Topic: Meanwhile, in Romulan space...  (Read 1235 times)

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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Meanwhile, in Romulan space...
« on: May 05, 2006, 10:21:42 pm »
Occasionally, even the most flamboyant pirates have to go "legit".  Being a personage of great prestiege, as former Admirals tend to be, Julin found that he needed to put up a "legit" front for a while, before the "fun" started...

Therefore, he procured the Prime Industries "Luxury Liner" Box, a cruiser sized vessel painted ISC blue, with it's extremely spacious interior set up to transport the posh and wealthy.  Of course, it takes a closer examination to notice that there should be a lot more "extra space" devoted to passengers than actually is available.  The installed, and concealed, weapons tend to do that to a ship.

Having recently ditched a poor Snipe, Julin intercepts his target.  Like usual, one of the lackies in the Corporation, "borrowing" a light raider, decided that they deserved a little more of the aquired wealth than they "honestly" earned.  As "Right-Hand man" for the new leader of Prime Industries, it fell upon Julin to make sure that operations proceeded properly.

Turbolift of the PILL Box
Julin can overhear the greedy Captain engaging in discourse with his watch officer.  "But sir, we properly report all earnings to the office, just as we agreed to when we were granted this vessel."
The door swishes open, presenting Julin to all assembled on the bridge.  In stark contrast to his immaculate white, form fitting uniform, Julin's outfit is all black.  What looks like a billowing, silken shirt with matching silken trousers is contained within an open-front leather trenchcoat.  Over his chest, one can see a gloss black strap pressed against his chest, bearing Julin's ISC rank and position insignia.  Sticking over his right shoulder, parallel to this strap, is the hilt of what can only be a large sword, as two beefy Klingon hands can easily fit between the pommel and guards of this blade.  Balancing the sword is a disruptor pistol, holstered in the same black leather as the strap, adorning his left leg, butt first.  Topping off the "uniform" is the glint of light off his sunglasses, which the astute observer would notice once belonged to a "Koloth Kinshaya".  Turning to address the face on the viewscreen, Julin speaks:
"It seems our records differ from your beliefs.  Somehow, the tidy sum of 300 thousand Romulan Credits never quite made it to our account."
"How do you get that much money?"
"The Local News."
A moment of silence follows Julin's off-hand, yet serious remark.  While the greedy Captain's eyes bug out, Julin continues, "The reports of the losses suffered by ships in your district, even after the devaluation given by our fences is factored in, is a heck of a lot more than you bothered to claim.  Using our numbers, the accountants decided you owe us 300 thou.  Stand and deliver."
"I don't have that kind of money, and 'your lordship' already advised me that further piracy would overtax this area.  What am I supposed to do?" the shocked pirate asks sarcastically.
"You don't have the cash, do you," the watch officer grins sadonically, as he settles down at the weapons console.
"And, you've already overstepped your bounds, we encountered a squadron of Snipes coming here to find the 'evil pirate' that has tortured Romulan shipping for so long,"  Julin comments.
"Th.. Th..Those Snipes are really owned by the House who won't pay me my protection money.  They figure those rustbuckets will stop me in my tracks..."
"They are the law in these parts, not slovenly wenches working for a fat slob, which you broght down on us.  I had a hard enough time ditching them on my way to 'meet' you.  We can't let them find out what we're up to."  Julin says, draping the trenchcoat, and scabbard, over the back of his chair, "and I've decided exactly how we're going to get them out of this sector."

Turning his back on the viewscreen, Julin mutters "The devil, he may take you," as he sweeps his right arm straight out to his side.  On that note, a few panels open up on the hull of the PILL Box, showing the already-warmed ports of a few phasers, and the tips of drones stored meticulously in their racks.  Within seconds, a pair of drones traverse the distance between ships, impacting in the holes added to the light raider's hull by Julin's phasers.  Unable to withstand that kind of sudden impact, the raider quickly breaks up, exposing a lot of cargo.  The PILL Box spends a couple of minutes securing the more important cargo, leaving at least half of the really valuable stuff behind, and departs the area before the Snipe patrol catches up.

That night, Julin watches the news, paying particular attention to the lead story, about how the mighty Romulan Police eradicated yet another pirate threat.  Noting the Romulan sector commander's disappointment in the fact that the pirate crew was all dead, the PILL Box slipped quietly through the void, off to pick up another impatient passenger...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Meanwhile, in Romulan space...
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 03:03:01 pm »

More excellent pirate fiction!

Can we see even more?

-S'Cipio the Scribe
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
Gorn Dragon Templar
Coulda' used a little more cowbell