Well, it's just my opinion, but if we go for wow looks, FW's cube looks best IMO....the cubes I am making are more geared toward multiple cubes on screen...6 polys, 512 textures, etc. The problem I have found is this....distance and impression.
From a distance, textures like those I make look best IMO. However, up close they only look passable, whereas FW's cubes look fantastic up close, but odd at a distance, as do all canon cubes that do not have real depth. It is the photo phenominon in effect...
If you draw a box texture onto a cube, set it at a distance, the fuzzyness and over saturation make it look real to the eye...take a photo of a crate and slap it on it, and it looks wierd at a distance...the opposite is true up close. I think that is what is happening here.
At any rate, it wouldnt hurt for me to learn how to use layering to add depth in the textures, but a word to the wise...I use Paint Shop Pro exclusively. I have no interest in learning or using Photoshop, as thier licence price is rediculous (7500 for ten licences, I can buy them cheaper individually) whereas PSP is only 550 for the same amount of licences, and has almost the same power....we will stick with PSP for now.