Yes folks, you heard it here first. The SOS gains ground on the GDA!
Tonite, much to my delight, I managed to uphold the honor of SOS, not once, but twice!
First comes Iaidoka, trundling about in his enormous, hideous PF toting freighter, looking to take a bite out of poor little Elphinstone's butt. But low and behold! Elphinstone too carries the mighty hammer of PFdom.
After a couple nasty exchanges of fire, each is left with but one PF, and a bit o damage to boot. The wily Gorn sends out his last bit of strength in a bid to kill the mighty Elph's carrier. Elph sends his PF to tilt with the onrushing bug of death (btw, tilting is jousting), and mutually assured destruction ensues as the PF's collide head on.
His only offensive weapons reduced to free-floating plasma, Iaidoka beats a retreat before the mighty Elph and his carrier perform the Righteous Dance of Green Blooded Victory upon his scaly ashes!
Oh, can someone tell me what 'controlling your PF' means? I issued the orders in that shuttle screen, but I think Iaidoka meant something else.
GG Iaidoka!
Then, in a bid to erase the blot on the GDA's honor, Kroma Sabl (sp.? sorry Kroma, its a hard name to spell heh) proceeds to challenge our mighty hero to a duel!
After allowing me to dispatch his tag along AI friend, the fight is on. Kroma's heavy cruiser closes with the carrier, firing off fakie plasma, then must wheel away as the PF's streak in to deliver flaming green balls of nasty death! Such a fitting color....
One PF, foolishly sent ahead, gets captured and reduced to dust as the others fire for effect from so far out that the plasma has NO chance of even warming Kroma's lizardly hide.
The chase ensues anew. Finally, the PF's catch up to the great flying brick Kroma drives. He once again proceeds to capture one of them, only to realize too late that it has not yet fired! Plasma streaks in from close range, battering his poor ugly hull. The other PF's close and fire, with the mighty Elph close on their heals. Flaming balls fly to and fro, with both Kroma and our hero recieving damage, but Kroma has had the worst of it. Elph moves off to lick his wounds and recover the precious PF's, and the Long Chase begins, as Kroma attempts to repair his leaky tub.
Finally, as the Chase reaches its grisly conclusion, Kroma, cornered at last, turns at bay to deal death. However, the swarming horde of PF's is waiting! Again, the plasma flys, and Kroma's painstakiingly repaired hull again sprouts numerous leaks. Closing, the mighty Elph dispatches his own firey kiss towards the wreck of Kroma's ship.
By the Luck of the Reptilian (or perhaps by design), Kroma is near the border. Out of time and out of duct tape, Kroma deigns that discresion is the better part of valor and beats a hasty retreat before the coup de grace can be administered.
GG Kroma!
Thanks to both GDA guys for great, honorable games!
And hey, we all gotta get chased off sometime!

Sincerely, the mighty Elph!