"Where from? Is there a wormhole nearby?"
"If there is, the sensors missed it. No sign of one." Sheehan stared down at his board. "Got a new contact coming in, from our side of the border."
"Starfleet." Sheehan grinned. "It's the 'Moth."
The Tigermoth hoved into view on the main screen, spitting torpedoes out at several targets and evading much of the returning fire. Phaser bursts lanced out from every single emitter on the ship. Thulinuk looked on in admiration. "A true warrior's ship. Helm, full impulse! Follow the Tigermoth, shoot at anything she does!"
USS Tigermoth-A
"Mortum Hesta is following us sir."
"Good." Lisa crossed over to Tactical. "They'll be following up your shots with a good hard disruptor uppercut." She glanced over to the helm. "Don't block their line of fire Elkins. Drelkar, continue firing."
Smithy turned his attention to Ops. "Winchester, what's the status of the Andromedan fleet?"
"They're attempting to get back into some kind of formation. Looks like they're going to try and break through our line here. We have more ships arriving now, including a small force of SOD ships."
"Nice of them to join the party." Lisa sat and consulted her screen whcih was receiving a feed from Winchester. "Riggs, signal the Klingons to move in tighter, the Andromedans are drawing in to try and punch through."
"Yes ma'am." Riggs worked at her console for several seconds. "Klingon force is moving in tighter, I'm asking the new Starfleet arrivals to go wide to prevent any attempt there."
"Good. See if you can raise the Andromedans at all, maybe we can end this before it gets too silly."
Short bit. Wasn't happy with the rest of what I planned to post tonight, so this will have to do for now