Since the other thread is locked, I will start a new thread regarding banning IPs of those with connection issues.
First, I think it is beyond draconian to insist (then enforce/cajole via banning) on exposing people's systems to any manner of intrusion. This has never been an issue on any server that I know of in the past to any significant degree that enforcing connectivity has been necessary. People dropping is a nuisance at best. I could also give a rat's ass what the net intelligentia on this forum claim about the security on playing on a server with a firewall down. I personally have not played with a firewall for quite some time as doing so did not allow me to connect properly to the server. It's not as if I am advocating firewalls to any degree. To me, this is hardly the issue at hand. Be the facts as they may, it is not up to us to determine and force people into actions that they may feel jeopardize their security whether it is actually the case or not. I doubt the server admin or the dynaverse governing body will be recompensing anyone that suffers damage to his or her system and/or data via a net attack however unlikely.
Second, what I find offensive is insisting upon asking people to do something which they may not be comfortable with and that this insistance is further backed-up with the cudgel-wielding server admin that will ban folks for having "connectivity issues". To me, this has always been a community and as such, I am afraid, I will have to insist that any such rules that will potentially deny access to servers that would not exist without the community, that these kind of rules be up for public debate and that it is dependent upon the will of the community and not a rogue server admin how such connectivity issues will be handled. I do not believe it should be the role of the server admin to determine policies that effect something as basic as access to a server, especially if the dynaverse campaign runs on the actual physical server that hosts most public dynaverse servers.
Third, I find it offensive the manner in which this particular rule was announced to the community. It was basically a "do this or else and to hell with those who don't do as I say". I find that manner of communicating to be rude, and considering the source, emblematic of over-blown egotism that has no place in such a small community of players. As I said previously, there are any number of other servers waiting in the wings. Those who feel they are being brow-beaten as opposed to reasoned-with certainly have my full support in boycotting any server that would enforce the proposed banning policy without a frank discussion within the community about whether it is reasonable to insist that people open up their systems to any manner of attack, no matter how unlikely, if they do not wish to.
Finally, I find it no great disgrace to myself to suggest a boycott. As the community becomes smaller and smaller, it is first of all incumbent upon us to have an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere and not to dictate to anyone the terms for participlating in our little world and second, as the community becomes smaller and smaller, the will of the community becomes more and more important as each person holds more of a stake in the life of the community. If we were thousands, arbitrary decisions of this sort might not matter as much as those who are affected are relatively faceless and unknown, but as our circle tightens decisions are likely to effect those we know very directly and that is where and when we must be most accountable to the community, when the effects are known, direct, and frankly, in this small group, personal.
Repeated (though veiled) personal attack removed - I'm giving you a break here Lepton.
Warning for repeated, though veiled personal attack.