Topic: Do you have what it takes to be HardCORE ? PART II - IMPORTANT UPDATE !!!  (Read 3612 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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Let is not be said that XenoCorp doesn't listen to feedback...

XenoCorp Strategic Simulations is proud to present the new and improved OP Plus HardCORE 4.0!!

Download it HERE

With the following features:

1. 350 Kb download:

The main complaint regarding HardCORE was it's huge file size - 63 MB. Since everyone has OP Plus 4.0 anywho, we realized we could just require you to have OP Plus installed, and then just swap the shiplists! So now it's a TINY download, less than 350 KILOBYTES, and it DOES NOT require you to uninstall OP Plus 4.0 Standard Edition first - now we require OP Plus 4.0 Standard installed before installing OP Plus 4.0 XenoCorp HardCORE Edition - either version should work, models or no models.

2. Built in shiplist swapper!
That's right, now you can switch to OP Plus 4.0 Standard, XenoCorp HardCORE Edition, and even the STOCK 2552 shiplist with just a few clicks! Just look for the XC HardCORE Configurator in your Start Menu after installing and never wonder what shiplist you're using again.

3. Streamlined Installer :

Nothing else to install, so the "Update Lyran ESG Loop" fix that seemed to result in some individuals loosing game sound after install - FIXED !!

4. It's got the friggin XC BattleCow!!!!!

'Nuff said!!!!

So, now there is NO REASON to not download and install the new OP Plus 4.0 XenoCorp HardCORE edition. Who knows, you might actually enjoy flying a realistic, honest to goodness Captain's shiplist and learn something besides mashing <SHIFT> <Z>.

I dare someone to give us one good reason not to install HardCORE.....

« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 08:48:32 am by FA_Frey_XC »
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Offline JackSparrowJive

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Hey, sorry to sound stupid, but I just started playing again, so I need to know exactly what I need to download to be able to play this. All I have on my comp atm is a fresh cd install of OP. What all do I need to download(patches, etc) to be able to log on your server and play? Thnx for the help!

Offline Magnum357

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I play a LOT of GSA games with Standard 4.0 version, what makes hardcore so much different then Standard version.  I'm considering trying Hardcore, but would like to know why I should play it if its only has minor differences to Standard version?

Also, my version of Standard 4.0 is without the models (my CPU is old and it runs a lot better with just the stock models), would installing Hardcore have any problems for us users that just use the "No models" version of 4.0?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline FA Frey XC

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Magnum, that's a great question.

First, let me answer this - all you need to install HardCORE is OP PLus 4.0 Standard - EITHER version.

FireSoul was brilliant in that for the no-models version of OP Plus, he copied the standard models into the paths that OP PLus 4.0 Standard uses for it's models.

So, installing HardCORE OP Plus 4.0 HardCORE Edition should be just fine with the no-models version.

What is HardCORE?

It's a play-balanced, no fluff, no BS shiplist. It's a shiplist that represents more accurately the ships that were available during the General Wars in SFB. Advanced Era ships, including the 1st generations, are where they should be - in Advanced Era.  While FireSoul's OP Plus 4.0 Standard is a "complete" shiplist in that he wanted to include as many ships from the different Captain's Logs and Modules from SFB, OP Plus 4.0 HardCORE edition is a "production" shiplist - you pick from ships that would be actually USED in SFB. A lot of the unbalanced, cheesy stuff has been removed, so you actually have to fly strategically, instead of picking the cheesiest ship with any given BPV. It encourages building your Captaining skills, and it's especially good for Fleet training.

The coolest thing about our new installer? You install OP Plus 4.0 Standard, then HardCORE edition, and viola, you've got the COMPLETE OP PLUS 4.0 COLLECTION. Check out this screen shot of the HardCORE configurator :

Here you can see that the HardCORE configurator allows you to switch between OP PLus 4.0 Standard, HardCORE, and the STOCK shiplist. On GSA and want to play OP Plus 4.0 Standard? NO problems, just run the configurator, and BAM ! See a bunch of us XC on GSA running HardCORE and wanna see what the deal is all about? Run the HardCORE configurator and BAM! 4-5 seconds later your ready to go.

Also, another nifty thing about HardCORE is the uninstaller - OP Plus 4.0 XC HardCORE Edition is modding friendly - check out this screenshot:

As you can see, our uninstaller gives you the option to either restore OP 4.0 Standard, or the shiplist you were using when you installed HardCORE. This means if you had a customized version of OP Plus 4.0 (perhaps you have different models or something else), you can restore those as they are backed up during the install.

It's all about the game, baby !!

So take a look and let me know what you think.


« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 08:18:28 am by FA_Frey_XC »
Vice President of Technology,
Dynaverse Gaming Association
Owner, CEO XenoCorp Inc.