O HELL NO!!! I may be an astro major but thats really only because i want to be an astronaught
. before that i will be a F-22 driver
That would be a cool job- driving the F-22...
Being the guy that moves the plane around on the tarmac so the pilot doesn't waste his time with stupid stuff...
I mean, yeah, you'll be like the military equivalent of a water boy, but someone has to do it, right?
Too bad you can't be a pilot though...

Maybe Tus will get a case of the arselike that tank driver a few years ago and take the F-22 for a spin in the burbs and on the freeway!

We could sit and watch all the cars and trucks have their paint jobs melted off just by the exhaust alone.

BTW, it has happened, that is why we changed the engines and fuel of the M-1 Abrams. It had a nasty habit of screwing up peoples' auto paint jobs at it cruised by the motorpool.
Tankers had it made in 2 aspects, one is that you hardly had to get out of your vehicle except to piss or take a dump or eat hot chow, or at the wash rack, and two, they had some of the best heating systems in the U.S. Army. The M-113 Med track had a badarse heater, but they tended to go out often, which was a deadline according to army regs. Of course, it did not stop us from going to the field, as we were told "Just put a bunch of blankets over your patients."