Topic: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans  (Read 78638 times)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #100 on: June 04, 2007, 08:16:34 am »
Glad to see ya' posting again, Smithy!
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #101 on: June 04, 2007, 09:17:38 am »

Not too much to comment on here, except that it continued the flow well. Looking forward to more.
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #102 on: June 06, 2007, 05:18:14 pm »

Chapter 5 - The Approaching Storm (part 3)

USS Endeavour NCC 1895 (DC)
3rd May 2395
1015hrs EST
Engine Room

Smithy limped into the disassembled engine room of the Constitution class ship, catching hold of a passing yeoman. "I'm looking for a Lieutentant Commander John Roberts."

"He hasn't arrived yet sir."

Smithy frowned. "Alright, who's in charge at the moment?"

"Lieutenant T'Pel sir. She's currently examining the new warp core mounts."

"Thank you." Smithy glanced around, before heading off in the direction of the nearest mounting bracket. "Lieutenant T'Pel?"

"One moment please." The young Vulcan woman finished scanning the metal of the bracket before turning. "Oh-....excuse me sir, I didn't realise you were on board."

Smithy smiled at the quick flash of embarrasment that crossed her features before Vulcan equanimity took over. They really turning Lieutenants out that young these days, or am I just getting really, really old? "That's okay. Any idea if this ship is getting to see her chief engineer today, or do we just give you the job?"

T'Pel deliberately kept her tone neutral. "I believe Mr Roberts will be along in another half hour."

Smithy looked around. "Haven't seen an engine room gutted like this for a bit. How soon can we get some hardware installed in here?"

T'Pel consulted the PADD she was holding. "We're running 13 days behind schedule at the moment sir. At the present rate we will need another week to complete the structural modifications needed before we can start fitting the computer and power systems."

"You have detailed reports of the work that's been done so far?"

"Yes sir."

"Send them through to the Tigermoth. I'd like to review them." Smithy shook his head. "When Roberts shows up, ask him to see me on the Tigermoth."

T'Pel watched him leave, before returning her attention to the core mount. So, that's what a Starfleet legend is like. That will make for an interesting anecdote to relate to my bunkmate.

USS Tigermoth-A
1330hrs EST
Briefing Room

Smithy sat leafing through the PADDs that had been sent over from the work in progress that was supposed to become the USS Typhoon over the next few months. No wonder they've started to slip behind the schedule. This'll teach Starfleet to appoint youngsters to this kind of job.

He looked up at the sound of the door chime. "Enter."

The young man strode into the room. "Lieutenant Commander John Roberts, reporting as ordered."

"Yes, welcome to the Tigermoth. Take a seat." Smith finished reading the page he was on, then placed the PADD down and looked at Roberts. "You aren't happy with your assignment?"

"What gives you that impression sir?" Roberts shifted in the chair. "I like the assignment just fine."

Smithy shook his head. "Chief engineers who like their assignments don't tend to work the shortest shift allowable under regulations. Maybe I'm just old fashioned like that, I know I turned the long shift into an art form....but you seem to be barely involved in the work on your ship."

Roberts considered for a second. "Permission to speak candidly sir."

"Permission granted."

"I was due to be assigned to the USS Sovereign under Captain Tycho. I earned that posting. I'm fully rated on all design aspects of the Sovereign class. However, I find myself transferred over to a ship that last saw service a century ago and which requires many months of reworking and rebuilding to even come close to being modernised. So yes, I am a little annoyed about missing out on the chance to be chief engineer on something that's state of the art, and instead find myself as chief engineer on a hundred year old death trap. Sir."

Smithy smiled. "I do love the arrogance of youth. You've seen the refit plans Roberts. What isn't state of the art about them?"

"The hull they're going in."

"And that's it? The hull?" Smithy sat back. "A hull is merely there to keep the air in Roberts. Warp science has evolved to the point at which hull shape is no longer of any concern. That's why the spherical primary hull is finding favour again."

Roberts flushed. "It's not the shape sir. It's the strength."

"Which is why on the Eighth Day God created structural integrity fields. And as it happens, Constitution class hulls are thicker than any other ship hull made since the introduction of the Excelsior class." Smithy nudged a PADD over to the younger man. "I've written two timelines on that PADD. One details how that refit progresses with a completely uninterested chief engineer. The other details how I'd like it to go. Can that second one involve you?"

"No sir. It cannot." Roberts glared back at Smithy. "What happens now sir?"

"Now....I go hunt for a new chief engineer. Given that the future USS Typhoon isn't actually in service yet we can bypass all the usual paperwork. Still, you do realise that you're doing your career a lot of damage by walking away from this posting?"

"Yes, I realise that I may well be damaging my Starfleet career sir."

Smithy caught the meaning. "I see. And you believe Special Operations will offer you a better ship." He shook his head sadly. "Go on, get off my ship. And good luck've got every chance of not coming out of all of this alive if you throw your lot in with SOD."

1352hrs EST

Smithy exited the turbolift and headed for the comm. station. "Still here Riggs?"

Riggs looked up from her board. "I just wanted to finish this diagnostic run sir."

"Well, pause it a second. Can you ping Dave's office for me? Need a word."

Riggs tapped in a few commands, and listened. "Admiral Harriman on-screen."

Smithy turned as the image of his former captain sprang up on the main screen. "What's up Smithy?"

"We need a new chief engineer for the Typhoon. Roberts just resigned."

"Well....I guess I saw that one coming. Word on the grapevine reckoned that he was unhappy about the posting. Any ideas on a replacement? The pool is a bit short on engineers with enough experience to get promoted that high."

Smithy shook his head. "I know what I'd do....give the job to Lieutenant T'Pel. A refit job like that will give her all the experience she needs to run an engineering crew. But Starfleet wouldn't like it one bit."

"No, they wouldn't. Which is why I'll do it." Harriman's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Long as she accepts of course."

"I'm sure she will. I never met a Vulcan yet who'd turn down a challenge." Smithy grinned. "Cheers Dave. Any idea when we can have those sensor buoys to go deploy them? You know how this ship hates sitting with the warp drive idling in dock."

"They should have completed the design modifications tomorrow morning. We've got enough built to begin assembling a good portion of the network." Harriman turned to look at something off-screen. "We have four other transwarp capable ships in dock right now, so with you making five we can probably get all these deployed in a day. We could have the entire network up and operating by the end of the month."

"Here's to hoping." Smithy sat on the bridge rail to take the weight off his leg. "Well, the cargo bay is ready whenever the buoys are. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning before the off."

"Alright. Till then." Harriman's image faded out to be replaced by the Antares Yard logo.

Smithy turned to Riggs. "Close that diagnostic down, and clear off. About time you had a break. I'll set the computer to ping whoever's on call if we get any messages come in."

Riggs considered protesting for a second, but gave in. "Aye sir. I guess I could use the time to catch up on some reading."

Smithy watched her depart, then glanced around the deserted bridge. "Smith to Orlatrel."

"Orlatrel here."

"You got everything put back together down there?"

"Just finishing up now."

"Okay. Finish it then bugger off for the rest of the day. What's the point in having authority if you don't use it to delegate work?"

"I might ask the same of you."

Smithy could hear the smile in his protegé's voice. "You might, if you didn't think it would lead to pain. Hop it. I'll see you in the morning."

"Will do."

Smithy closed out the link, and stood. "Well old thing, I'd love to stop and chat....but I've got to go see a girl about a kiss." He patted the bridge rail. "We'll get you racing across space at high transwarp speeds tomorrow, you'll like that. And we'll see if we can beat all those other ships back to Antares as well. Time you stamped your authority on your doppelgänger out there." He grinned to himself at that. "Not sure I'd let Dave live it down if you did."

1414hrs EST
Captains Quarters

Lisa stared at the image on the screen. What are you? What do you mean?

She glanced up as Smithy came in. "Hey hon'."

"Hey." Smithy leant in and kissed her. "Still trying to figure it out?"

"Yeah." Lisa shut the screen off. "And now I quit. Time I followed the James Smith Plan - just ignore it and let it come to me."

Smithy grinned at that. "Works for me." He grabbed a glass of water out of the replicator, and tossed a couple of pills into his mouth before washing them down. "I'll be glad when this is all over, and I can take a couple of months out to get myself sorted out."

Lisa smiled at him. "Now, I know you. You won't take a couple of months out. I'll be lucky to get you to slow down any longer than two weeks."

Smithy shook his head. "I dunno...." He dropped down onto the sofa. "I met a Vulcan girl on the old Endeavour earlier today, can't be much older than you were when I met you. She's about to get the chief engineer job for the duration of the refit, so she'll certainly be chief engineer when it gets recommissioned and enters service. There are kids getting positions like that in Starfleet all the time now....and they're basically signing their lives away." He looked over at her. "Our longest date in that first year must have been shoreleave while we were waiting for the parts to get the 'Moth's power grid rebuilt, when we spent a whole day in Manchester. The wedding and honeymoon were only just as long as we could get away with, before we were back on here working. Did it ever bother you?"

"Not really. I knew exactly what I was getting into with you." Lisa joined him on the sofa, snuggling up to him as he put an arm around her. "Is this it then? is this you finally realising that it's time to look after yourself a bit better?"

"Well, you matters stand, I may only last another five hundred years. With a bit less stress, a bit more time off I may make it seven hundred."

Lisa giggled. "Wouldn't it be terrible to have a poor innings and not even make it to your six hundredth birthday?" She shook her head ruefully. "Given that we're facing an Andromedan invasion force, it may be a bit premature to talk about what will happen after the conflict."

"Have a little faith." Smithy stared out of the window at the stars. "The Andromedans have done nothing so far beyond smash a defensive force half to hell and put two quadrants on full invasion alert." He frowned. "Sounds bad, doesn't it?"

"Just a bit."

"Hmm." Smithy shrugged. "Oh well. We'd better win then."

4th May 2395
0910hrs EST

Smithy and Lisa walked out onto a Tigermoth bridge bustling with activity. Smithy made his way down to his chair while Lisa did a once-around. "Report."

Riggs looked up from her board. "Cargo bay reports buoys are aboard ma'am. Admiral Harriman waiting on Channel 1A."

"Onscreen." Smithy glanced over a PADD before signing it and handing it back to a yeoman. "Mornin' Dave."

"Morning." Harriman's image sprang up on the main screen. "Sending you your flightplan for today."

Riggs turned. "Receipt confirmed. Feeding co-ordinates to the helm and to Ops."

Lisa sat on the bridge rail. "Just the five transwarp ships today then?"

"Starships Lexington and Armstrong are being released from SciFleet duty tomorrow in time for the second round of buoy deployment. We'll keep adding ships as they become available."

"Sounds good." Smithy sat back in his chair. "We'll see you later on today then. We should be first back."

"Now there's confidence." Harriman grinned. "You had Orlatrel do any tuning work on that drive lately?"

"We might be about to find out. Tigermoth out." Smithy mimed a cutting gesture at Riggs, then turned his attention to the helm. "Elkins, are we cleared to depart?"

"Dock signals clear sir. We can move off at any time."

"Then take us out. As soon as we're clear wind it up to full impulse, then at first safe range engage transwarp drive and give the engine room full speed control."

"Aye sir."

Lisa sat. "You've been waiting for this haven't you?"

"What, the chance to wind this ship right up as fast as she'll go?" Smithy leaned forward. "You bet."

« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 03:22:11 pm by James Smith »
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #103 on: June 06, 2007, 07:01:15 pm »
That does it for Chapter 5. Chapter 6 is currently being slightly re-worked as I wanted to lengthen it a bit. No major story changes, just making it a bit wordier and allowing for rather more conversation than just the general bridge and battle chatter that it had.

And yes, that does mean that Chapter 6 sees the (possibly welcome) return of Ships Getting Blowed Up Good™ to the Tigermoth universe.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #104 on: June 11, 2007, 07:04:21 am »

Chapter 6 - Death's Shadow (part 1)

USS Endeavour NCC 1895 (DC)
28th May 2395
1220hrs EST
Main Engineering

T'Pel sighed as the by now familiar words flashed up on the screen.


She acknowledged the error code, and set off back over to the computer core. Irritation made a bid for freedom inside her, but she beat it down. An emotional response would serve no purpose. No purpose at all. No purpose....except to vent frustration. She sighed again. I must be as far from kolinahr as it is possible to be.

She turned at the sound of a familar grumbling behind her. Some of the Tigermoth engineers had taken over work on the ship, due to their familiarity with the design and the need for only a skeleton crew aboard that ship right now with her helping to deploy the new sensor network. And with that engineering crew had come two engineers in particular.

"Hold it down."

"It's held."

"Well something's still waggling. Hand me the agitator."

"It'll break."

"It won't break."

T'Pel watched with curiosity as the two men worked. It is a wonder they get anything done. And yet they do. The build is back on schedule, if I can just get this computer to start up.


" broke."

Smithy dropped back out of the Jeffries tube, and handed what was left of the EPS tap to Orlatrel. "In my defence, it was definitely broken already. Not quite that broken, but definitely not right."

"I'm not surprised. This is the wrong model of tap." Orlatrel turned it over in his hands. "Look at the serial number. Wrong family."

Smithy took it, and glared at it. "Welcome to why we shouldn't trust the labels on those crates. Is this the only one giving us any gyp?"

"Yep." Orlatrel fished a replacement out of his box of parts. "This one is correct."

Smithy took it, and hauled himself back up into the tube. A few clunks, and he dropped back out. "In. What a bloody performance." He glanced around. "Sorry lieutenant, did you need something?"

"Only a new computer core sir." T'Pel had given up trying to bury her annoyance at the trouble she was having. "Error code 01927AA5."

Orlatrel nodded. "And I bet it told you the problem was at isolinear address 12."


"'s bollocks." The two men shared a grin at that. Orlatrel grabbed up a PADD from his pile. "Let me it. Computer core, start-up sequence. You need to bypass steps 12 through 17."

T'Pel raised an eyebrow. "That will bypass all the safeties sir."

"Not all, just the ones that get in the way." Smithy nodded. "I remember that one. Took us ages to figure the bugger out. Was that one of your fixes or mine? Must have been yours."

"I thought it was yours to be honest."

T'Pel left them to argue over past escapades. I suppose when you reach their level you could get away with behaving in that manner. She tapped in a few more commands, then braced herself for another error code. Instead, a hum. Lights. And a new message.


"Sounds a bit better." Smithy leaned in over the Vulcan girl's shoulder. " you've got it. Just remember to reactivate the safeties after Stage One finishes." He turned to leave.


"I'm reading minimal power generation. Life signs are....sporadic. It's like these ships have been completely gutted."

"And no sign of the attacking fleet?"




Smithy realised he'd frozen in mid-step. "Sorry lieutenant. Just had a....thought." He crossed back over to Orlatrel. "Something's coming. When does the Tigermoth get back in?"

Orlatrel glanced at the chrono on the wall. "Should be in any time now. Are we going somewhere?"

"Not needed here any more. Look." Smithy gestured over towards the other half of the room, where T'Pel was ordering people around. "Once you have the confidence to turn the safeties off, you can truly lead." He shook his head. "I've got a really bad feeling about this. I need to talk with Sheehan."

USS Tigermoth-A
29th May 2395
0100hrs EST

Lisa stretched her legs out in front of her, ignoring her body's protests for sleep. "Any chatter Riggs?"

Riggs half turned from her console. "Nothing on their frequency ma'am."

"Then they're definitely here." She glanced over at Tactical. "Decloak. Open a channel Riggs."

The light levels on the bridge returned to normal. "Channel open."

"Morning guys." Lisa waited a beat, before the Tactical console started beeping. "That them?"

"Comfirmed. IKV Mortum Hesta decloaking."

"I have them on the channel ma'am."

Lisa thumbed the intercom. "They're here hon'."

"On my way up."

Lisa shifted at the Vampire class vessel's bridge appeared on the main screen with no-one in view. "Anyone home?"

"One second." Sheehan popped up into view. "We had a coolant pipe rupture up here. It sealed pretty quick, but clean-up takes a while with this Klingon bridge architecture. James said it was important?"

"It is." Smithy exited the turbolift, and limped down into the command area. "You still have that Bird Of Prey in Romulan space?"

"Believe so."

"Could you ask them to keep a watch on the Romulan core defence fleet. I had a bit of a moment yesterday, I think something's coming and headed for Romulan space."

Sheehan nodded. "We've got to go meet up with them anyway to give them the new sensor data you lot collected on patrol. I'll ask them to keep an eye or three on the Rommies."

"Cheers mate. Take care."

"You too." Sheehan's image melted away to be replaced by the view of the Hesta re-cloaking.

Lisa stared thoughtfully at her husband. "You okay?"

"I'm just that I'm not sure the Romulans will be if the Andromedans decide to attack them. They're still in a pretty bad state from the Gatrellians turning on them. I know I wouldn't want to try and defend all that space with the ships that they have left."

RIS Valdore
2nd June 2395
0950hrs EST

"Report your findings."

The science officer shifted nervously under the glare of the commander. "We are definitely reading an increase in subspace field distortions all across our space. Without access to a transpace sensor array I cannot confirm....but I believe the distortion is not simply limited to subspace. The energy levels are higher than I have ever seen before."

"Transmit your data to the fleet." The commander returned to her chair, and turned to face the communications officer. "If the invaders come, you will need to act fast to get a message out. Prepare a recording to let the Federation know we are under attack."


Just a reeeeeeally short part to get the ball rolling.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #105 on: June 13, 2007, 02:57:08 pm »
Sat here with a few beers, listening to a DragonForce album and writing Star Trek fanfic. If there's a better way to relax, I haven't found it yet  ;D


Chapter 6 - Death's Shadow (part 2)

RIS Valdore
4th June 2395
1920hrs EST

"Entering Sector 12, Commander."

Commander Tal stood. "Begin sensor sweep. Report your findings as soon as you have collated all data."

She waited out the minutes impatiently, moving around the bridge. Finally she heard the console chirp. "Well?"

"Subspace distortions have definitely decreased here, I'm only reading what could be termed as 'aftershocks'. Whatever it was appears to have passed through this area of space, Commander."

Tal stared at the screen. "'Aftershocks'. If this was a group of ships, could you interpret a course out of these?"

"I'm afraid not, Commander. As you can see, the readings are sporadic at best. They have spread so much, it is impossible to tell what direction the source was moving in. I can only give you a rough idea of the speed, which would be some way up into the transwarp realm."

Sub-Commander Vorel grunted. "The Federation has transwarp." He stepped closer to Tal. "May I speak freely?"

"Go ahead Vorel. You always have done."

"What makes you so sure that the Federation can be trusted in this matter? We allied ourselves with the Gatrellians to destroy them, we've fought them on and off for so long now....and yet you believe they do not seek vengeance for this? We have not seen Andromedan vessels in our space since the Invasion. All we have are the reports from the Federation and the Klingons, you say they are to be trusted without question?"

Tal faced him, the fire in her eyes making Vorel shift uneasily. "I know Captain Smith. Despite our differences, he is an honourable man. I trust him."

"How can you trust a human?"

"He isn't human. Not completely, at any rate." Tal frowned, a thought occurring. She turned back to the Science station. "Our anti-cloak sensors, are they online?"

"Yes, Commander. I scanned the area for cloaked ships, none found."

"Run the readings we have on those aftershocks through the interpolation routines on the anti-cloak scanners. As if you were trying to remove echoes. Whichever shocks are strongest will remain."

The officer nodded. "Understood. Running the program."

Vorel leaned in. "Well, I'll be.....a path is forming."

Tal grinned in satisfaction. "Plot the course. Put it on the main screen."

An image of Romulan space came up, which then widened to include the Barrier Zone and the star of Federation space. The bridge crew watched as a line formed, from the Barrier right through to a point just outside the sector they were in now. "That's where the trail ends, Commander."

Tal stabbed a finger at the main screen. "Still believe the readings are from Federation ships Vorel? Even the mighty Starfleet couldn't get that many ships all the way out there undetected, to come into our space through the back door. Helm, prepare to follow the course."

The communicatons officer turned. "Receiving a message from Fleet Admiral Gentrel, Commander." He paused, listening, a look of shock rapidly crossing his face. "The fleet is under attack! Receiving co-ordinates!"

"Plot them on the viewer!" Tal swung back to the screen, watching as the line completed itself. "Helm, engage on that course. Maximum warp!"

USS Tigermoth-A
4th June 2395
1945hrs EST

Smithy stepped out onto the bridge of his ship, glad to be on a starship again that wasn't in pieces. I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy doing that though. Nice change of pace. He glanced at Riggs. "Why the hell is it every time I arrive on this bridge you're here? Don't you ever sleep?"

Riggs glanced up from her work. "Sorry sir, I was just working on our transpace communications array. Trying to iron out some signal issues."

"Any word from Sheehan?"

Riggs consulted the screen. "Ensign Liu noted the last message from them. 'IKV Korinar reports increased activity among Romulan fleet, have informed them to keep you updated as we need to return to Klingon space'."

"Right, right....he said they might need to refuel. Those Vampires run a bit rich. Nothing from the Korinar then?"

"Nothing logged." Riggs jumped as the console chirped at her. "Speak of the devil.....tape dump message from the Korinar."

"Decode it and play." Smithy sat on the bridge rail, rubbing at the insistent ache in his knee.

"IKV Korinar report. Large dust cloud matching Tigermoth sensor log found in Romulan space, Sector 14. Our ship has taken damage from an ion storm and must return to Klingon territory. Have suggested DSF make contact with Romulan fleet, suggest Starfleet also does so. IKV Korinar out."

Smithy immediately jumped into action, the ache forgotten temporarily. "Get everyone up here, right away. And contact Dave. We might need to get a fleet together rather sharpish."

He went over to one of the workstations, calling up the list of TacFleet ships in and around the Antares area. Not many, and we can't rely on a Special Ops force. He turned away from the screen to watch crewmembers dash onto the bridge and re-activate their stations. "Riggs, you got Dave yet?"

"Stand-by sir. He was in the shower." A few seconds ticked by. "Admiral Harriman on-screen."

The main viewer flicked from a view of the dock to a view of Harriman's quarters. "Sorry Dave, emergency."

"Don't worry about it. I just had a message come in from the DSF, they're scrambling the few ships they have ready to head out to Romulan space. Looks like this is it."

"I looked over our numbers. It ain't exactly great, but I think we can have around eighty ships ready to go in about fifteen minutes."

Harriman nodded. "That'll have to do. We'll signal everyone to get ready and into formation, and get the Tempest fired up."

"Right. We'll get ready for the off." Smithy nodded at Riggs to close out the connection, then tapped the comm. panel on his chair. "All hands, listen up 'cause time is short. We may be heading into combat again shortly. Do your jobs, do them well, and make me proud."

He closed out the link, and waved off the applause from his bridge crew. "Knock it off you lot, it was hardly on the level of a Winston Churchill speech."

Lisa grinned fondly at him. "I dunno, short and sweet. I hate those ones that drone on."

"Yeah, Dave never went in for those either." Smithy dropped into his chair. "Is the fleet forming up?"

Winchester brought up the fleet overlay in a corner of the main screen. "Transwarp ships to the fore, everyone else lining up behind to take advantage."

"Right. Elkins, scoot us up to the front, flanking the Tempest." He watched as the view shifted past the docks, briefly showing a glimpse of the yet-to-be-completed next ship in the Tigermoth's family. "I wouldn't mind having her along. Hopefully we can have her half-built soon." He tugged the collar of his uniform open, settling in. "Once around. Helm?"

"We're in position, sir."


"Phaser arrays pre-charged, Captain. Torpedo bays loaded, launch rails ready to be powered up when needed."


"All scanner and sensor arrays on-line, Captain."

"Engine room."

Orlatrel answered. "Transwarp drive standing by. We've got all shifts standing by in case they're needed."


Dr Al Benson's voice flitered up. "Standing by, sir. Though I hope we won't be needed."

"So do I, Doctor. Communications?"

"TacFleet frequencies clear, sir. Transpace communications link on-line. Tempest signals that we're ready to move out."

"Right. Helm, on the Tempest's mark."

2150hrs EST

"Captain's log, supplemental. The Klingon taskforce has linked up with our fleet, we are proceeding into the Neutral Zone. We have heard nothing from the Romulans. We are assuming the worst, and heading in fully rigged for battle."

The bridge was bathed in the red light of a starship at battlestations. Smithy always preffered this light level. His rather odd genetics had left him with eyes that functioned much better in certain light conditions, and they liked this light. Trouble is, this light brings battle with it.

He watched his wife. Lisa was wandering, inspecting each station and geeing the crew up. He swallowed a couple of pills. He didn't want pain clouding his mind right now, the stakes were too high. Lisa sat, and he squeezed her hand briefly, mouthing "love you" at her and accepting a brief peck on the cheek in return.

Elkins glanced back. "Coming up on transwarp shutdown in"

The low frequency hum faded from the background, leaving the normal sounds of the bridge systems at Red Alert. Smithy was immediately on his feet. "Winchester, full scan. Co-ordinate with the officer on the Tempest, since we're the only ones with high resolution LRS systems."

"Aye, sir."

As Winchester set to work, Smithy sat back down. No need to pester anyone right now on the comm. link unless a call came in. So he simply held Lisa's hand and waited.

"Got something, sir. Just inside Sector 9, bearing 080 mark 14."

Riggs shot a look over her shoulder. "Admiral Harriman would like us to follow them."

"Well, he is in command after all. Elkins, follow the Tempest. Drelkar....stand by on weapons power-up."

The crew waited the few tense minutes of full-impulse flight into a possible warzone. Winchester scanned his board, frowning. "I'm picking up no traces of weapons fire. In fact, I'm not even picking up much in the way of power generation. Tempest Operations officer is comfirming our readings."

Smithy closed his eyes, knowing instinctively what they were about to find. "Please, let me be wrong for once." He opened his eyes and turned to Ops, sighing. "Go on kid, put them onscreen. They should be in range by now."

Winchester tapped away, and looked at the main viewer. "Holy...."

Everyone stared. Lisa and Smithy leaned forward in unison, Lisa speaking first. "I guess the Andromedans finished what the Gatrellians started."

On the screen lay the shattered remnants of the Romulan fleet, a hundred Warbirds broken and battered by weapons fire. Plasma fires still raged on in many of them, highlighting the damage they had taken. Drelkar shook his head, his gaze riveted on the screen. "Unbelievable."

Smithy stood, and limped over to Ops. "What's the word?"

"I'm reading minimal power generation. Life signs are....sporadic. It's like these ships have been completely gutted."

"And no sign of the attacking fleet?"


Riggs glanced back at her board. "Admiral Harriman signalling."


The image of Admiral Harriman was a welcome relief from the view of the Romulan fleet. Harriman shook his head glumly. "I hope you have your full medical team onboard."

"We do. Winchester is scanning for survivors now, suggest you do the same and we co-ordinate everyone else into a rescue effort."

"Agreed. Lets get on it."

2230hrs EST

Smithy limped in, moving out of the way to let doctors and orderlies past. Sickbay seemed to be running pretty efficiently despite the workload. Romulans were occupying every biobed. Surgical fields were up in several cases. He searched the crowd of faces for the CMO, finding him near the back. "What's up, Al?"

Benson glanced up from his work. "Ah, Captain. One of my patients insisted on seeing you. Over there."

Smithy turned, and saw her. "Aw hell....Tal."

Commander Tal levered herself up off the bed, her voice shaky. "Captain. I regret that we don't meet again under better circumstances." She winced, lying back down. "I probably shouldn't move yet."

"I didn't know they'd given you the Valdore. What happened? I mean, beyond the obvious."

Tal shook her head. "A blur....we'd been scanning for the a message from Gentrel that the attack had begun, Sector 14. We arrived....the fleet was taking a pounding. They forced us all the way back to Sector 9....we were all dead in space....then they stopped."

"There are about a hundred ships here. Are these all you had ready to go?"

"All we had at all." Tal shook her head gingerly. "Our entire defense force."

Smithy digested that. "Suddenly, our problems seem rather insignificant." He patted her on her good shoulder. "Get some rest. We're ferrying those of you that survived back to Romulus."


Smithy shook his head. "I'm not sure. We picked up thirty eight from the Valdore, including you. Tough ship by the way, we've got her in tow. I reckon she could be salvaged if your engineers are willing to put in some effort."

Tal chuckled mirthlessly at that. "I doubt....we have the capacity or resources to do a full refit. Please....have someone wake me before we reach home...." She drifted into unconciousness.

Smithy turned. "Al."

Benson picked his way through the crush. "Captain?"

"Make sure one of the orderlies wakes up the Commander about a half-hour before we reach Romulus. Don't bother with a report about all this....I'm not sure I could stomach reading it."

"Aye, sir." Benson went to leave, but turned back. " don't feel....well...."

"Responsible?" Smithy shook his head. "A bit, maybe. But I'm used to that these days. Did Mack ever tell you about that time in the Dominion War?"

"He mentioned it, it's actually in his memoirs. You never read them?"

"Haven't managed to bring myself to do it just yet. Think I will tomorrow night though." Smithy gazed around the room. "Look after them Al. I'll be on the bridge if you need anything.



Oops, sorted some spelling. If I missed any more, I'll sort it when I sober up. Hope you're all enjoying it - I haven't been keeping much of an eye on the thread 'read count', but it seems to have risen a fair amount from what I remember it roughly being.... ;D
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 03:11:37 pm by James Smith »
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #106 on: June 18, 2007, 12:09:36 pm »
Quick update - been writing some more, but I'm not even remotely happy with it yet.

I know people are reading this, but the lack of comments on this last section are worrying me a touch - was it that bad? If so, could someone let me know and I'll re-write it  ;D
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #107 on: June 22, 2007, 01:05:49 pm »

Chapter 6 - Death's Shadow (part 3)


Tal fought to stay on her feet, the deck pitching around underneath her. The bridge was in flames. Debris and bodies littered the deck. Two, maybe three crewmemembers were still at their stations. She twisted around towards Tactical. "Garonis, report!"

The young man glanced up from his board, his fingers tapping away as he fired what was left of the Valdore's weapons array at any target that got near enough to them. "Torpedoes have been depleted Commander! Disruptor banks running low on power!" He ducked as another explosion rattled the bridge. "By the Moons of....there go the disruptors. Shields aren't firming up either."

Tal swung back around to the helm. "Can you get us out of here?"

"No, Commander. We're drifting, all engines dead. I think we've lost the power relays!"

"Engineering! Engineering, report!" Tal hammered the comm. panel before sagging back into her chair. "Can we self destruct, take some of them with us?"

Garonis ripped a panel off the wall. "I'll try, Commander. I think we can tap into the plasma relay from he-"

The deck pitched around again as explosions thundered through the ship. The last thing Tal saw was the deckplates rushing up to meet her. Then darkness and silence.

USS Tigermoth-A
5th June 2395
1000hrs EST


Tal's eyes flew open as she pushed herself upright. "I'm awake." She glanced up at the young orderly. "Have we arrived at Romulus?"

"We're about twenty minutes out, Commander. I've been instructed to take you to the bridge if you wish it."

Tal nodded. "Yes." Gingerly, she swung her legs out over the side of the biobed and stood. I haven't felt this ill since zero gravity training...

1005hrs EST

"Captain's log, stardate 71283.5. The Tigermoth is approaching Romulus with the RIS Valdore in tow. Commander Orlatrel has been over to the vessel to see just how much repair work is needed."

Smithy, Lisa stood behind Orlatrel who was sat at an engineering console, examining the sensor reports. Lisa shook her head. "I haven't seen a ship that badly gutted since the Apollo. But you say that the frame integrity is okay?"

Orlatrel nodded. "We recharged the batteries on the ship and threw the Romulan equivalent of the SIF generator on them. Absolutely no problem. She held up to that journey in our tractor beam just fine."

Smithy leaned in closer to the screen. "Looks like a shot went right through the main power relays. Precision work, that." He tossed a glance over his shoulder at Tactical. "Hey Drelkar, you could learn something from the guy that did this."

Drelkar flashed a grin back at his CO. "Sir, if you give me a set of ultra-high resolution targeting scanners I'll put a quantum torpedo anywhere you want it. But given that our sensors are rather more general than dedicated targeting units...."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't look at me, go gripe at Starfleet if you want to try and convince someone to turn the Tigermoth into a pure warship." Smithy turned as the turbolift doors opened to admit Tal to the bridge. "Commander, there you are. Welcome to the bridge of the Tigermoth."

Tal stared at the bridge. "Our spies did not do your ship justice, Captain. She is most impressive."

Smithy shrugged. "Maybe you ought to pay your spies more if you want accurate reports. Here, take a look. Orlatrel's finished taking a look at your ship."

Tal moved into the seat that Orlatrel had vacated. "Hmm....that explains the shields not recovering. We lost every single one of our port generator links."

"Good news is that the frame is pretty much untouched. It'll need a lot of work, but I reckon the Valdore could be flight-worthy again if your people put five or six months work in."

Tal shook her head slowly. "I doubt we can. I'm not even sure we have enough parts to repair her." She got up and paced around the area at the back of the bridge. "Our leaders diverted the majority of our resources to the Gatrellian fleet, thinking that the Romulan-Gatrellian alliance would be victorious. We would have the resources of the Federation once they'd conquered you. But the Gatrellians couldn't defeat you, and when they turned on us at the end of the war they left our fleet decimated."

Smithy frowned. "Tal....just how bad is the Romulan fleet situation right now? Those hundred ships you sent out, were they really..."

"They were all we had that could be used for combat." Tal chuckled mirthlessly. "The Senate were so sure that the Gatrellian alliance would see the fall of the Federation. So sure that the Gatrellians could be trusted. After all, they were our brothers." She sighed. "It will take us six months to produce enough parts to start refitting any ships that survived the Andromedan assault with minimal frame damage. Any that have even just moderate damage to the structure will need to be scrapped."

Elkins half-turned from the helm. "Sir, we're entering orbit over Romulus. A tug is heading over our way to take the Valdore from us."

"Alright. Riggs, how many Romulan ships are we bringing back with us?"

Riggs consulted the comm. record. "Admiral Harriman noted that we had fourteen ships of the required tonnage and engine power for towing at warp speeds with us, plus Tempest and Tigermoth makes sixteen. He's asked the Romulans for that many tugs at any rate, the're also scrambling warp capable tugs to head out to Sector 9."

Smithy nodded. "Right. Lets hand over the Valdore, get the Commander and her crew down to a Romulan hospital, and get back to our side of the Neutral Zone. We've got a sensor network to carry on laying, and we need to get a few hundred more ships out of dock and ready to fight." He shot a glance at the yeoman standing by the turbolift doors. "Yeoman."

"Yes, sir?"

"Show Commander Tal to Transporter Room 1. Her crew are being beamed down from there."

"Aye, sir. If you'll follow me Commander?"

Smithy watched the two depart, before returning his attention to Lisa. "A defence force of only a hundred ships, now all smashed half beyond repair. Not good."

Lisa shook her head. "We knew things were bad after the Gatrellian conflict, but not this bad. Judging by the ships we've seen pass through sensor range since we arrived at Romulus, they've only got police ships left. I've seen a few Klingon designs trundling around though, I guess they still have all those KR series ships from the old alliance."

"They might well be all they have left to defend their space. We may even have to put in a call to the Gorn Confederation. I'm sure they'd love the irony of defending the Romulans."

Lisa grinned at that. "I can see that going down really well."

Smithy shut down the console they'd been viewing and grimaced at the sharp stab of pain from his leg. "Riggs, get a message over to the Tempest, tell Dave I need a word. I'll be in my quarters, working out some numbers." He turned and headed for the turbolift.

Lisa shot a glance at Riggs. "You have the conn. As soon as you hear from Dave, patch him down to our quarters."

"Yes, ma'am."

Captains Quarters
1040hrs EST

Smithy dropped into the chair, and rubbed his eyes. "What time did I get up?"

"About 4am yesterday." Lisa slumped in the chair next to the computer terminal. "We've got to start getting some kind of standard shift pattern going here. I'm sure Riggs is pulling a similar shift to you, I've never seen anyone take over from Drelkar."

"He's a Trelkian, they only need an hour of sleep every day. Lucky buggers." Smithy stared at the ceiling. "You're right though, we can't keep this up for long now that we're definitely in a shooting war."

Lisa looked up blearily as the terminal beeped at her, and punched the ON button. "Authorisation Smith-Two-Two-Nine-Beta." The image on the screen flicked from the Federation seal to Harriman's image. "Hi Dave."

"You look about as tired as I feel. Is he there?"

"I'm here." Smithy hauled himself upright and perched on the arm of Lisa's chair. "Judging by the view outside and the vibration in the deck, we've just gone to transwarp. We'll link back up with the ships setting out the sensor network, and pitch in."

"Right. I've just received some instructions from Command. The Tempest will escort a Romulan delegation to Earth."

Smithy and Lisa exchanged glances at that. Smithy leaned in closer. "I take it this will be to negotiate for a spot of help?"

"Things are worse than bad for their fleet right now. Though I'm not sure what they expect us to do."

"Save them." Lisa shrugged. "And we always do, don't we? They refused to commit a large force to the second ISC invasion, and we fought them off with just the Klingons helping us. The Imperial universe forces attacked, and we fought them off with just the Klingons helping us. They allied themselves with the Gatrellians against us, the Gatrellians turned against them....and we fought them off and saved the Romulans from being wiped out."

Harriman nodded. "Well, given the current political state of the Federation....I'm not honestly certain they'll get the answer they want. I can't imagine Maxwell agreeing to send any Special Ops ships over to defend Romulan space."

"No, but I can see him 'volunteering' TacFleet." Smithy screwed his face up in disgust. "Depends on how much of an idiot he is, really. Even he must have realised by now that the SOD ships aren't going to be ready for a full-scale fleet engagement any time soon."

"I wouldn't bet on it. I'll let you know how things go, anyway."

"Alright. Tigermoth out."


Short chunk. More soon.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #108 on: June 22, 2007, 08:35:59 pm »
Quick update - been writing some more, but I'm not even remotely happy with it yet.

I know people are reading this, but the lack of comments on this last section are worrying me a touch - was it that bad? If so, could someone let me know and I'll re-write it  ;D

No, sir, certainly not. Just a might quiet 'round these parts.

Your writing continues along its previous par and keeps the story going well. I'd like another touch of blood-steaming action, but I'm certainly not complaining about the amount thus far. I did a double take to read that you were using the Endeavour. Gave me a good sized grin.

Keep on plugging along. Maybe these lazy turds will give you some replies...*evil grin*

--thu guv!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #109 on: June 23, 2007, 11:56:50 am »
Cheers Guv. Glad to see someone likes it.


RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #110 on: June 23, 2007, 11:37:52 pm »
Well...I'm here every night, almost. I notice the view counts steadilly increase, but the replies do not. So someone is taking a gander.

Anywho. Looking forward to more.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #111 on: June 30, 2007, 02:12:35 pm »
very nice, this is the only work I remember to pay attention to since Rat Boy left.

And that's only barely remember since I didn't notice the 3 month hiatus  :P
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #112 on: July 02, 2007, 10:06:35 pm »
Oh really?

Mighty nice of ya...

--thu guv...
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #113 on: July 03, 2007, 02:43:31 pm »

very nice, this is the only work I remember to pay attention to since Rat Boy left.

And that's only barely remember since I didn't notice the 3 month hiatus  :P

Oh really?

Mighty nice of ya...

--thu guv...


It makes me a bit edgy when I read comments like "yours is the only work I read" because I don't consider my work to be anywhere near the level of other writers on here. Don't get me wrong - I like compliments  ;D But anyone choosing not to keep up with the other stuff on here really is missing out badly.

I was hoping to get some more done this week, but hit a slight snag in the form of a death in the family. I've now got a funeral to look forward to. Next week will be taken up clearing somewhat of a backlog at work, but I'm going to attempt to get some more written soon. It's good for relaxing with anyway.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #114 on: July 03, 2007, 06:23:50 pm »
My condolences, sir. :(

--thu guv.
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #115 on: July 04, 2007, 01:18:42 am »
My condolences, sir. :(

--thu guv.

Cheers pal.

You should have seen me the day after I heard the news....I'd got no time for the general idiocy I tend to encounter in the office. Normally I can take it, but not that day. I was actually snarling at people....My boss (bless him) did his best to keep people away from me - you'd think people would have got the message after I sent the first one scurrying away with all the colour drained from their face  ::)
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #116 on: July 11, 2007, 10:06:50 am »
My apologies, I didn't mean to offend anyone, and I'd forgotten I posted that in here since I'm here again to read and post that same thing, although without the "yours is the only work..." thing in there.  It's nothing against the rest of you, really, it isn't!!  Again, sorry if I've offended anyone.
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #117 on: July 11, 2007, 08:13:42 pm »
Not so offended. Just was...bemused. No big deal though.  :D

thu guv!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #118 on: July 11, 2007, 08:59:15 pm »
I'm following it, it's just slow.  Haven't caught up to ya' yet, and thus, didn't wanna comment...
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #119 on: July 12, 2007, 09:20:06 am »
Smithy, just so you don't feel left out with all my other commenting, rest assured that I am reading yours.

I'm just re-reading it from the beginning.

I'm up to the start of page 3, and I'll be reading more of it today. Just know that I love it, your character interactions, your characters' sense of humour, the Tigermoth herself - and Smithy's rubber photon grenade. :D

Keep up the fantastic work, and I'll get caught up this week, for sure. Carry on. :thumbsup:
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)