Topic: IRC chat setup for Dyna...  (Read 1463 times)

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IRC chat setup for Dyna...
« on: May 05, 2006, 12:42:36 am »
Hey Guys and Gals,
       I'm looking for help setting up an IRC server to connect with my sfc3 server... Anyone with expeirence with OP or SFC2 would work fine...  Is there any specific IRC server that works the best?  We've tried 2... one connects ingame but does not work in game... you type and nothing happens except a... "Large packet recieved" message in the logviewer is all we get... no text appears ingame or outside of game... any tips, pointers... anything... a shoulder to cry on???? lol

Thanks in advanced


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Re: IRC chat setup for Dyna...
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2006, 08:11:00 pm »
You can either use ours (info here:,163360158.0.html), or if you wish to setup your own we reccomend UnrealIRCd. It is known to be compatible with the OP server, so should work with SFC3 as well. Configuration can be pretty involved, its been ages since I set one up, Frey took care of setting up our current one. If you run into any configuration troubles, I may be able do dig some answers up from memory, or Frey might be able to help you out.

Be aware that some ISPs are very picky about IRC servers on their networks and improperly configured can be a significant security issue.