Topic: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans  (Read 78659 times)

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Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2006, 02:34:22 am »
LMAO, it's so easy but I can see that ppl might miss it.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2006, 03:18:46 am »
One of my old IRC role playing characters has a ship that has only I.M. Pulse reactor power to the SIF and IDF systems for exactly that reason. No warp power to feed back from the shock of ramming. It's a rather bastardly designed ship he had, specifically made for crunching into enemy ships if need be.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2006, 07:50:07 am »
LMAO, it's so easy but I can see that ppl might miss it.

The warp drive being off-line is the key to it all. So, hands up if you think there may be a call back to that sequence later on in the fic..... ;D


Just noticed that there is a sweary filter  ::) Pity that said sweary flter managed to catch Riggs's exclamation of "sh*t" but missed Smithy's exclamation of "bollocks". Was it a bit too US-centric to catch that most British of swear words? How many minds have I corrupted by using a British swear word?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 02:09:18 pm by James Smith »
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2006, 12:08:37 pm »
Chapter 2 - Build Up (part 2)

Antares Command Post
Conference Room 1A
19th March 2395
1035hrs EST

Smithy walked into the room, disguising his limp as well as he could. Harriman and Maxwell hadn't arrived yet, but Harrison had - he was standing by the window, staring out at the view of the Tigermoth in the box dock. "Pretty little thing isn't she?"

Harrison turned. "Done a lot of work on her haven't you? What’s left of the original ship?"

"Most of her spaceframe dates back to the original construction. Don't build 'em like they used to. Or, as I found out recently, they don't build them at all." Smithy dropped a PADD onto the desk that clattered to a halt on Harrison's side. "You know anything about this?"

Harrison read the data. "So new construction is taking longer than expected. That does happen when building all-new ship designs. I'm sure you remember the construction history of the Defiant class, the Prometheus.....even the Galaxy class took three years longer than expected."

"Difference being - we could afford to take our time over them. The Defiant problems were solved quickly once the project was re-activated, the Prometheus was just an engineering exercise to show that MVA Mode could be done, and we were in one of the most stable periods in Federation history when the Galaxy class was having it's problems ironed out." Smithy sat down, and fixed Harrison with a glare. "I take it you're Maxwell's link to Starfleet."

"What d'you mean?"

"Oh come on.....I know him. He'd want someone close to the high-ups in Starfleet to keep tabs on them. And since you're serving under Starfleet's only fully competent make a logical choice."

Harrison glared back. "'Logical'....what are you, a Vulcan? And why do you hate the President that has brought security to the Federation?"

"He's brought a dictatorship and disarray to the Federation. The only reason no-one's attacked us until now is that everyone else has problems of their own. And the sooner people like you wake up and realise the damage thats being done the sooner we can get things back to how they should be."

Harrison was going to reply, but Maxwell and Harriman chose that moment to enter. Smithy caught Harriman's look of annoyance. I see the President is endearing himself already. Oh this really is going to be fun....

"Good morning sir." Harrison shook hands with Maxwell. "I trust your journey here was uneventful?"

"It was fine commander. Just fine." Maxwell sat, stared at Smithy. "Well, you look a lot less angry than at our last meeting. They've repaired the bar by the way."

"Good. That means I can destroy it all over again." Smithy glanced over at Harriman who was leaning back in his chair. "You mind if I launch into my scathing attack now, or should I wait?"

Harriman grinned. "I never stopped you before. No reason to start interfering now."

"Thanks." Smithy slid the PADD across to Maxwell. "You want to explain that? And I don't want the same excuse that Commander Brown-nose gave me, if I wanted to listen to a complete load of bollocks I'd play a tape of one of your speeches."

Maxwell folded his arms and stared back impassively at Smithy. "What do you want me to say? That I admit we're behind on production? That it was probably a mistake to put all our eggs in one basket? How will that help anyone?"

"It will help me."

"I don't think it would. You'll still be left with the same problem of how to defend against this new threat."

"I will be left? What about your grand plan to have the Federation defended by a military force that you had some control over?"

Harrison snorted. "Well, we all know how that's worked out. First time that the Great Captain James Smith hoves into view he is granted control of the SOD taskforce. You have this strange ability to make people like you and respect you when you want it."

"It's called charisma. You were quite plainly at the back of the queue when that was being handed out." Smithy turned to Harriman. "You got in touch with the mothball yards yet?"

"We've got engineering teams working on getting a number of ships ready for immediate duty. The rest will be reactivated over the next couple of weeks. I'm pulling ex-TacFleet crews from everywhere I can get them, and Science Branch has attached every Combat Class 3 vessel to us for the duration of the emergency."

"Excuse me." Maxwell leaned forward. "I was under the impression that I had to be consulted regarding these matters."

Smithy rolled his eyes. "You know what Maxwell? I'm done being even slightly diplomatic about this. You will keep out of Starfleet's business."

"Or what?"

"Or I will make you."

Maxwell stared at Smithy, and knew he had to back down. He recognised The Look, the one that said 'Don't even try it. I will end you'. He hadn't liked the result the last time he saw The Look, and didn't fancy his chances this time either. Enjoy this while it lasts James. I have no intention of letting you ruin everything I'm trying to achieve. "When your Starfleet taskforce is together, come to these co-ordinates." He tapped the data into the PADD and slid it across to Smithy. "Special Operations will be basing itself from that station. You can co-ordinate with them there."

Command Centre
1300hrs EST

"Well, didn't that go well?"

Smithy raised an eyebrow. "'Well'? I did everything short of punching him out."

"Thats what I meant. I was convinced you were going to hit him." He shook his head. "Something's going on. I don't trust Harrison, and I certainly don't trust Maxwell."

"You and me both. Well, as long as we stay on top of things I'm sure we'll be able to deal with whatever they throw at us."

Harriman glanced over at the chronometer. "I've got to get to Earth, Starfleet's top brass are having a meeting."

"Need a lift?"

Harriman smiled. "Thanks. You headed that way?"

"We've got transwarp. Everywhere is 'that way'." Smithy sighed. "Actually, I'm headed for Dantar."

"You aren't going to...."

"No. No, he doesn't need to be involved. But he does need to know."

USS Tigermoth
19th March 2395
2110hrs EST

Lisa leaned against the bridge rail, watching the screen intently as the ship exited the transwarp realm and proceeded into the Dantar system. "Elkins?"

"Ten minutes to Dantar IV ma'am."

"Standard orbit when we arrive. Riggs, let the orbital station know we're coming and let the captain know we're nearly there."

Smithy chose that moment to exit the turbolift and limp onto the bridge. He caught his wife's look of concern. "I'm alright, I just got off a physio session in sickbay."

"Those sessions are supposed to be helping you, not cripping you." Lisa shook her head. "It ought to be getting better by now."

"You know regen.....sometimes it doesn't take."

"Even so...."

Smithy put his arms around her. "Look. When we next get a break, I'll arrange a visit to Vulcan and see a specialist. Mack passed on some of his wisdom to a couple of doctors there. And it'd be nice to catch up with S'Tasik's family." He looked up at the bridge chrono. "Got to be getting close now."

"Few minutes sir."

He let go of Lisa and headed for the turbolift doors. "Lisa, you have the conn. I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

Lisa nodded. "What will you say to him?"

"I'm hoping that I'll think of something once I'm in the pattern buffer."

Dantar IV
Khelthane Family Compound

Kieran Forester shuffled across the courtyard, pausing to grab a piece of fruit off one of the trees. Absently biting into it, he almost walked past the figure clad in a Starfleet uniform. He stopped. "Smithy?"

"Hi Kieran." Smithy stook a hand out, Kieran grabbed it in a firm handshake. "You look...."


"Well, I was going to say 'bloody awful' but old does seem much more polite."

Kieran let out a mirthless chuckle. "The perils of not getting my top up of metaphasic radiation I suppose." He led Smithy over to a low stone wall, and the two men sat. "Been a while. Last time I saw you would have been the ceremony for the Hyperion-D entering the Starfleet Museum."

"Yeah. Damn good party that. And a nice idea as well.....didn't seem right having a Hyperion in Starfleet without a Forester in command. So, aside from age are you keeping well?"

"Look around you Smithy." Kieran gestured at the courtyard. "I'm home. No stress, no zooming across Federation space at warp battles."

"The quiet life." Smithy nodded, gazing out at the view. "I wondered if you might retire out to the Ba'ku homeworld. Go tell all those kids more stories about life outside the Patch. Last time I dropped in they said they missed you."

"I could have retired there." Kieran smiled wistfully. "But then I couldn't. It's a great place, and I have many friends there. But it isn't home. I just needed to be here again."

Smithy smiled. "Yeah. I can understand that."

The two men sat in silent contemplation for a moment or two. Kieran threw his old friend a look. "Nice as it is to see you, I somehow doubt that it's a social call. You're too busy for that game usually. Well, whatever it is - I'm not coming back."

"Who asked you to?" Smithy glanced at him, then back out at the flowers in the courtyard. "I'm not here to draft you. I'm not here to persuade you to come out of retirement."

Kieran stared at him. "Well, that makes a change I suppose. I can't count the number of times Starfleet sent someone out to lure me back. But if you aren't here to draft me, then there must be something going on out there that you aren't going to draft me for." He frowned. "I think that makes sense."

Smithy allowed a small smile to creep onto his face, but quickly it vanished and was replaced with a dark frown. "Andromedans."

The name sent a shudder through Kieran's body. "Oh no..."

He listened as Smithy detailed the events of the last few days, slowly taking in the news. "And this Special Operations outfit, which should be leading the defence, isn't at all ready?"

"No. We've got the engineering teams at UP and Antares working flat out getting mothballed ships back into service, and we're pulling crews together." He rubbed his knee, not quite able to keep the pain from showing in his face.

Kieran watched him. "Still giving you bother?"

"Yeah. It probably always will."

"You should get it looked at."

"I will. But without Mack..." He willed his voice to remain level. "He was the one doctor I trusted, and a good friend. Now he's gone. Time always catches up eventually, you and I both know that."

Kieran nodded sombrely. "You could go to Vulcan."

"Yeah, I discussed it with Lisa. It's been a while since I saw S'Tasik's family as well. What about you? You want us to swing by and pick you up when we go there?"

"Sure. I'd like that. Of course, it does rather depend you dealing with current events first."

" does." Smithy nodded, got up, and turned to face Kieran. "On which note, I have to get going."

Kieran looked up at him. "I can come with you if you want. I do have a little experience against the Andromedans."

Smithy shook his head. "No. Your place is here. Mine is out there." He gestured at the sky. "Right now, the universe wants you to have a quiet retirement."

"What about you? Don't you deserve one after all you've done?"

"The universe won't let me do that. It hates me, and it wants me to be miserable. I offset that fact by having a wife, and by having good friends. But the only way it knows how to deal with that is to put men like John Maxwell and Robert Metcalf in positions of power. I've dealt with one....and now I'm temporarily stuck with the other."


"You know me. Always looking to cause mischief in the political ranks when given a chance." Smithy stared up at the sky. "I have no intention of letting everything you, me and the rest of TacFleet fought for go to the dogs just so he can make his mark on history." He tapped his comm. badge. "Smith to Tigermoth. Transporter room."

"Aye sir."

"Stand by, one to beam up."

Kieran stood, and reached out a hand. "I'll see you when this is all over."

Smithy shook it. "Take care old friend. Transporter room, energise."

« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 09:11:34 am by James Smith »
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2006, 02:38:19 am »
Ha I kinda expected that Kierran would come anyway. Maybe he swoops in to the rescue later?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2006, 01:44:34 pm »
Keiran has been riding to the rescue for how long now? Smithy is right. It's time he had a chance to relax.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2006, 05:08:54 pm »
Ha I kinda expected that Kierran would come anyway. Maybe he swoops in to the rescue later?

Keiran has been riding to the rescue for how long now? Smithy is right. It's time he had a chance to relax.

I had toyed with the idea of leaving him out completely, and letting K-Fo come back to tell the Admiral's story at a later date when he feels like writing in this universe again. When I wrote the outline1 for this fic many moons ago he was in the thick of the fighting, but a convo over PM with K-Fo led me to change that plan somewhat. I would post the details, but a) some of you who are reading this have definitely got the picture already judging by my e-mail inbox and b) it's really K-Fo's place since the character is his ;)

1 A word about the creative process (otherwise known as 'utter chaos'):

I'm not sure how other writers go about writing their fics, but when I started out with "ROTISC" I didn't have all that clear an idea of where it was going to go. For "ROTImp" I decided that it probably wasn't the best way of doing things, so decided to have a plan of where I was starting and where I wanted to end, and leave the middle to be done on the fly (since it was a collaboration). For the other chapters "Vengeance", "Silent Enemy" and "ROTA" I decided to go in with an outline of the entire plot.

"Vengeance" has seen so many re-writes of the outline that it's almost getting quite silly, and it will appear on here in a proper form after this fic.....probably some time in the winter. "Silent Enemy" didn't quite work as I intended - there wasn't enough in my outline to flesh out if I'm really honest about it, so it came out rushed and that was commented on by some of you (quite rightly). I'll have to come back and do a 'director's cut' of it at some point, insert some new chapters and flesh the whole thing out to get it to a point that I'm happy with.

During my hiatus between the penultimate and final chapters of "SE" I wrote a veeeeeery long outline to "ROTA" to try and avoid that problem. I again ran into a slight snag - it turns out that I didn't actually know how I want this one to end yet! This was slightly annoying to me, as I wanted to get a clear idea of what was going to happen to these characters this time round to avoid the problems "SE" threw up. Endings that I chucked out included a very dark 'fall of the Federation' scenario and a polar opposite with every one of the major species in the Alpha and Beta quadrants allying into one gigantic Federation to ensure that the galaxy would be safe from external forces. That last one sounded just a little bit too much like the end of Asimov's "Foundation and Earth" though (the formation of Galaxia to guard against forces from outside the galaxy), and I didn't feel I could do justice to the first one. I'm still not sure really - if I get a burst of inspiration I may re-visit one of those ideas but for now I have a plan of sorts and I'm going to stick with it.

Also, "ROTA" was slated to be another collaboration at one point (after I/we had done "ROTimp" I think there was some discussion back on Ye Olde Taldren board regarding it).....that plan was put on the back burner with writers doing other things and me having almost no time to do any writing justice. A shame really - a James Smith/K-Fo/S'Tasik/Iceman/anyone else attempt at this would probably have resulted in the greatest piece of organised chaos ever seen on a forum. It definitely would now that my writing has gotten a bit better and I have a clearer idea about my characters.....but no matter. Much as I would love to do a joint fic again it probably isn't on the cards now :)

Enough rambling - I'll hopefully have another part ready for tomorrow. Finished Uni, so I'll have a reasonable amount of spare time inbetween my part-time job hours for a while until I go full-time in August.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2006, 05:09:22 pm »
Chapter 2 - Build Up (part 3)

IKV Mortum Hesta
19th March 2395
2200hrs EST

Thulinuk paced up and down the command centre of his ship, pausing to glance at console screens. Reams of data were streaming in from every sensor on the Vampire class ship, and a crew that was used to full-scale battle was facing the unfamiliar task of operating like the crew of a scout vessel. He stopped at Sheehan's Tactical console. "Are you certain you saw something?"

"I'm sure. Kamal, upper right quadrant. Magnify. Now, direct sensor scans just to the side of that disturbance."

"Yes, commander."

Thulinuk frowned. "Just to the side?"

"I don't want them thinking we've got a lock."

"Ah. Clever."

Sheehan worked in silence for a few seconds. "Alright, got an outline. Something around 250 metres long is sat out there. It's directing scans out by the look of this background radiation."

"Communications. Tie in the translator for Andromedan linguacode. Broadcast this on known Andromedan frequencies."

"Ready sir."

Thulinuk sat in his chair. "This is the Klingon ship IKV Mortum Hesta. You are in Klingon space. Withdraw immediately."

He waited a beat. Then two. Nothing. Then an alarm.

Sheehan turned. "Neutron surge. I think you got their attention."

The screen image rippled, and an Andromedan ship emerged from under cloak. Thulinuk glanced at Sheehan. "Shield status?"

"Up. Weapons ready for cold start. They have their shields and weapons charged. And we have more ships decloaking. Reading five in the same configuration as this one."

"Our fleet status?"

"Kolg'ata and her escort ships are moving to intercept. One minute."

"Helm, prepare for erratic maneuvering. Sheehan."

"They aren't pre-.....wait, reading power surge."

"Charge weapons. Helm, now!"

The screen switched out to the view directly in front of the ship as the lead Andromedan vessel fired. All the shots sailed past as the ship dived out of the way. Thulinuk bared his teeth. "Disruptors to full! Target that ship and fire!" Huge bolts of green disruptor energy slammed into the Andromedan ship as he watched.

"Here comes the Kolg'ata. More Andromedan ships are arriving!"

"Communications! Send situation report on Allied channels, including transpace link!"


Thulinuk stared at the screen. "Torpedoes! Maximum spread!"

USS Tigermoth-A
2210hrs EST

Smithy sat back and reflected. He didn't like what he saw. The PADD he held contained the latest update from the mothball yards regarding the status of the ships they were trying to get ready. We can't help defend the quadrant with these numbers.

Something else was troubling him, and he didn't know what. He hadn't had any pre-cognitive vision, but he could sense that something was coming and he knew he wasn't going to like it. "Riggs, any comm. chatter on the TacFleet frequencies?"

"Negative sir. Wait, getting something." She listened intently for a few seconds. "It's the Klingons sir. Multiple Andromedan ships attacking patrol group A."

"Helm, maximum transwarp." Smithy jumped to his feet, willing his knee to keep him upright. "Notify all vessels in the area to make their way over there at once. Signal battlestations to all decks, senior officers to the bridge. Or at least, as senior as we have these days."

IKV Mortum Hesta
2225hrs EST

Sheehan slammed a fist on his control panel. "Aft torpedo tube is off-line. Thermal cut-off tripped."

"Engineering, get the aft launcher back on-line." Thulinuk gripped the sides of his chair as several hits landed against his ship. "Shield status?"

"64%. Not sure how much longer we can keep re-inforcing them, storage batteries are draining."

"The fleet?"

Sheehan half-turned. "We've lost several escorts and two Vor'Cha cruisers. More Andromedan vessels are coming in."

"Where from? Is there a wormhole nearby?"

"If there is, the sensors missed it.  No sign of one." Sheehan stared down at his board. "Got a new contact coming in, from our side of the border."


"Starfleet." Sheehan grinned. "It's the 'Moth."

The Tigermoth hoved into view on the main screen, spitting torpedoes out at several targets and evading much of the returning fire. Phaser bursts lanced out from every single emitter on the ship. Thulinuk looked on in admiration. "A true warrior's ship. Helm, full impulse! Follow the Tigermoth, shoot at anything she does!"

USS Tigermoth-A

"Mortum Hesta is following us sir."

"Good." Lisa crossed over to Tactical. "They'll be following up your shots with a good hard disruptor uppercut." She glanced over to the helm. "Don't block their line of fire Elkins. Drelkar, continue firing."

Smithy turned his attention to Ops. "Winchester, what's the status of the Andromedan fleet?"

"They're attempting to get back into some kind of formation. Looks like they're going to try and break through our line here. We have more ships arriving now, including a small force of SOD ships."

"Nice of them to join the party." Lisa sat and consulted her screen whcih was receiving a feed from Winchester. "Riggs, signal the Klingons to move in tighter, the Andromedans are drawing in to try and punch through."

"Yes ma'am." Riggs worked at her console for several seconds. "Klingon force is moving in tighter, I'm asking the new Starfleet arrivals to go wide to prevent any attempt there."

"Good. See if you can raise the Andromedans at all, maybe we can end this before it gets too silly."


Short bit. Wasn't happy with the rest of what I planned to post tonight, so this will have to do for now :)
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2006, 03:04:35 pm »
It does and it doesn't. Gives a taste for more?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2006, 06:04:10 pm »
It does and it doesn't. Gives a taste for more?

Figured it may. Unfortunately, there was some alcohol that was desperately in need of drinking so I chose to do that instead of a) some work for someone who won't appreciate it at all or b) some writing that probably would have been appreciated by you and others  ;D

In other news, I'm planning on being very, very drunk in the next couple of hours. I will place a piece of work that I have here on the back burner for the reason I mentioned above, and write some more in the morning. In the meantime, anyone who is old enough is more than welcome to join me in cracking open some cans if they can make it over to Barras Lane in Coventry. :drinkinsong:
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2006, 04:42:12 am »
Okay, in my defence there is a reason for the gap since I last posted anything. I finally (after over 2 years of waiting, God bless the NHS....) had my knee operated on. After two days of being good for very little indeed, I started back on my old training regime to shift some of this weight that I picked up since hurting myself and becoming less active.

As matters stand, I have a great wadge of glue and filler material holding the articular cartilage together so hopefully it will join up properly and the damage to the lateral collateral ligament can heal properly now. I'd ruptured a tendon when I initially hurt the knee, and that hasn't healed quite right so the doctors are having a think about it. Right now I'm enjoying being able to walk more than 2-3 miles without experiencing pain in the joint ;D

No promises here, but I'll try and finish some more up before Friday.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2006, 02:44:08 pm »
Glad I made no promises.....

Quick update - been writing, not got anything to a point at which I'm remotely happy with it. Hopefully will have something ready soon.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2006, 01:20:47 am »
How's the knee?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2006, 06:54:00 am »
How's the knee?

Pulled the stitch out the other day as it was annoying me  ;D The hole they made when they went in has scabbed over now, healing just fine. The internals seem to be holding up nicely, so it's looking good.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2006, 02:59:41 pm »
Glad to hear you're doing better, Smithy. Take your time. ;)
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2006, 04:42:55 pm »
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2006, 12:25:26 pm »
Good for you Smithy! Finally made it to the end ofthe waiting list. And Canada donesn't want a 2-tier healthcare system, wants to make it illegal to get private healthcare, even if it's available... *rolls eyes in disgust*

Gald to hear you're healing up properly. I'm kinda feeling the need to shift some excess weight myself... used to walk 3 miles, 6 days a week. For the last 3 years I've been sitting on my arse... Well, at least I carried some weights (brought home some shopping) and hit the pool this morning.

So, looking forward to you resuming your epic tale!
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2006, 02:34:21 pm »
Slightlly worrying thought of the day:

Ever since I had my knee op, and came off the quite insane amount of (prescribed) drugs I was having to pop just to function, I've not been happy with my writing. Hope there ain't a link there.....

Nah. In other news, I am actually getting close to posting some more. Y'all are gonna have to be a little patient for a while until I get back to some kind of normality in life. On the plus side - my weight is down below 200lbs1 for the first time in 6 months! W00tage!!


1Yeah, 200lbs. But I am tall, and girls apparently dig the ol' "bear" look!
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2006, 09:28:09 pm »
Bah, at least you're tall. I'm 5'10" on a good day, and I've been pushing 190-200 for too long now. I was down to 175 during basic training, but that changed when I got home and didn't have to work out everyday. ;) I'm going to start working out again though; evidently the ladies don't dig the short and chunky look. ;D
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2006, 10:08:30 am »
Hey, what do you mean, at least he's tall? I'm 5'9" and 176ilbs! I don't consider myself short...

I really do need to start walking again though...
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)