Topic: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)  (Read 4489 times)

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Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« on: March 09, 2003, 12:18:23 am »
Tonight the SOS was on the practice server in force.   Athena finally got the game and got on.   Tommy and his Mouth was on.  LOL.  Brutus was on earlier.   Patton, came on for a quick round of arse kicking.

It was cool.

Just one problem.  No GDA!!  Athena was chomping at the bit to kick Gorn butt after what we told her.   I looked high and low!!   But no lizards.   Feddies, Klingons, ISC, even Fluf the Mirak, but no lizards.

I guess I now know why people say lizard tastes like chicken.

Do those who braved the server . . .  thanks for the showing.   Esp. Mace and Croup for their help.

Now a question for Herr Burt.

Just what ships are we going to have??   There was a debate over whether PFs will be in the game.   What's the deal? I need to practice up in ships that will be on DOE. Anything else is a waste of my time.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SOSNero »


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2003, 12:48:47 am »
My mouth?
I'll have you know I am 2 for 3 so far tonite! Far more than just a mouth!
But you are right, GDA= Gorn Deemed Ashamed, are still under the radar.

Well, back at it...


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2003, 12:59:29 am »

I'll have you know I am 2 for 3 so far tonite!


Herr Burt

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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2003, 01:16:25 am »

Now a question for Herr Burt.

Just what ships are we going to have??   There was a debate over whether PFs will be in the game.   What's the deal? I need to practice up in ships that will be on DOE. Anything else is a waste of my time.

Just wait until my SFC2 time can be spent killing SOS members instead of making a server.  Then I think you will find that the GDA has more than you can handle.  

As to the shiplist, there will be no PF's.  The time period of the campaign is from the Romulan invasions to the introduction of the PF, so those particular vessels will be playing the role of Sir Not Appearing in This Picture.  The new Rommie carriers and fighters, however, should give you your fill of expendables to play with.

For the 7.35 server, I would recommend flying with the hawk hulls and the older Eagle hulls.  These were the ships "in production" as the Romulans crossed the border.  In particular:

War Eagle
King Eagle

Carrier and escort versions of many of these ships will be available, but you'll have to wait a bit to see them.

-Herr Burt  


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2003, 03:52:15 am »
Sounds Exxxcellent


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2003, 08:20:57 am »
Who was the one??


My mouth?
I'll have you know I am 2 for 3 so far tonite! Far more than just a mouth!
But you are right, GDA= Gorn Deemed Ashamed, are still under the radar.

Well, back at it...


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2003, 08:26:00 am »
I was going to recommend this to you guys last night but forgot.  You definately need to bone up on thos non cheese ships as those are the ones you have to fly during the campaign for the longest time.  Maybe some of those non existant SPQR's can help with good/useless ships to pick/not pick.

Another problem you might run into trying to pick some of these ships to practice with is they might be too old to show in the shipyards.  

With all the PP Elf gave us, I'm sure most players would trade down to give you a fair fight.  I would anyway.



Now a question for Herr Burt.

Just what ships are we going to have??   There was a debate over whether PFs will be in the game.   What's the deal? I need to practice up in ships that will be on DOE. Anything else is a waste of my time.

Just wait until my SFC2 time can be spent killing SOS members instead of making a server.  Then I think you will find that the GDA has more than you can handle.  

As to the shiplist, there will be no PF's.  The time period of the campaign is from the Romulan invasions to the introduction of the PF, so those particular vessels will be playing the role of Sir Not Appearing in This Picture.  The new Rommie carriers and fighters, however, should give you your fill of expendables to play with.

For the 7.35 server, I would recommend flying with the hawk hulls and the older Eagle hulls.  These were the ships "in production" as the Romulans crossed the border.  In particular:

War Eagle
King Eagle

Carrier and escort versions of many of these ships will be available, but you'll have to wait a bit to see them.

-Herr Burt  

Rob Cole

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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2003, 10:33:10 am »
Sigh I guess I need to get on and meet a few of these SOS types.
It sounds like I am missing all the fun.


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2003, 10:39:21 am »

I was going to recommend this to you guys last night but forgot.  You definately need to bone up on thos non cheese ships as those are the ones you have to fly during the campaign for the longest time.  Maybe some of those non existant SPQR's can help with good/useless ships to pick/not pick.

Another problem you might run into trying to pick some of these ships to practice with is they might be too old to show in the shipyards.  

With all the PP Elf gave us, I'm sure most players would trade down to give you a fair fight.  I would anyway.

I agree 100%.   Time to start using the DD and CL hulls.  Something tells me I'll see a lot of them in DOE.

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2003, 01:57:07 pm »

I was going to recommend this to you guys last night but forgot.  You definately need to bone up on thos non cheese ships as those are the ones you have to fly during the campaign for the longest time.  Maybe some of those non existant SPQR's can help with good/useless ships to pick/not pick.

Snipe-B: This is Taldren's gift to the Romulans. She's the cheesiest FF in known space and available in '63 in a stock game. She can run at speed 28 while cloaked, fire the Torps on the RP/LP arcs, has good shielding and the phasers aren't all bad for the ship class. Herr burt didn't list this ship, most likely because the Romulans never really built it. I do hope he'll leave it in the list. It is a cheese ship but in D2 terms it's not a game breaker, just an alternative to our other putzy frigates.

BattleHawk: As destroyers go, this ship can be evil, when you don't need to face the western races. With the typical good all around shielding of the early ships, and 2 plasma-Gs, she can make short work of the Federation and Gorn destroyers of the period.

War Eagle: In GSA matches, the WE is a great ship. ESP. if you can get 2 or 3 of them together in a squadron. In D2, it's substandard. You'll find the Ambush/Ambushee mission nearly un-winnable unless either you or you opponent are willing to fight the odds. The convoy raider mission is a 50/50. if you get started in front of the convoy you have a chance, if not, just fly off the map. Convoy escort is a risk, because you need to fly a 1/2 speed just to keep pace with the ships your supposed to be protecting.

King Eagle: as CA's go, the only place this ship is lacking, is in PD and maneuverability. Against the Federation Eastern Fleet and the Gorn, you won't need those. I expect to see this ship well used during the campaign.

Skyhawk: A questionable improvement over the BattleHawk. It trades the great shielding and plas-Gs for phasers and plas-Fs with better arcs. The only varriant I would consider flying is the -L. A plas-G and 2 plas-Fs bring her just shy of CL teritory.

Sparrowhawk: This ship is typicaly avoided in D2 for it's lack of PD. As above, it won't be needed dor DOE. I think the SPH-A should end up being a good ship for us, and SPH-L will be a shining jem. (I've taken the SPH-L against F-BCFs and won). For those with good power management skills, the SPH-J may be worth the look.

[x]Hawks: Any Hawk you can put your hands on will do you proud. The FireHawks are the line S-Torp NCAs while the SuperHawk and the NovaHawk are NCC varriants, each better in terms of power and firepower. The RegalHawk NCA and RoyalHawk NCC are avoided by some players, because they don't like having only 1 primary torp that is bound to the FA arc. Get over that hurdle, and they'll do you proud.

Condor: I have never seen the base Romulan DN make a good showing of an even match. Too bulky. Pitiful PD. Mediocre power curve. Prohibitive cloak cost. Fewer phasers than a Federation NCA. A King Eagle with a pair of BattleHawks will outgun her, out run her, out phaser her, and out live her. For a third to a tenth of the PP cost.

The CON+ makes good gains, but the PRA and ROC are the first Condor class DNs that I would consider buying, and we shouldn't see them for this campaign.

There has been talk of re-classing the King Vulture as a BCH for pricing purposes. If Herr Burt does this, this ship should be highly prized for running base & planet busts. If not, then stick to the WE/KE/RGK/RHK for those missions.    


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2003, 02:52:46 pm »
What do the Gorn get?  ;-)


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2003, 03:14:35 pm »
Clothing I pray.



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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2003, 03:36:26 pm »

Clothing I pray.


Hey Korma jinn's a KAT of the world maybe you should take him shopping with you that way he can make surew you buy the right atire for DOE
Hell Iam sure hed pick up the bill too (being the gentleKAT he is )
Jinn's not like the rest of KAT and KOTH he understands a womans needs and loves shopping I think you should take him with you next time you go to the mall

Cmdr. Krotz

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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2003, 04:26:07 pm »


For the 7.35 server, I would recommend flying with the hawk hulls and the older Eagle hulls.  These were the ships "in production" as the Romulans crossed the border.  In particular:

War Eagle
King Eagle

Carrier and escort versions of many of these ships will be available, but you'll have to wait a bit to see them.

-Herr Burt  

No pooftas, okay, Kestrals in DOE?  


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2003, 06:59:21 pm »


Clothing I pray.


Hey Korma jinn's a KAT of the world maybe you should take him shopping with you that way he can make surew you buy the right atire for DOE
Hell Iam sure hed pick up the bill too (being the gentleKAT he is )
Jinn's not like the rest of KAT and KOTH he understands a womans needs and loves shopping I think you should take him with you next time you go to the mall  

Right then!

<J'inn leaves the ship's galley and moseys down to the munitions center.   He goes over to a storage locker, while whistling, and rummages through some stencals.  After geting the ones he wants, he grabs a can of red spray paint and walks over the the transporter bombs all lined up in their holders.   On each one he carefully spray paints the words:

 To Long Tooth with Love

Once done he brushes off his hands and moseys back to the ship's galley for a snack>



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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2003, 07:26:45 pm »



Clothing I pray.


Hey Korma jinn's a KAT of the world maybe you should take him shopping with you that way he can make surew you buy the right atire for DOE
Hell Iam sure hed pick up the bill too (being the gentleKAT he is )
Jinn's not like the rest of KAT and KOTH he understands a womans needs and loves shopping I think you should take him with you next time you go to the mall  

Right then!

<J'inn leaves the ship's galley and moseys down to the munitions center.   He goes over to a storage locker, while whistling, and rummages through some stencals.  After geting the ones he wants, he grabs a can of red spray paint and walks over the the transporter bombs all lined up in their holders.   On each one he carefully spray paints the words:

 To Long Tooth with Love

Once done he brushes off his hands and moseys back to the ship's galley for a snack>




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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2003, 11:17:24 pm »
here's the clincher:

KCR- I play rom

no KCR- I go Bruce


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2003, 11:20:10 pm »
Better get your barney costume ready.   The KCR would be a very edition to the Rom fleet  about 8 years after their start of the war or more.  So I wouldn't count on it.


here's the clincher:

KCR- I play rom

no KCR- I go Bruce  


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2003, 02:31:04 am »

here's the clincher:

KCR- I play rom

no KCR- I go Bruce  

Judging by your avatar, I thought you'd be happy in a War Eagle....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: Tastes Like Chicken (and a question for Herr Burt)
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2003, 08:50:50 am »
true, however, how many feds are going to stay in their CA's, CL's and DD's?  Not to mention Bruce + WE = BOOM, no matter what hull (except MAYBE FF)