And some more. Part of this chapter borrows from one of my favourite Trek novels, "Federation". Rather than call it 'plagiarism', I prefer 'homage'

Chapter 2 - Build Up (part 1)************
USS Venture
Briefing Room
18th March 2395
2300hrs EST
Ghelev paced up and down at the head of the table. "Why now? Why would they be attacking now?"
Smithy rubbed his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "The entire quadrant is in disarray. Starfleet and Special Operations don't have all that many battle designs left in service thanks to the President ordering half of them to be scrapped in favour of new designs that haven't actually materialised yet. The Romulans are still trying to get back on their feet after the Reman incident. The Klingons are still attempting to rebuild their forces after the Gatrellian war. The Cardassians have no military to speak of since the Dominion War. You want me to go on, or can I stop listing the fundamental problems that we're faced with?"
Ghelev sat, and looked at him. "I take your where does it leave us?"
"It leaves us, fortunately, with a load of mothballed starships that we can probably bring into operation over the next few weeks." Smithy scowled at the PADD in front of him. "I
told everyone involved that it was a bad idea to take all those ships out of service. But apparently I know 'absolutely nothing about the situation', and that all those completely untried and untested designs would simply flow out of the shipyards. I'm bloody glad we didn't scrap the ships when we were ordered to. No doubt El Presidente will want us all court-martialled for that but frankly I can't see him managing that somehow."
"You've sent word back to your command post?"
"I've sent word back to the Antares yard. Dave Harriman is pretty much the only man in the Admiralty I trust not to panic and get everything even more f*cked up than it is already." Smithy consulted his PADD. "Starfleet can bring around 70 ships out of mothballs that are perfectly worthy for combat, and with enough crewmembers to operate them effectively. Add that to our usual tactical force that we can roll out....we're looking at maybe 220 ships in total for direct combat, and maybe 20 more for fire support. How many can SOD send?"
"I don't honestly know." Ghelev sagged in the chair. "Our numbers aren't even remotely what they should be. Lack of crews, ships stuck in dock due to maintenance issues....we were supposed to have this all resolved by now, but all our engineering focus has been on the new designs...."
"....and they're proving to be problematic." Smithy finished for him, and shook his head. "So all those resources that have been diverted away from Starfleet ship construction over the past few years, they've been sat in freighters and cargo boxes waiting to be used? And I thought that the Admiralty
I have to deal with is incompetent." His comm. badge chirped at him. "Smith here."
James, Dave called. He wants you back at Antares, seems that all hell broke loose at Command. Apparently the President is rather upset about us coming out here."
"Send a message back. Ask Dave to arrange a meeting with Maxwell, I've got some questions to ask him."
You planning on a little bit of Smith-brand diplomacy here? Because that would probably go down well with quite a few people."
Smithy grinned. "You know me. Always ready to deal out a dose of cold hard facts to a complete moron. I'll be ready to beam back in a few minutes."
Acknowledged. Tigermoth out."
USS Tigermoth-A
19th March 2395
0230hrs EST
"Captain's log, stardate 71078.4. The Tigermoth is heading back to the Antares Command Post, and I'm heading for a potentially explosive meeting with President Maxwell. Any kind of working relationship that we had was destroyed during our last meeting, along with a Starfleet bar.....and I can't see this meeting being any more cordial."
Smithy sat, gazing at the viewscreen as the Tigermoth flew on through the transwarp realm, wondering what on Earth he could possibly say to Maxwell that would convey just how little he thought of the President's intellect.
I'm going to have to invent a whole new language....somehow, English just doesn't have the required punch any more.He glanced at the chronometer. Riggs should have started duty at 0230.
Not like her to be late. "Bridge to Ensign Riggs." There was no response. "Computer, locate Ensign Riggs."
Ensign Riggs is in her quarters."
"Odd." Smithy thumbed the comm. panel on his chair to call Lisa. "Hon, you awake?"
Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"
"Riggs didn't show for her shift yet. She arranged cover?"
Not as far as I know. You called her?"
"No response."
Okay, I'll go see if there's something wrong."
Smithy closed off the connection, and glanced around the quiet and mostly empty bridge.
Well old girl, it's just you and me for now. He patted the arm rests on his chair.
I'll try and take care of you a bit better during the coming battles. And if you do really well, I'll see what I can do about geting us a nice little exploration mission to play with. Lord knows you deserve it.************
Deck 6
Ensign Rigg's Quarters
The nightmare was the same each time. The bridge in flames, her crew all dead. And she couldn't work out why, couldn't work out what she'd done wrong. And the same voice chanting over and over in her head.
What did I do? What did I do?Riggs woke up with a start. The door lock was chirping. She glanced over at the chronometer.
sh*t! "Just a second!"
She quickly scrambled into her uniform, and rushed to the door. It was Commander Smith. "Sorry ma'am, I overslept."
"I'd figured." Lisa regarded the young woman with a look of concern. "You okay kiddo? You look awfully pale."
Riggs shook her head. "I'm fine."
"You don't look it. Sit down." Lisa herded Riggs back into her quarters and steered her to a chair, then headed for the replicator. "Water, chilled." She handed the glass to Riggs. "The captain can handle things on the bridge for a while longer, in fact he's probably talking to the ship by now."
Riggs unsteadily sipped at the water. "I really am sorry ma'am."
"It happens." Lisa regarded her with a slight frown. "This isn't the first time is it? I seem to remember a note in your academy file about being late for classes a couple of times, and then a few times when on your 4 month stint on the Republic."
Riggs shook her head sadly. "I thought I'd gotten past it. Seems I haven't."
"Gotten past what?"
She drew in a breath slowly. "Nightmares. Or rather, a nightmare. It's always the same one. About one of the tests at the Academy."
That test. Yeah, a lot of people can't seem to get over that one. First time I've heard of anyone having nightmares about it though. You didn't see a counselor about it at the Academy?
"No. I thought they'd just say I was getting worked up over nothing."
"They might have done, but they'd have been wrong. What about the captain, you never asked him how he beat it?"
"I'd heard that he had, but I never really approached him about it." Riggs stared down at her glass. "I probably should, just to put it to rest."
Lisa stood, and held a hand out. "Come with me. Let's see if we can do that."
Antares Command Post
Habitat Module
Commander Harrison's Quarters
"Mr President, the Tigermoth will be docked here in a few hours."
I'm heading out to you now. I'll give you your orders when I arrive. Until then, co-operate with Harriman and Smith."
"Yes sir. What would you like me to do about Captain Ghelev? He did violate your orders."
Ghelev will be dealt with in time. I'll see to that."
USS Tigermoth
Lisa tapped the computer panel. "Load program SFA-113, solution JRS 2-2-2-Alpha."
Lisa turned to Riggs. "Go on. Watch and learn. I'll be on the bridge." She turned and left.
Riggs watched her go, and steeled herself.
Go want to know how to beat it....just get it over with already. She entered.
The bridge was just how she remembered it. The aftermath of a Romulan attack, smoke and confusion hanging over the control centre of the ship. But instead of her in the centre chair, there was the captain.
"Damage report!"
"Main power off-line! Auxilliary is kicking in!"
"Is the cloak on-line?"
"Get us under."
I did that....the exhaust gives us away. How do you get out of this?"Sir, our impulse exhaust will eventually give them a lock. I estimate two to three minutes at best."
Riggs watched the captain mull the situation over, amazed at how calm he was. Much calmer than she'd been.
"Residual cloaking bleed. How long does it last?"
Cloaking bleed? The time to lock-on?"A couple of tenths of a second sir, no more than that."
"Tactical, target that Warbird's dorsal bridge spine. Feed the co-ordinates to the helm. Engineering, transfer all power to the structural integrity field on my mark. Helm, prepare to engage full impulse power."
Wait, he can't be serious...."Engineering reports ready."
"Helm ready."
No way. Not in a million years. No-one would do that!The captain leaned forward. "Ramming speed!"
Riggs grabbed hold of the bridge rail as the ship flew into the Warbird. Seconds later an eerie silence descended over the bridge.
Thats it. The Warbird is destroyed. Riggs laughed to herself.
My God! Thats it! No wonder no-one ever beats it! "Computer, end program."
0255hrs EST
Smithy and Lisa both turned as Riggs exited the turbolift. Lisa spoke first. "You get your answer?"
Riggs was staring at Smithy in admiration. "Yes ma'am, I got my answer. Thank you. Sir, I need to know something."
Smithy nodded. "Shoot."
"What made you think of doing that?"
"Warp Mechanics 119. Impact shock on a vessel with an active warp core would generate a wave through the electro-plasma setup that would destroy the ship. But with main power longer an issue. And since Starfleet SIF setups are traditionally ran with rather large margins for overload power, coupled with residual cloaking bleed to nerf the Romulan targetting computer for those critical moments....well, I'm continually surprised each year that no-one figures it out. You actually got closest, which is probably why it wound you up so much. you know. Now keep it a secret."
He and Lisa both stood. "Well, we're both supposed to be off-duty right now. Let me know when we reach Antares. You have the bridge Ensign."
"Aye sir."
Smithy flashed a quick smile at Lisa then turned as they headed for the turbolift to watch Riggs take the centre chair with a little more confidence.
Who needs a ship's counselor anyways?************