I guess I was always on the unpopular side liking stock SFC Gorn ships over the SFB ones. With that said, I really like what you've done here. It's a good job and I'm pretty sure I'll use it if given the chance.
i even don't like those ugly SFB Gorn designs
I barely even heard of SFB until I bought SFC1 and found the SimXtreme forums (the original this forum came from) and always thought that the SFC1 (and EAW and OP) stock Gorn ships were designed after the SFB ones, because I never saw much SFB at all.
The first time I saw a SFB Gorn ship was on the SFC forums and boy was I shocked at the difference. It seems the SFB artists used the Starfleet saucer as a basic template!
I think a long time ago, I almost got flamed in either the original or the Taldren forums for saying I like the Interplay Gorns a whole lot more!