Just though I'd share my point of view from a rant with former and fellow Wisconsinite beer consumers
Do not berate the significant contribution to civilization made by the Al can!
1) Lower aspect ratio and more stable than bottles results in decreased "sonofabitch I knocked over my beer" incidents.
2) Just try crushing a bottle on your forehead....
3) Employs millions to clean our dumpsters and beaches of empties without the clanking noise of bottle-filled bags
4) More fun! Clear bottles only lets you actually see which was shaken by your friends
5) Promotes increase in wildlife intelligence through natural selection: Stoopid birds eliminated by six-pack plastic holders
6) Less likelihood of busting you teeth by bottle impact as your drunkitudeness increases
7) Scattered empty cans pose a lower slip-fall hazard than bottles

Impossible for some nimrod to make a giant mess by picking off the labels
9) Fight safety: impossible to be killed by a broken aluminum can in a bar fight
and finally
10) Freshness dating on the can bottom!